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  • 27 Feb 2023 10:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Librarian I, Project Archivist
    University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC)

    Location: Prince George, British Columbia
    Compensation:   $70,602 - $77,202, Full-Time, Term (1-Year)
    Posting: #FALI03-22 arc

    Located in the spectacular landscape of northern British Columbia, UNBC is one of Canada's best small universities. We have a passion for teaching, discovery, people, the environment, and the North.

    UNBC provides outstanding undergraduate and graduate learning opportunities that explore cultures, health, economies, sciences, and the environment. As one of BC's research-intensive universities, we bring the excitement of new knowledge to our students, and the outcomes of our teaching and research to the world. In addition to fostering and celebrating academic excellence, UNBC is a welcoming place, with a learning environment that is friendly, inclusive, and supportive.

    UNBC is a university both in and for the North. This mission has instilled a strong sense of ownership, purpose, and adventure among our students, alumni, faculty, staff, and the communities we serve. We are also Canada's Green University™, leading the way to a more sustainable future for all.
    Description and Duties    Geoffrey R. Weller Library

    The University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) invites applications for a Term position in the Northern BC Archives & Special Collections, a unit of the Geoffrey R. Weller Library, at the rank of Librarian I, with proposed starting date of May 1, 2023. As an institution committed to the fostering of an inclusive and transformative learning environment, UNBC values high quality and growth in both teaching and scholarship.

    Reporting to the Interim University Librarian and working closely with Northern BC Archives archivists, the Project Archivist's primary responsibilities will be centered on the facilitation of the "Archival Education Kits Development Project" throughout the first 12-months of its planned 22-month development period. The Project Archivist will research, develop, and test four subject-specific Education Kits for post-secondary learners, as well as an accompanying "Guide to Learning" for these four kits which will assist students, instructors, and community users in how to utilize the developed kits.

    These Education Kits will encompass the following four subject-specific areas:

    1) Using Photographs as Primary Sources;
    2) Women's History in Northern BC;
    3) Northern BC Environmental History; and
    4) Northern BC Transportation & Community Development.

    Position Responsibilities

    • Apply historical and archival research methodologies into NBCA holdings to identify relevant subject-specific materials to be included in Education Kits;
    • Consideration and implementation of the Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy (SAA-ACRL), the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education (ACRL), and the  Visual Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education (ACRL);
    • Build extensible curriculum plan in close consultation with UNBC humanities faculty to support a variety of academic disciplines in teaching inductive reasoning and critical-thinking skills to a post-secondary audience;
    • Develop four subject-specific Education Kits for post-secondary learners;
    • Identify suitable archival materials for reproduction and inclusion in both online and physical Education Kits;
    • Create a "Guide to Learning" to assist students, instructors, and community users on how to utilize the developed kits;
    • Test 4 post-secondary Education Kits and associated "Guide to Learning" within post-secondary classroom settings and improve accordingly;
    • Rehouse archival materials and conduct basic preservation activities on Project-related materials as needed;
    • Create access to any unprocessed Project-related archival records as required for inclusion in the Education Kits in accordance with the Canadian Rules for Archival Description, as time permits;
    • Prepare a comprehensive dossier of relevant developed/identified materials for Education student archives assistants for their work on "curriculum translation" of these 4 post-secondary Education kits into content suitable for elementary and secondary learners;
    • Select and digitize materials for incorporation into Education Kits, using digital access platforms AtoM and/or Institutional Repository (Arca);
    • Perform copyright clearance for all items selected for incorporation in Education Kits;
    • Provide archival reference service as needed; and
    • Provide archival instruction as needed.


    • Applicants for this position should hold either a Master of Archival Studies (MAS), a Master of Information Studies (MIS) with specialization in archives from an ALA-accredited institution, or equivalent accreditation in archival information science with 1 or more years of related experience preferably in an academic environment.
    • Applicants with a background in the disciplines of History and/or Education, specifically with experience in curriculum development, are also strongly encouraged to apply.
    • The successful candidate must demonstrate excellent oral and written communication skills and be proficient in archival and historical research.
    • The ideal candidate will also have demonstrated experience in finding aid and metadata creation, copyright review, and reference and instruction services, preferably in an academic setting.

    Our Commitment to Diversity and Employment Equity

    The University of Northern British Columbia is fully committed to creating and maintaining an equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment that is accessible to all. We are devoted to ensuring a welcoming, safe, and inclusive campus free from harassment, bullying, and discrimination. This commitment is woven into our motto and mission. In the Dakelh language, UNBC's motto 'En Cha Huná translates to "he/she/they also live" and means respect for all living things. Through the respect for all living things, we are able to grow and learn better together, each bringing our own unique individual differences and contributions to inspire leaders for tomorrow by influencing the world today.

    Employment equity requires that we remove barriers and overcome both direct and indirect discrimination. In this way, the pool of excellent candidates increases substantially. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person

    About the University and its Community

    Since its founding in 1990, the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) has emerged as one of Canada's best small research-intensive universities, with a passion for teaching, discovery, people, and the North. UNBC's excellence is derived from community-inspired research, hands-on learning, and alumni who are leading change around the world.

    Since time immemorial, Indigenous peoples have walked gently on the diverse traditional territories where the University of Northern British Columbia community is grateful to live, work, learn, and play. We are committed to building and nurturing relationships with Indigenous peoples, we acknowledge their traditional lands, and we thank them for their hospitality. UNBC's largest campus in Prince George is located on the traditional unceded territory of the Lheidli T'enneh, in the spectacular landscape near the geographic centre of beautiful British Columbia.

