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Membership Recognition Award

Membership Recognition Award

The purpose of this award, given annually to any individual, affiliated association or institution who is a member of the Association in good standing, is:
  • to identify and honour those members of the Association who have made and continue to make significant contributions to the ACA and to the development of the archival profession;
  • to recognize, celebrate and encourage the professional achievements, contributions and excellence of ACA members in the field of archival practice;
  • to raise the standard of practice within the profession by recognizing and rewarding excellence;
  • to increase support for the aims and objectives of the ACA by recognizing and encouraging outstanding contributions; and
  • to promote interest in the archival profession in Canada by acknowledging publicly the contributions made by individual archivists.
In alignment with The ACA Equity Commitments (2020) andthe Steering Committee on Canadian Archives' Reconciliation Framework (2022), we welcome nominations of individuals whose contributions advance one or more of the aims laid out in [either or both of ] these documents.  

In 2022-23, we particularly encourage ACA members to nominate individuals whose contributions advance The ACA Equity Commitments (2020) or the vision, principles, objectives and strategies laid out in the Steering Committee on Canadian Archives' Reconciliation Framework (2022).


The Member Recognition Award may be awarded annually to any individual, affiliated association or institution who is a member of the Association in good standing.


The Nominations and Awards Committee shall receive and evaluate all nominations.

The Committee shall decide the recipient(s) of the award for each year or decide that no award shall be given and recommend this decision to the ACA Board for approval.

The Board of Directors shall approve the recipient(s) of the Member Recognition Award.


All members of ACA, including professionals working in archives, records management, access, privacy, and preservation.

Current members of the Board of Directors; Governance Committee; Awards Committee; Coordinators and Association employees are not eligible.

Selection Criteria

  • Nominee’s volunteer activities have made a significant contribution to the ACA; and
  • Nominee has consistently contributed to the profession.
  • Nominee has consistently demonstrated excellence in their professional work and contributions.

Corporate Body:

The following criteria shall be applied when nominees are considered for the Member Recognition Award:
  • Nominee operates archival programs and services according to accepted professional standards of practice.
  • Nominee activities have made a significant contribution to the archival profession or community.
  • Nominee’s archival program demonstrates a level of innovation and excellence that makes them a model for others.

Nomination and Selection Procedures

Nominations are made by the membership at large and submitted to the Nominations and Awards Committee. Bestowing the award shall be based on evidence submitted by the nominator(s) and the criteria outlined for the award. The Committee decides the final recipient(s) by majority vote and submits them to the Board of Directors.

Instructions for Submissions

All nominations must be accompanied by a completed nomination form describing the nominee’s achievements, related supporting documentation, and at least two letters of support from members in good standing. Nomination form and related documentation must be submitted electronically.

Deadline for Submissions

End of day - Thursday, April 19, 2024



Date and Place of Presentation

The Membership Recognition Award shall be bestowed at the Awards Celebration during the ACA 50th Anniversary Conference, Ottawa, ON - 9-12 June 2024

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Membership Recognition Award Recipients

2022: Jennifer Mohan

2020: Emily Lonie

2019: Suzanne Dubeau, Suher Zaher-Mazawi, Robin Keirstead

2016: Loryl MacDonald

2013: Nancy Hurn

2009: Cheryl Avery

2007: Robert McIntosh

2006: Diane Haglund

2005: Bryan Corbett

2004: Catherine Bailey

2002: Kent Haworth

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