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The ACA's Public Awareness and Advocacy Committee (PAAC) has developed a Trauma-Informed Archives Resource List.  This list includes English and French-language resources from within and outside of the archival profession for both individual practitioners and organizations.

The intention is for this list to be dynamic and to develop over time. If you have any feedback or suggestions for additional resources, please get in touch with the ACA at aca (at)

Vicarious Trauma and Immediate Support (2021)

Source: Australian Society of Archivists

Description: Web page with simple techniques and responses to use in the moments following exposure to traumatic material or situations.

Type: Web Page       Region: Australia        Language: English

Tags: Archives-specific; self-care; resources for individuals

What is Secondary Trauma? (2021)

Source: Blue Knot Foundation

Description: Web page with techniques to support others experiencing trauma and self-care resources for supporters.

Type: Web page     Region: Australia     Language: English

Tags: self-care; resources for individuals

Work-Related Stress - Violent or Traumatic Events (2023)

Source: Worksafe Australia

Description: Web page with guidance to help employers identify potential exposure to violent or traumatic events and suggests risk controls for work-related stress from violence or trauma.

Type: Web page     Region: Australia     Language: English

Tags: Resources for organizations

A Trauma-Informed Approach to Managing Archives (2020)

Source: Australian Society of Archivists

Description: Self-directed online course on implementing a trauma-informed approach to archives. Note: Purchase is required.

Type: Training     Region: Australia     Language: English

Tags: archives-specific; resources for individuals; resources for organizations

Preparing for and Responding to Trauma in the Workplace : A Manager's eGuide (2007)

Source: Government of Canada Employee Assistance Services

Description: Web page with guide for managers to develop and maintain a supportive environment for employees who experience a traumatic workplace event.

Type: Web page     Region: Canada     Language: English/French

Tags: resources for organizations

Trauma in Organizations (2015)

Source: Workplace Strategies for Mental Health

Description: Web page with specific workplace strategies for organizations to prepare and respond to potential trauma in a way that reduces the risk of harm to themselves and others.

Type: Web page     Region: Canada     Language: English/French

Tags: resources for organizations

Psychological Health and Safety in Canadian Healthcare Settings (2015)

Source: Canadian Healthcare Association

Description: Fact sheet about a voluntary standard for healthcare settings that provides guidance for changing how mental health and mental illness are approached in the workplace and what employers can do to promote psychological health.

Type: Fact sheet     Region: Canada    Language: English/French

Tags: resources for organizations

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (2016)

Source: Canadian Mental Health Association

Description: Fact sheet on post-traumatic stress disorder for individuals and supporters.

Type: Fact Sheet     Region: Canada     Language: English

Tags: allied professions; resources for organizations; legislation

Psychological Health in the Workplace (2016)

Source: Government of Canada

Description: guide that introduces the concept of psychological health and safety in the workplace, provides definitions, risk factors, practical strategies to improve workplace psychological health and resources.

Type: Guideline    Region: Canada     Language: English/French

Tags: PTSD-specific; resources for individuals

PTSD Employer's Resource Guide (2016)

Source: First Responders First

Description: guide and framework for first responder employers to assess and implement a PTSD action plan in their organizations. Includes signs, symptoms, policies, procedures, and protocols to minimize stress and harm.

Type: resource guide     Region: Canada     Language: English/French

Tags: resources for organizations; legislation

Care for the Caregiver (2018)

Source: Canadian Mental Health Association

Description: Fact sheet with guidance on how to care for yourself while supporting others with their mental health problems.

Type: Fact sheet     Region: Canada     Language: English

Tags: PTSD-specific; allied professions; resources for organizations

The Organizational Review for Healthcare (2018)

Source: Caring for Healthcare Workers

Description: Web resource for Canadian healthcare organizations to assess and promote workplace psychological health and safety; includes two tools: Psychological Survey for Healthcare for Staff and Organizational Review for Healthcare.

Type: Web resource     Region: Canada     Language: English/French

Tags: self-care; resources for individuals

Health and Safety: Preventing Mental Injuries (2019)

Source: CUPE (Canadian Union of Public Employees)

Description: Web page with guidance on how to advocate about implementing protections for psychological health and safety. Includes resources about the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace.

Type: Web page     Region: Canada     Language: English

Tags: allied professions; resources for organizations

Guarding Minds at Work (2020)

Source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

Description: Resource designed to assess risks and address and manage psychological health and safety at work. Guarding Minds at Work helps employers identify and measure employee experience with psychological factors and hazards that may impact workers at the workplace.

Type: Web resource     Region: Canada     Language: English/French

Tags: resources for organizations; legislation

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (2022)

Source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

Description: Fact sheet about PTSD in the workplace and guidance for managers, supervisors, and co-workers on how to maintain a supportive environment for employees who experience it.