    UNBC's three regional campuses are located in Quesnel, Fort St. John, and Terrace. The South-Central campus in Quesnel is situated on the traditional territory of the Lhtako Dené (Red Bluff Band), Nazko, Lhoosk'uz Dené Nation (Kluskus Band), and Esdilagh First Nations (formerly Alexandria Band). Lhtako, Nazko, and Lhoosk'uz are Dakelh First Nations, and Esdilagh is a member of the Tsilhqot'in Nation. The Peace River-Liard campus in Fort St. John is situated on the traditional territory of the Doig River, Blueberry River and Halfway River First Nations. They are the Dunne-Za people. The Northwest campus in Terrace is situated on traditional Ts'msyen (Tsimshian) territory of the Kitsumkalum and Kitselas First Nations. It includes a satellite campus in the coastal community of Prince Rupert.  

    UNBC consistently ranks in the top three in its category in the annual Maclean's university rankings. UNBC also recently placed among the top five per cent of higher education institutions worldwide by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings.  

    With a diverse student population, the University is friendly, inclusive, and supportive. Prince George is a city of ~74,000 people with impressive cultural, educational, and recreational amenities. For more information about living and working in Prince George, please refer to and Make your mark with this leading post-secondary institution.
    Application information

    Applicants should forward the following documents to or mail to Office of the Provost quoting the posting number (#FALI03-22 arc):

    • cover letter indicating potential contributions to the Program;
    • curriculum vitae;
    • a brief statement of teaching approaches and research program;
    • the names and addresses of three references (including telephone and email information); and
    • the Statement of Eligibility to Work in Canada form, which can be found here:

    Voluntary Form: the Self-Identification from, which can be found here:

    Persons with disabilities, who anticipate needing accommodation for any part of the application and hiring process, may contact UNBC Health & Wellbeing at  Any personal information provided will be maintained in confidence.

    Mail Submissions: Office of the Provost, University of Northern British Columbia

    • 3333 University Way, Prince George, B.C., V2N 4Z9
    • Email Submissions:
    • Inquiries: Dr. Trina Fyfe, Interim University Librarian
    • (250) 960-6612

    All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. We thank all applicants for their interest in UNBC however, only those applicants selected for further consideration will be contacted.

    Applications received on or before March 23, 2023, will receive full consideration; however, applications will be accepted until the position is filled.  

    Application Webpage (URL):

    Application Deadline: March 23, 2023


    UNBC University of Northern British Columbia

  • 23 Feb 2023 10:23 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Archiviste I, audiovisuel
    CRCCF, Université d'Ottawa

    Location: Ottawa, ON
    Compensation: $65,809-$83,129

    Le CRCCF s'intéresse à la société et à la culture des communautés francophones de l'Amérique du Nord d'hier et d'aujourd'hui. Il mène des activités de recherche et de diffusion du savoir en plus de conserver et de mettre en valeur une riche collection de ressources documentaires.

    L'Université d'Ottawa - Un carrefour d'idées et de cultures

    L'Université d'Ottawa compte une communauté dynamique de plus de 50 000 étudiants, professeurs et employés administratifs qui vivent, travaillent et étudient en français et en anglais. Notre campus est un véritable carrefour des cultures et des idées, où les esprits audacieux se rassemblent pour relancer le débat et faire naître des idées transformatrices. Nous croyons au pouvoir de la représentation, et que l'augmentation de la diversité de notre corps professoral et de notre personnel administratif soutient cet objectif. Notre but est d'offrir aux étudiants la meilleure expérience d'apprentissage possible, dans un environnement qui reflète la diversité de ses membres, de leurs idées et de leurs identités.

    Nous sommes l'une des 10 meilleures universités de recherche du Canada ; nos professeurs et chercheurs explorent de nouvelles façons de relever les défis d'aujourd'hui. Classée parmi les 200 meilleures universités du monde, l'Université d'Ottawa attire les plus brillants penseurs et est ouverte à divers points de vue provenant de partout dans le monde. Nos employées et employés sont animés par un objectif commun d'amélioration continue, de croissance personnelle, d'excellence du service, de travail d'équipe et d'une passion pour l'apprentissage avec le désir de faire de l'Université d'Ottawa et du monde un endroit meilleur. Nous reconnaissons la valeur et la contribution de chacun et chacune pour appuyer la renommée internationale de notre établissement. Mais par-dessous tout, nous vous offrons la possibilité de réaliser votre plein potentiel. À l'Université d'Ottawa, vous avez votre place!

    Description and Duties   

    • Les fonctions du poste se feront uniquement en français. Le candidat doit démontrer une excellente maîtrise de la langue française (parler et écrite).
    • Dans ce rôle, vous aurez les responsabilités suivantes:
    • Assurer le développement du secteur des documents audiovisuels et en planifier les activités : analyser les besoins du secteur et recommander les équipements, logiciels et fournitures nécessaires; en collaboration avec la responsable des archives, définir les objectifs du secteur et les moyens d'action pour les atteindre
    • Organiser, coordonner et réaliser les activités du secteur des documents audiovisuels en matière de traitement archivistique (évaluation et sélection, acquisition, classification, description, indexation, diffusion, préservation), conformément aux principes, aux règles et aux méthodes établies en archivistique, aux politiques, aux règlements, aux procédures et aux pratiques en usage au Centre, et dans le respect des lois provinciales et fédérales.
    • Développer des instruments de recherche et des banques de données de manière à intégrer les documents audiovisuels aux systèmes de référence des archives du Centre et à en maximiser la diffusion.
    • Coordonner et vérifier les transferts de documents audiovisuels et leur reconditionnement, conformément aux principes et aux méthodes archivistiques, et assurer la migration des documents audiovisuels lorsque demandé.


