The highest recognition award, Fellows are celebrated and acknowledged for their long-standing service to the Association and the Canadian archival community. The purpose of this award is to recognize individuals whom the ACA wishes to honour for their distinguished service to the archival profession. Fellows retain this distinction for life. Fellows of the ACA are chosen based on longstanding membership in and demonstrated commitment to the ACA, extensive professional experience in archives or related fields, demonstrated achievement in the archival world, which may include leadership in the field, scholarship, and/or other outstanding contribution and which has had a cumulative impact on the archival field. The Fellows category was instituted in 2009, transitioning from the category of Honorary Members which was in place from 1979. Between 1979 to 2008, the Association of Canadian Archivists recognized individuals for their distinguished service to the archival profession. These individuals are now recognized as the Founding Fellows of the ACA.
PurposeThe purpose of this award is to honour ACA members who have contributed distinguished and long-standing service in the archival field. The Fellow Award is the highest recognition that can be bestowed by the ACA, and is a distinction retained for life. Scope
ResponsibilityThe Nominations and Awards Committee (NAAC) shall annually solicit nominations from membership through normal ACA member channels (e.g., ACA email distribution list, ACA newsletter, and any other channels which may be current). The NAAC shall receive and evaluate all nominations. Each year, the NAAC shall either recommend the recipient(s) of the Fellow distinction to the Board for approval, or recommend that no award shall be given. The Board of Directors is responsible for approving the nomination(s) of the Fellows. The NAAC will invite input from a standing Fellow to provide guidance during the evaluation process. EligibilityAll ACA members are eligible for this award, except for current:
Selection CriteriaNominees for the ACA Fellow award will be evaluated based on the evidence submitted by the nominator(s) according to the following criteria:
Nomination and Selection Procedures
AwardEach new Fellow will be:
Instructions for SubmissionsAll nominations must be accompanied by a completed nomination form describing:
Additional letters of support can be considered. Deadline for SubmissionsEnd of day - April 14, 2025 Revocation of FellowshipThe ACA Board has the authority to review and potentially revoke a Fellow's status in any rare or exceptional circumstances where documented evidence demonstrates a Fellow’s behaviors or actions undermines the accomplishments cited as the basis for the award or is damaging to the reputation of the ACA and its members. ACA Founding Fellows W. Kaye Lamb (1979) Jean Tener (1992) Helen McClung (1980) Michael Swift (1997) Lewis H. Thomas (1982) Stan Hanson (2000) Hugh Taylor (1983) Jay Atherton (2002) Wilfred Smith (1984) Carman Carroll (2004) Alan Ridge (1985) Elizabeth Diamond (2004) Phyllis Blakeley (1986) Harold Holland (2005) Alfred G. Bailey (1989) Marion Beyea (2006) Alan R. Turner (1990) Terry Eastwood (2007) Anne MacDermaid (1992) Barbara L. Craig (2008) Marcel Caya (2008) ACA Fellows George Brandak (2009) Terry Cook (2009) Patricia Kennedy (2009) Ian Wilson (2009) Ted Hart (2010) Tom Nesmith (2010) Jerry O'Brien (2010) Apollonia Steele (2010) Bryan Corbett (2011) Heather MacNeil (2011) Shelley Sweeney (2011) Nancy Marrelli (2012) Jean Dryden (2013) Luciana Duranti (2014) Laura Millar (2016) Ian Forsyth (2017) Raymond Frogner (2020) Fred Farrell (2020) Joan M Schwartz (2022) Greg Bak (2023) Catherine A Bailey (2024) Dr. Fiorella Foscarini (2024) |
ACA Awards
ACA Foundation Awards Archivaria Awards |
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