Type: Fact sheet     Region: Canada     Language: English

Tags: Resources for organizations

Workplace Health and Well-being - Comprehensive Workplace Health and Safety Program (2022)

Source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

Description: Fact sheet about the creation of Comprehensive Workplace Health and Safety Programs that are a series of strategies and related activities, initiatives and policies developed by the employer, in consultation with employees, to continually improve or maintain the quality of working life, health, and the well-being of the workforce.

type: Fact sheet     Region: Canada     Language: English/French

Tags: PTSD-specific; resources for organizations; resources for individuals

Psychological Health and Safety Program - Assessing Psychosocial Hazards (2022)

Source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

Description: Fact sheet about creating an assessment strategy to check for psychological hazards in the workplace, with an example assessment list, to understand where improvements can be made and how.

Type: fact sheet     Region: Canada     Language: English/French

Tags: PTSD-specific; resources for organizations

Mental Health - How to Address and Support (2022)

Source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

Description: Fact sheet about supporting mental health needs in the workplace, with specific guidance for leaders and managers.

Type: Fact Sheet     Region: Canada     Language: English/French

Tags: Resources for organizations

Mental Health - Psychological Risk Factors in the Workplace (2023)

Source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

Description: Fact sheet about psychological risk factors (PSR) which impact organizational health, the health of individual employees and the financial bottom line, including the way the work is carried out and the context in which it occurs.

Type: Fact sheet     Region: Canada     Language: English/French

Tags: Resources for organizations

Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (2022)

Source: Canadian Standards Association

Description: National voluntary standard that specifies requirements for a documented and systematic approach to develop and sustain a psychologically healthy and safe workplace.

type: Standard     Region: Canada     Language: English/French

Tags: Resources for organizations

Workplace Mental Health (2022)

Source: Mental Health Commission of Canada

Description: Web resource on how to implement the voluntary national standard with different case studies, toolkits, advocacy and promotional resources, and more.

Type: web resource     Region: Canada     Language: English/French

Tags: resources for organizations; legislation

Resources and Prevention Strategies to Manage Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace (2022)

Source: Public Services Health and Safety Association

Description: Resource list and prevention strategies to lay the foundation for success in the area of psychological occupational health and safety, including how to identify the risks, control the hazards and ensure your workplace has the necessary tools to meet legislative requirements.

Type: web resource     Region: Canada     Language: English

Tags: Resources for organizations

Trauma-Informed Practice Guide (2013)

Source: BC Provincial Mental Health and Substance Use Planning Council

Definition: The Trauma-Informed Practice Guide and TIP Organizational Checklist Handbook are intended to support the translation of trauma-informed principles into practice in healthcare settings. Included are concrete strategies to guide the professional work of practitioners assisting clients with mental health and substance use concerns in British Columbia.

Type: handbook    Region: Canada    Language: English

Tags: resources for organizations

British Columbia Workers Compensation Act (2019)

Source: Government of British Columbia

Description: PAAC completed comparative research of all provincial and territorial OHS laws. All have some sort of language about violence or harassment in their but nothing specifically about PTSD or Mental Health, except for British Columbia.
C. 1, S.135 (1) of the act describes “mental disorder” but the below section only applies to "eligible occupations,” in this case correctional officers, emergency medical assistants, firefighters, police officers, sheriffs or, without limitation, any other occupation prescribed by regulation of the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

Type: Law    Region: Canada/BC     Language: English

Tags: Allied professions; resources for organizations; resources for individuals

Understanding and Addressing Vicarious Trauma (2020)

Source: BC Provincial Health Services Authority

Description: eLearning module that has been created by PHSAs Health Promotion Program to support those currently experiencing vicarious trauma and to support employees to create preventative and protective action plan to reduce its risk of it recurring.

Type: Training     Region: Canada/BC    Language: English

Tags: legislation

Trauma-Informed Practice (TIP) - Resources (2020)

Source: Government of BC

Description: Web resource concerned with advancing understanding and action about trauma-informed approaches that support program and service delivery for/with children, youth and families. it also includes further resources and webinars on implementing trauma informed approaches.

Type: web resource     Region: Canada/BC     Language: English

Tags: resources for organizations; resources for individuals

How to Support Workers who Experience Psychological Injuries (2024)

Source: Worksafe BC

Description: Fact sheet designed to help employers develop an appropriate stay-at-work or return-to-work plan for a worker experiencing a psychological injury. it lists ways employers can support and protect an injured worker by focusing on what the worker is able to do safely.

Type: fact sheet     Region: Canada/BC     Language: English

Tags: allied professions; resources for organizations; resources for individuals

Return-to-Work Strategies to Support Workers who Experience Psychological Injuries: A Resource for Employers (2024)

Source: Worksafe BC

Description: Guide designed to help employers find actionable ways to support or accommodate the worker by focusing on what the worker can do, not what they can't do, when safely returning to or remaining at work following a psychological injury.