    Les fonctions du poste se feront uniquement en français. Le candidat doit démontrer une excellente maîtrise de la langue française (parler et écrite).

    Ce que vous apportez:

    • Diplôme universitaire en archivistique, en bibliothéconomie ou en sciences de l'information ou dans un domaine connexe et 3 années d'expérience dans un poste similaire ou une combinaison d'études et d'expérience.
    • Connaissance des RDDA (Règles pour la description des documents d'archives) et des types d'instruments de recherche (guide, répertoire, inventaire, système de gestion de base de données, etc.).
    • Connaissance des logiciels (FileMaker Pro, AtoM) et des environnements technologiques d'usage courant.
    • Connaissance des lois fédérales et provinciales touchant les archives (Loi sur le droit d'auteur, Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels, Loi sur les Archives publiques et la conservation des documents, etc.).
    • Excellentes habiletés de rédaction en langue française.
    • Aptitudes organisationnelles, à travailler sous pression et à rencontrer des échéanciers stricts.
    • Aptitude pour le travail demandant de la précision et de la minutie.
    • Autonomie et débrouillardise.
    • Bonne vision, dextérité manuelle et force physique suffisante pour déplacer les boîtes (20kg maximum).
    • Bilinguisme (expression orale et écrite).

    Les fonctions du poste se feront uniquement en français. Le candidat doit démontrer une excellente maîtrise de la langue française (parler et écrite).
    Bienvenue à l'ouverture de session de votre profil de carrière, qui vous permettra de soumettre votre candidature aux postes qui vous intéressent!

    Si vous êtes un nouvel utilisateur, votre première étape sera de créer un profil de carrière, que vous pourrez ré-utiliser chaque fois que vous soumettrez votre candidature pour un poste à l'Université d'Ottawa. Vous pourrez aussi ouvrir une session afin de mettre votre profil de carrière à jour. En créant votre profil de carrière, il ne sera plus nécessaire de compléter une nouvelle demande d'emploi chaque fois que vous appliquerez pour un poste.

    Application Webpage (URL):

    Application Deadline: 5 mars 2023

    Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-francaise, Université d'Ottawa Logo uOttawa

  • 21 Feb 2023 10:38 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Archivist Assistant
    City of Thunder Bay

    Location: Thunder Bay, Ontario
    Compensation: CAD $58,747.15/Yr. - CAD $66,758.12/Yr.

    The City of Thunder Bay Archives, Records & Privacy section is part of the Office of the City Clerk. The section identifies, preserves, and provides access to the permanent records of the City of Thunder Bay, operates a corporate records management system, coordinates freedom of information requests, addresses privacy issues, and supports and coordinates the City's Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee.

    Thunder Bay is the 10th largest city in Ontario, and with a population of 125,000 it is the largest metropolitan centre in Northwestern Ontario. It has an international airport that features several daily fights from Air Canada, WestJet, and Porter Airlines. It is the cultural centre of Northwestern Ontario with an Art Gallery that features one of the best collections of aboriginal art in Canada, a university (Lakehead), a college (Confederation), a professional theatre company, a world class community auditorium that features performances by top Canadian and international acts, a symphony orchestra, and an annual three day Blues Festival. Located on the shores of Lake Superior, Thunder Bay is surrounded by breathtaking scenery and unparalleled opportunities for canoeing and hiking that make it a centre for outdoor adventure tourism.

    Thunder Bay hosted the Jeux Canada Games in 1981, the World Nordic Games in 1995, the World Junior Baseball Championship in 2010, and the Special Olympics Ontario Winter Games in 2011, and the Archives Association of Ontario (AAO) Conference in 2011 and 2016.

    For more information visit


    Under the general supervision of the City Archivist, participates in the operation of the City Archives and the corporate records management program in accordance with the established Divisional procedures, Records Retention By-law and current government legislation, including the Municipal Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.


    • Documents and maintains records transferred from City departments and agencies for retention in the Records Centre and Archives.
    • Sorts, arranges, and describes records, which have been scheduled for permanent retention in the City Archives.
    • Retrieves records for City departments and agencies and responds to all categories of research requests.
    • Reviews and processes the Destruction Authorization documentation, verifying the documentation and maintaining the destruction process.
    • Participates in the development, production, revision, and implementation of records authority schedules.
    • Provides training to City departments and agencies.
    • Prepares documents for imaging; undertakes imaging as required; screens the processed product to ensure quality, and maintains documentation.
    • Performs clerical functions related to records management/archives; processes payments and has responsibility for balancing and processing funds received within City Archives.
    • Participates in the production of the Directory of Corporate Records and Personal Information banks.
    • Provides support in the administration of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
    • Participates in the administration process and election tabulation procedures for Municipal and School Division elections.
    • Performs other such related duties as may be assigned.


    • Diploma in records and information management or a diploma from a recognized archives technician program or related field; or
    • Equivalent combination of education and experience
    • Must have knowledge of digitization
    • Familiarity with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
    • Familiarity with the Rules for Archival Description


    • Must be at a basic skill level in word processing and spreadsheet software
    • Ability to identify, understand, and meet/exceed the requirements of internal and external customers
    • Ability to operate a work assist vehicle lift truck
    • Competent within the meaning of the Occupational Health & Safety Act


    • Must be comfortable with working at heights and physically able and willing to lift and retrieve file boxes, books and other archival material, weighing up to 40 lbs (some retrieval may require the use of a safety ladder and/or a work assist vehicle lift truck)
    • Must be willing to undertake further archival and records management training, as required
    • May be required to travel to various work locations and provide own transportation
    • Must take an Oath of Secrecy

    Apply Online

    Application Webpage (URL):

    Application Deadline: February 27, 2023

    City of Thunder Bay Logo Superior by Nature - image of bird eating r in Thunder - outline.

  • 15 Feb 2023 12:41 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Archives Technician
    McMaster University

    Location: Hamilton, ON
    Compensation: $26.14 - $39.35 (hourly)

    Ranked as one of the world's Top 100 universities, McMaster University is devoted to the cultivation of human potential, realized through our innovative educational programs, cutting-edge research, and the diverse students, faculty, staff and alumni who make up the McMaster family. Dedicated to creating a Brighter World, we recognize that our people are our most valuable resource. Those who join McMaster will find a community of talented individuals who are inspired by the university's commitment to embodying the values of integrity, quality, inclusiveness and teamwork. It is through these talented individuals, their creativity and drive for results that McMaster University has earned its reputation as being Canada's most innovative university.

    The Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), the largest Faculty within McMaster, has an unwavering commitment to collaboration, strategic partnerships, accountability, innovation, excellence, integrity and optimism. Our pioneering approaches to education and our reputation for world-class research has consistently placed McMaster among the top 50 universities in the world for health and medicine.  The Faculty enjoys close relationships with its academic hospital partners, as well as strong collaborations with researchers in Canada and around the world.

    Description and Duties    

    Located within the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Health Sciences Library has played a central role in supporting health research and promoting student learning for more than 50 years.  

    Our commitment to lifelong and interdisciplinary learning has allowed us to build one of the most sought-after learning and collaboration spaces on campus.  Established in 1974, the Library's Health Sciences Archives holds over 300 metres of records documenting the fascinating history of the health sciences in Hamilton over the past two centuries.

    Our collection contains information on a diverse range of topics including: the history of public health and medicine in Canada, the evolution of medical education, hospital architecture, the development of midwifery and nursing education, healthcare during wartime, the treatment of disease, and, developments in women's and children's healthcare. This rich collection is widely sought after by researchers around the world.

    Job Summary:

    Reporting to the HSL Archivist, the Archives Technician will be responsible for supporting a full range of archival functions, including accessioning new acquisitions, arranging and describing records, digital preservation activities, digitization, reference support, records retrieval and re-shelving, supplies maintenance, fulfilling copy orders, exhibition curation, supervision of student workers, and other administrative tasks.

    Purpose and Key Functions:

    • Receive and accession new acquisitions according to internal procedures.
    • Maintain physical control over archives storage by entering accurate storage locations in the archives database, determining where new acquisitions should be shelved, and coordinating the retrieval and re-shelving of archives and other material in the archives collections.
    • Conduct the physical processing of archival collections including, but not limited to, re-housing materials and sorting and listing files.
    • Make appraisal for selection recommendations to the supervisor regarding the retention value of records within a collection and whether to keep, destroy, or return to donor.
    • In consultation with supervisor, arrange archives into comprehensive series that are intelligible to researchers and follow archival principles and theories.
    • Conduct research to discover information about unidentified archival records and develop an understanding of the historical context for collections.
    • Synthesize information from a variety of reliable resources to write administrative histories and biographical sketches.
    • Write archival descriptions according to standardized formats and ensure their availability in electronic form.
    • Digitize archival material in various formats and maintain metadata in accordance with internal procedures.
    • Identify sensitive material and consult with supervisor regarding restrictions.
    • Remain current with new rules and processes for archival descriptions and practices.
    • Provide research help services to researchers including reference interviews via phone, e-mail, and in person regarding the collections at the archives and related materials internal or external to the
    • University. Refer particularly complex inquiries to supervisor.
    • Conduct web and database searches for archival material.
    • Receive and resolve complaints regarding archival services. Escalate complaints to supervisor when necessary.
    • Follow standard procedures to assist patrons in difficult situations by referring them to Security Services.
    • Responsible for unlocking and opening the archives' spaces, for monitoring while researchers are present to prevent accidental damage, vandalism, and theft of archival collections, and ensuring all patrons have exited the space prior to locking.
    • Fulfill photocopying and digitization requests from researchers and coordinate their delivery
    • Document reference interactions according to internal procedures.
    • Train, supervise, and direct the work of work-study student employees, including monitoring the progress and quality of the work being completed.
    • Support the supervisor with training, supervising, and directing the work of interns and new employees.
    • Prepare documents outlining internal work-flows and procedures.
    • Assist with curating physical and virtual exhibitions featuring holdings from the archives and History of
    • Health and Medicine collection.
    • Support digital preservation activities.
    • Perform basic preservation and conservation activities, such as, encapsulation, cleaning and repair on a wide variety of material.
    • Maintain and order archival and other supplies.
    • Contribute to the creation of content to promote the archives' collections and projects for a variety of sources including social media.
    • Provide tours of the archives to students, researchers, and other visitors.


    • Bachelor's degree in a relevant field.
    • 2 year Community College diploma in Library and Information Technology, including at least one course in archives or special collections.
    • Requires 3 years of relevant experience.