Type: Resource guide     Region: Canada/BC     Language: English

Tags: resources for organizations

Mental Health Strategy (2023)

Source: Worksafe BC

Description: Strategy report that outlines Worksafe's overall approach to workplace psychological health and safety, both as the workplace regulator and administrator of the workers' compensation system and as an employer.

Type: Strategy     Region: Canada/BC     Language: English

Tags: resources for organizations

Psychological Health and Safety: A Framework for Success (2023)

Source: Worksafe BC

Description: Guide that outlines three principles employers can follow to help promote mental health and create a psychologically healthy and safe workplace. It also describes psychological hazards to identify as part of a risk management approach.

Type: Resource guide    Region: Canada/BC     Language: English

Tags: resources for organizations

PHSA Psychological Health and Safety (2021)

Source: BC Provincial Health Services Authority

Descriptions: Fact sheet with a general introduction and overview of trauma-informed practice and how to adopt a Trauma-informed perspective in the field of health services.

Type: fact sheet     Region: Canada/BC  Language: English

Tags: Resources for organizations

Trauma Informed Toolkit (2013)

Source: Manitoba Trauma Information and Resource Centre

Description: Toolkit to help service providers and organizations to work from a trauma-informed perspective and develop trauma-informed relationships that cultivate safety, trust and compassion.

Type: Toolkit    Region: Canada/Manitoba    Language: English

Tags: allied professionals; resources for organizations; resources for individuals

Trauma Recovery - Websites and Digital Resources (2024)

Source: Manitoba Trauma Information and Resource Centre

Description: Diverse range of websites related to trauma-informed practice and recovery, including research institutions, advocacy organizations, and training programs.

Type: web resource     Region: Canada/MB    Language: English

Tags: resources for organizations; resources for individuals

Online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) (2012)

Source: Palouse Mindfulness

Description: Complete MBSR course, designed for people who are not able to take a live MBSR course for financial or logistical reasons. All of the materials used in the live courses taught, including guided meditations, articles and videos, are freely available here.

Type: Training     Region: Canada/MB    Language: English

Tags: resources for organizations; resources for individuals

The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit (2013)

Source: Office for the Victims of Crime (US)

Description: Includes tools and resources tailored specifically to these fields that provide to these fields that provide the knowledge and skills necessary for organizations to address the vicarious trauma needs of their staff.

Type: Toolkit     Region: USA     Language: English

Tags: self-care; mindfulness; resources for individuals

Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Sciences (2014)

Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US)

Description: Best practice information for behavioral health service providers who want to work more effectively with people who have been exposed to acute and chronic traumas and/or are at risk of developing traumatic stress reactions. Using key trauma-informed principles, this Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) addresses trauma-related prevention, intervention, and treatment issues and strategies in behavioral health services.

Type: Protocol     Region: USA     Language: English

Tags: allied professions; resources for organizations

Documenting in Times of Crisis: A Resource Kit: Emotional Support (2019)

Source: Society of American Archivists

Description: Emotional support resources: guidelines for responsibilities of managers and supervisors, tips for administration support, and links to national resources that may be helpful.

type: Toolkit     Region: USA     Language: English

Tags: allied professions; resources for organizations

Responder Safety and Health (2019)

Source: US Department of Health & Human Services

Description: Resource guide for first responders with a focus on safety strategies (e.g. preventing fatigue) and maintaining behavioral health (e.g. working through stress and preventing/addressing compassion fatigue).

Type: Resource guide     Region: USA     Language: English

Tags: archives-specific; resources for organizations; resources for individuals

Trauma-Informed Teaching Strategies (2019)

Source: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Description: Web page dedicated to strategies of trauma-informed teaching and instruction.

Type: Web page     Region: USA     Language: English

Tags: allied professions; resources for organizations; resources for individuals

UCLA Mindful App (2020)

Source: UCLA Health

Description: App dedicated to mindfulness and made to help stress-related physical conditions, reduce anxiety and depression, cultivate positive emotions, and help improve overall physical health and well-being.

Type: App     Region: USA     Language: English

Tags: allied professions; resources for organizations; resources for individuals

Trauma-Informed Archival Practice Guide (2021)

Source: Simmons Library

Description: LibGuide with resources on Trauma-Informed Archival Practice.

Type: Lib Guide     Region: USA    Language: English

Tags: self-care; mindfulness; resources for individuals

Resources for Journalists Coping with Trauma (2021)

Source: Dart Centre

Description: self-care resources; resources for managers and organizations in the field of journalism.

Type: web resource     Region: USA     Language: English

Tags: archives-specific; resources for individuals

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