    The successful candidate will have/be able to demonstrate the following:

    • Knowledge of archival concepts, such as provenance and original order
    • Familiarity with archival descriptive standards, such as RAD (Rules for Archival Description)
    • A strong attention to detail and ability to handle repetitive work with a high degree of accuracy
    • Proficiency in general office equipment and multiple computer software applications, including MS Windows, MS Office Suite
    • Ability to work independently in a diverse and fast-paced academic environment
    • High level of communication, interpersonal, customer relations, and conflict resolution skills
    • Strong time-management and organizational skills
    • Ability to maintain a high level of confidentiality
    • Ability to communicate policies with empathy, respect, and diplomacy
    • An understanding of Canadian copyright and privacy legislation is an asset

    Further, this role has the following physical effort considerations: 

    • Essential functions require ability to use a computer on a regular basis
    • Extended periods of intense concentration and attention to detail and accuracy of all data entry
    • Essential functions may require maintaining physical condition necessary for standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time and bending, crouching, and lifting to retrieve and re-shelve records.
    • Lifting up to 40 pounds. Some lifting is overhead due to height of storage shelves.

    Application information

    To apply for this job, please submit your application online at

    Deadline: March 12th, 2023

    McMaster University logo shield two maple leafs with bird image.

  • 10 Feb 2023 9:14 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Contract Archivist
    Heritage Professionals

    Location: National Capital Region
    Compensation: $32-$40 hr.

    Heritage Professionals (HP) is a heritage consulting firm situated in Toronto. It was established in early 2012 and specializes in a variety of different heritage services in the areas of archives, information management and curatorial work. For more details, please consult the corporate website below.

    Description and Duties 

    Heritage Professionals is seeking two archivists to take part in a project for our Ottawa-based client, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW). This initiative represents phase II of a two-year project.

    The first phase involved archiving 90 linear metres of records housed in CUPW's archival room in the HQ building. The materials that were deemed archival were arranged, preserved, and described according to archival standards, captured within the Union's InMagic database, and moved to their new state-of-the-art, purpose-built archival facility in Nepean.

    This initiative will involve appraising, selecting, arranging, processing, preserving, and describing approximately 120 linear metres of records - in a variety of media and formats - recently transferred from HQ and some of their regional offices. The work will be carried out in a professional manner and in accordance with archival standards.

    The archivists will report to the HP President and project manager, Ellen Scheinberg, who will be available to provide guidance to staff, oversee quality control, and ensure that the project is progressing according to the timeline. A senior archivist will be on site to provide expertise and answer any archival questions that arise. Our special advisor, Iona McCraith, will be involved in providing her expertise when it comes to preservation and conservation issues. The project will be conducted from March to November 2023 at CUPW's archival facility, located on Colonnade Road in Nepean. The contract is full-time and will run for approximately eight to nine months.

    Successful applicants may be relied on for future initiatives undertaken by Heritage Professionals. The client has also expressed a commitment to creating a permanent position after the project ends. The archivists involved would be considered first for this opportunity.


    The preferred candidates will have a completed master's degree in Archival Studies, Information Studies, or the equivalent in regard to background, training and experience in the field. The individuals will also have a minimum of three to ten years of practical archival experience.

    Some of the required qualifications, skills, and characteristics that the successful candidates should possess include:

    • Familiarity with and expertise in the areas of archival appraisal, selection, preservation, arrangement, and description;
    • Experience working with textual and graphic materials. Some exposure to AV materials and artefacts would be an asset;
    • Knowledge of the Rules for Archival Description (RAD) and experience arranging and describing records at all levels (fonds to item) according to RAD;  
    • Proven expertise working with Microsoft Suite software and experience with archival databases such as DB Textworks would be beneficial;
    • Ability to lift boxes and items up to 30 lbs;
    • Strong communication - both oral and written -- and time management skills;
    • Be detail oriented and have a commitment to accuracy;
    • Comfort working with a team as well as the ability to take and respond effectively to feedback and direction from above;
    • Facility to conduct work in an independent fashion and take initiative when required;
    • Proven capacity to resolve problems effectively and manage multiple tasks at once.


    The salary base for the successful candidates will range from $32 to $40 an hour and will be commensurate with their credentials and experience.

    Health & Safety Provisions

    Staff are expected to always act in a safe manner and ensure that those around them do not put themselves or others at risk. Safety is everyone's responsibility. This includes protocols around the coronavirus virus - vaccinations, personal spacing, masking and isolation when ill -- depending on external mandates.

    How to Apply

    Please submit a cover letter and resume with a minimum of three references via email by 5 pm (EST), 28 February 2023.

    Heritage Professionals
    Attention: Ellen Scheinberg, President/Principal
    Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.
    Application Deadline: February 28, 2023


    Heritage Professionals logo

  • 10 Feb 2023 9:06 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Contract Archivist
    Heritage Professionals

    Location: National Capital Region, Ontario
    Compensation: $26 -$ 32 hr.

    Heritage Professionals (HP) is a heritage consulting firm situated in Toronto. It was established in early 2012 and specializes in a variety of different heritage services in the areas of archives, information management and curatorial work. For more details, please consult the corporate website below.

    Description and Duties 

    Heritage Professionals is seeking two archivists to take part in a project for our Ottawa-based client, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW). This initiative represents phase II of a two-year project.

    The first phase involved archiving 90 linear metres of records housed in CUPW's archival room in the HQ building. The materials that were deemed archival were arranged, preserved, and described according to archival standards, captured within the Union's InMagic database, and moved to their new state-of-the-art, purpose-built archival facility in Nepean.

    This initiative will involve appraising, selecting, arranging, processing, preserving, and describing approximately 120 linear metres of records - in a variety of media and formats - recently transferred from HQ and some of their regional offices. The work will be carried out in a professional manner and in accordance with archival standards.

    The archivists will report to the HP President and project manager, Ellen Scheinberg, who will be available to provide guidance to staff, oversee quality control, and ensure that the project is progressing according to the timeline. A senior archivist will be on site to provide expertise and answer any archival questions that arise. Our special advisor, Iona McCraith, will be involved in providing her expertise when it comes to preservation and conservation issues. The project will be conducted from February to November 2023 at CUPW's archival facility, located on Colonnade Road in Nepean. The contract is full-time and will run for approximately eight to ten months.

    Successful applicants may be relied on for future initiatives undertaken by Heritage Professionals. The client has also expressed a commitment to creating a permanent position after the project ends. The archivists involved would be considered first for this opportunity.


    The preferred candidates will have a completed master’s degree in Archival Studies, Information Studies, Public History or the equivalent background and training.  Previous practical work experience in an archive would be a an asset.  

    Some of the required qualifications, skills, and characteristics that the successful candidates must possess include: 

    • Familiarity with multi-level archival arrangement and description according to RAD;
    • Proven research skills and experience;
    • Knowledge of archival processing procedures and preservation;
    • Experience working with both textual and graphic materials. Some experience with AV materials and artefacts would be an asset;
    • Proven expertise working with Microsoft Suite software;
    • Familiarity with scanners and digitization protocols is beneficial;
    • Experience with archival databases such as DB Textworks is an asset;
    • Strong communication (written and oral) and time management skills is essential;
    • Proven capacity to manage multiple tasks at once and meet strict deadlines;
    • Be detail oriented and have a high level of accuracy vis-à-vis work products;
    • Capable of working with a team as well as the ability to take and respond effectively to direction from the supervisor and senior staff;
    • Facility to conduct work in an independent fashion when required;
    • Ability to lift boxes and items up to 30 lbs.


    The salary base for the successful candidates will range from $26 to $32 an hour and will be commensurate with their credentials and experience.

    Health & Safety Provisions

    Staff are expected to always act in a safe manner and ensure that those around them do not put themselves or others at risk. Safety is everyone's responsibility. This includes protocols around the coronavirus virus - vaccinations, personal spacing, masking and isolation when ill -- depending on external mandates.

    How to Apply

    Please submit a cover letter and resume with a minimum of three references via email by 5 pm (EST), 28 February 2023.

    Heritage Professionals
    Attention: Ellen Scheinberg, President/Principal
    Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.
    Application Deadline: February 28, 2023 5:00 pm

    Job Poster:


    Heritage Professionals logo

  • 8 Feb 2023 10:10 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Temporary Records and Elections Coordinator (up to 18 months)
    Municipality of Clarington

    Location: Bowmanville, Ontario
    Compensation: $91, 531 to $111,257

    Clarington is one of eight municipalities in Durham Region. With a population of 105,000 people and growing, Clarington offers residents a blend of city living and rural charm. The corporation is made up of six departments that report through to the Chief Administrative Officer.

    The Municipality of Clarington is an equal opportunity employer and a great place to build a career. We value teamwork, diversity and offer an environment where staff can grow and pursue advancement opportunities while making a difference to the community.

    What the role entails

    Reporting to the Deputy Clerk, this position is responsible for the effective management of the Corporate Records and Information within the Corporation to support transparency of actions, minimize litigation and risk, ensure regulatory compliance, control costs, improve productivity, and foster professionalism. The Records and Elections Coordinator works in collaboration with the IT Division to develop and manage electronic records management systems. This position also acts as Freedom of Information Coordinator for the Municipality and helps to ensure compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) by responding to requests for records, identifying privacy risks, providing training and guidance to staff, and developing appropriate policies and procedures.

    The successful candidate is an exceptionally organized, analytical, skilled project leader who provides expertise in the development, implementation, monitoring, and training for the Records and Information Management program.


    The following responsibilities and duties of this position includes but is not limited to:

    • Managing and administering the Municipality's records and information management program.
    • Conducting records inventories, analyzing, and recommending innovative, efficient, and suitable solutions to improve information management across the organization.
    • Developing and implementing policies and best practices for information management, including overseeing the application of, and recommending revisions to, the Municipality's Records Retention By-law.
    • Maintaining and optimizing electronic document systems, in cooperation with IT, including implementing an environment of sharing digital documents within, and among, departments.
    • Working with departments to ensure efficient and effective application of the records retention schedule, including the destruction of records.
    • Providing user training on records and information management, MFIPPA, and system training in Laserfiche and Versatile.
    • Assisting in performing the statutory duties of "Head" under MFIPPA.
    • Working on special legislative projects assigned from time to time.


    The successful candidate will possess:

    • A Degree in Records and Information Management, Archival Studies, Library Sciences from a three year post secondary education course, or equivalent qualifications in skills and work-related experience to the satisfaction of the Municipal Clerk.
    • More than three years of directly related experience in records and information management theories, principles and practices including classification and retention scheduling, as well as digital records, preferably in a municipal organization
    • A Certified Records Manager (CRM) designation and/or Records and Information Management (RIM) certification and/or Certified Information Professional (CIP) designation, or willingness to complete, is considered an asset.
    • Proven working knowledge of applicable federal and provincial laws and rules of procedure related to records management, inventory, and retention to ensure regulatory compliance (including MFIPPA).
    • Well-developed project management, analytical, problem-solving, flexibility, research, and organizational skills to coordinate activities of self and others in accordance with established Records Management goals and objectives.
    • Demonstrated experience in training staff of all levels, preferably on software systems, and in preparing training documents, reports, and policies.
    • Excellent communication skills to work effectively with client departments using diplomacy and tact.
    • Knowledge of, and demonstrated ability in, corporate core competencies including customer service, teamwork, initiative/self-management, accountability, flexibility, and adaptability.
    • Ability to travel to off-site locations in a timely and efficient manner, as required.
    • Demonstrated proficiency in SharePoint, Laserfiche, Versatile Professional, or other similar information management applications.
    • Advanced knowledge and experience using Microsoft applications (Outlook, Word, Excel, etc.), SharePoint, and database management.
    • Ability to regularly lift an average of 30 lbs.
    • Must be able to legally work in Canada.

    What we offer you

    Salary: $91, 531 to $111,257 - Grade 7 of the 2023 Non-Affiliated Salary Administration Program.

    A comprehensive benefits and pension program to ensure that your total compensation package addresses both your work and life needs.
    Hours of work: up to a maximum of 35 hours per week, Monday to Friday.
    The Municipality of Clarington offers flexible work arrangements for eligible roles, where employees are empowered to do their best work in the way that works for them. Currently, this position is eligible for a flexible work arrangement option. Further details on this program will be discussed through the selection process.

    Additional information and requirements

    Prior to starting the position, the successful candidate must provide, at their own expense, a current (within the last 180 days) satisfactory criminal reference check, from a Canadian Police Information Centre. Applicants who have been employed with the Municipality within the last year and have provided a criminal reference check within the last 365 days are exempt from providing another criminal reference check.
    Application information

    To view this position and to submit your application online, please visit the Application webpage. Applications will be accepted until February 24, 2023, at 4:00 p.m.

    This job competition number is File # 03-23

    We thank all applicants for their interest. However, only those under consideration will be contacted.

    Application Webpage (URL):
    Application Deadline: February 24, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. EST

    Clarington logo - name of the municipality only.

  • 6 Feb 2023 4:27 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Archives Technician
    Eastern Townships Resource Centre

    Location: Bishop's University, Sherbrooke, Quebec
    Wage: $20.00/hour
    Duration: 10 weeks

    The ETRC's mission is to act as a resource centre for the study of the Eastern Townships of Quebec. It is devoted to the preservation and promotion of the region's rich and colourful heritage. Accredited by Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, the Archives Department acquires, processes, preserves and gives access to archival fonds and collections that illustrate the development of the Eastern Townships' English-speaking community.

    Description and Duties    

    Nature of duties:

    • Processing, conservation, and description of Freemasons archival material held by the ETRC
    • Digitizing archival material
    • Moves boxes weighing up to 40lbs

    Qualifications and requirements:

    • University degree in document and archives management
    • Some experience in archives
    • Experience in the application of the Rules for Archival Description (RAD)
    • Strong written and verbal communication skills in applicant's first official language
    • Advanced reading in English
    • Ability to work collaboratively and effectively in both team-based and self-directed environments
    • Professionalism, organizational skills and attention to detail

    Additional Information    


    • Experience with AtoM software
    • Knowledge of the Eastern Townships and its history
    • Experience in conducting historical research

    **The ETRC welcomes applications from candidates not meeting all of the above requirements.

    ***Applicants also interested in our Archivist posting are invited to apply for both positions.

    Application information

    Please apply directly by emailing your resume and cover letter (as one document) with the name of references by 4:30pm, March 5th, 2023 to:

    Ms. Jody Robinson
    Eastern Townships Resource Centre
    2600 College Street
    Bishop's University
    Sherbrooke (Quebec) J1M 1Z7

    Please note that only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

    Application Deadline: March 5th, 2023, 5:00 PM EST


    ETRC Eastern Townships Resource Centre CRCE Centre de Resources pour l'etudes des Cantons-de-l'est Green and yellow logo

  • 6 Feb 2023 4:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Eastern Townships Resource Centre (ETRC)

    Location: Sherbrooke, QC
    Compensation: $24.00/hour

    The ETRC's mission is to act as a resource centre for the study of the Eastern Townships of Quebec. It is devoted to the preservation and promotion of the region's rich and colourful heritage. Accredited by Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, the Archives Department acquires, processes, preserves and gives access to archival fonds and collections that illustrate the development of the Eastern Townships' English-speaking community.

    Description and Duties   

    • Acquisition, processing, conservation, and dissemination of private archival fonds and collections preserved by the Archives Department under the supervision of the Head Archivist
    • Reference service to researchers
    • Assist in the preparation of grant applications
    • Assist in supervision of interns and contract employees
    • Development of the Archives section of the Centre's website
    • Networking with the archival community
    • Other duties as assigned
    • Moves boxes weighing up to 40lbs


    • University degree in document and archives management
    • Some experience in archives
    • Experience in the application of the Rules for Archival Description (RAD)
    • Strong written and verbal communication skills in applicant's first official language
    • Advanced reading in English
    • Ability to establish priorities
    • Ability to work collaboratively and effectively in both team-based and self-directed environments
    • Professionalism, organizational skills and attention to detail


    • Experience with AtoM software
    • Knowledge of the Eastern Townships and its history
    • Experience in conducting historical research


    Position includes personal and vacation days

    **The ETRC welcomes applications from candidates not meeting all of the above requirements.

    Application information

    Please apply directly by emailing your resume and cover letter (as one document) with the name of references by 4:30pm, February 17th, 2023 to:

    Ms. Jody Robinson
    Eastern Townships Resource Centre
    2600 College Street
    Bishop's University
    Sherbrooke (Quebec) J1M 1Z7

    Please note that only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

    Application Deadline: February 17, 2023, 5:00 PM EST


    ETRC Eastern Townships Resource Centre CRCE Centre de resources pour l'etudes des Cantons-de-l'est green, yellow and light green colours

  • 6 Feb 2023 3:54 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Supervisor, Archives & Collections
    Regional Municipality of Waterloo

    Location: Kitchener, Ontario
    Compensation: $82,427.80 - $103,030.20

    Committed to fostering opportunities for current and future generations, the Region of Waterloo is an inclusive, thriving and sustainable region of connected rural and urban communities with global reach. Our mission is to serve, engage and inspire, by delivering quality services to a diverse population of 630,000+, while creating a healthy, collaborative environment of learning, respect and innovation.

    This is a place where employees are valued and recognized for their talents and contributions to our success. Our employees take pride in making a difference in people's lives through the work that we do. We are looking for people like you to help make it happen.

    Our Team:

    A dedicated team of museum and archives professionals working with community partners to uncover, preserve and share our community's stories. We keep and preserve the Region's collections, historical archives as well as the archive of the corporation. We work with colleagues from across departments to connect contemporary issues and stories from our past. We work hard to support the exhibition and programming activities of the museum as well as accommodating the needs of researchers and staff in the use of the archives.

    Description and Duties   

    As Supervisor, Archives & Collections you will supervise collection management programs for the Region of Waterloo Museums and corporate archives, including research, conservation, and storage.

    • You will lead the identification, acquisition, preservation, and security of artifacts and archival records to support museum programs, public access for learning and research of local history, and ensure the organization meets its legal obligations with regards to records retention and business continuity of corporate archives.
    • You will supervise a Conservator, Collection Curator & Registrar, Archives & Collections Assistant, volunteers, and students.
    • You will supervise the management of artifact and archival collections, including the identification of artifacts and archival collections of significance to Waterloo Region, appraisals, transfers from offsite storage, preservation, and cataloguing.
    • You will ensure collections plan represents inclusivity and a diverse population.
    • You will supervise the security and storage of confidential archival information, ensure collections are maintained per standards and legislation.
    • You will review, identify, and analyze the impact of emerging legislation on the collection and use of information, archives, and artifacts and apply changes to ensure compliance.
    • You will develop and implement processes as part of disaster planning and recovery efforts and submit reports on impacts and for insurance claims.
    • You will develop and implement collections management policies and procedures, including those related to preservation and conservation.
    • You will collaborate with information and planning staff regarding electronic record treatment and organization.
    • You will provide guidance to clients in support of information management solutions to meet business requirements.
    • You will maintain resource collections, responds to inquiries from staff, the public, businesses, organizations, and other levels of government regarding access to information and artifacts.
    • You will provide advice to staff, external organizations, and individuals about archival and collections management.
    • You will recommend enhancements and implement practices and corrective measures to protect archival assets and minimize risk, including the creation and adoption of information technology and facilities infrastructure.
    • You will maintain public presence on heritage, archival, and research issues.
    • You will promote collections to the community through outreach awareness strategies, provide content for communications and social media, and conduct collection lectures and tours.
    • You will collaborate with staff from ITS, information management and privacy, emergency management, and facilities on policy development, disaster recovery planning, and vital records management.
    • You will ensure the care and custody of archives and artifacts on loan to and from the museums and ensure agreements and insurance provisions are in place.
    • You will obtain quotes, prepare purchase orders, and place orders for equipment and supplies.
    • You will monitor and maintain the program budget, for Manager's review and oversee capital budget, as required.
    • You will perform related duties as required.


    • Knowledge is normally acquired through a related university degree (e.g., collections management, museum studies, archival studies) plus progressively responsible related experience.
    • Knowledge of collections management and archival principles, practices, and systems, including appraisal, storage, preservation, and conservation.
    • Knowledge of records and information management systems, theories, practices, procedures, and related information technology.
    • Knowledge of and ability to comply with policies, procedures, collective agreements, related legislation, bylaws and Canadian and international archives and museums standards.
    • Knowledge of local history and ability to conduct research and keep current with best practices in collections management.
    • Research, assessment, analytical, organizational, problem solving, and continuous improvement skills to coordinate others' work and oversee day-to-day program management, administer archival services; develop policies and procedures, handle multiple projects and competing priorities, and make daily work decisions independently.
    • Leadership, human relations, and communication skills to supervise, train, develop, motivate, and support staff, provide expertise and conduct presentations, seminars, and workshops for professional audiences, the public, and interest groups, respond to questions from staff and the public, coordinate record transfer agreements with stakeholders, and participate as an effective team member.
    • Ability to build and maintain relationships with other departments, organizations, municipalities, and vendors.
    • Ability to read and interpret reports, correspondence, collections records, ownership documents, legislation, standards, and publications.
    • Ability to write/edit descriptive finding aids, exhibit copy/components, correspondence, reports, grant applications, communications/promotional resources, policies, procedures, and instructions.
    • Computer skills with ability to use software such as Microsoft Office, database systems, and ability to apply information technology to archival functions.
    • Ability to work some weekends as part of a regular management rotation to provide on-site supervision and respond to weekend/evening site emergencies.
    • Ability to travel within Waterloo Region.
    • Ability to support and demonstrate the Region's values.

    Consideration will be given to candidates that are not fully qualified when no fully qualified applicants can be identified.

    We thank all applicants in advance; however, we will be corresponding only with those selected for an interview.

    The Region of Waterloo is an equal opportunity employer committed to an inclusive, barrier-free recruitment and selection process. At the Region, we respect, encourage, and celebrate our diversity. The Region of Waterloo is committed to providing accommodations throughout the recruitment process. If you require an accommodation, please notify us and we will work with you to meet your needs.

    Alternate formats of this document are available upon request. Please contact the Service First Contact Centre at phone number 519-575-4400, or TTY number 519-575-4608 to request an alternate format.
    Application information

    Please apply online via the Region of Waterloo Career Opportunities page:

    Application Deadline: February 10, 2023

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