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  • 31 May 2022 2:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Manager, Archives Management,

    Royal Canadian Mounted Police

    Location: Ottawa (Ontario) (Most of the work can be done from home although the Manager must be able to come to the office)
    Compensation:$100,121 to $116,116

    The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Archives Management Section (AMS) is looking for a new Manager! We are looking for an experienced Archives professional with vision to help us chart our path forward - honouring the rich information holdings currently under our control and leading us to a future that preserves, protects, and leverages our physical holdings and our Born Digital records for generations to come.

    About the RCMP

    For nearly 150 years, the RCMP has been Canada's national police service. We have national, federal, provincial, and municipal policing mandates. From coast to coast to coast, we work at the community, provincial/territorial and federal levels. The RCMP is made up of more than 20,000 police officers, supported by nearly 10,000 civilian employees in over 700 detachments in 150 communities across the country. We also provide policing services in more than 600 Indigenous communities.

    The RCMP is more than just a police service. We're part of the fabric of Canada, made up of people who care about their work, their communities, and each other. We're looking for a values-driven candidate who will lead the care and share of the Archives of our institution, and increase how we use them to learn from the lessons of our past.

    Greater oversight, a new labour relations regime, and increasing public scrutiny are new aspects of the RCMP's operating context. Broader external disruptions driven by societal changes in the environment and technology are recognized and met with internal transformational changes. This dynamic interplay provides an opportunity to examine traditional ways of working by using new technologies and approaches - including in our information management and Archival approaches. The RCMP follows Library and Archives Canada and Treasury Board of Canada guidance on the management of information, and we are eagerly planning for a move into the Digital Archives space as the RCMP creates and manages Born Digital records.

    About the Archives Management Section

    AMS manages the RCMP's Archival Program which preserves records that chronicle decisions, actions and memories for the benefit of future generations. The RCMP's archival records are authoritative sources of information which support accountability and transparency in operational and administrative actions. Safeguarding the RCMP's corporate memory is vital to preserve Canadian history, and also mandatory from a litigation and accountability perspective. The section identifies, preserves, provides access to, and disposes of the permanent records of the RCMP, responds to research requests, and plans for the future of Archives services and management for the department.

    AMS is part of the Digital Collaboration and Information Branch. Under the general direction of the Director, the AMS Manager is responsible for: the operation of the Archival Program in accordance with relevant federal legislation, policies, and guidelines; the preservation of the permanent records of the RCMP to established professional standards; the coordination of access to information and protection of privacy according to relevant access and privacy legislation; and plans for a move to Digital Archives in service of the future of digital information management at the RCMP.

    Work environment

    As the RCMP IM/IT Program charts the path forward for our future ways of working, roles are being assessed for the feasibility of long-term telework and hybrid work options. The majority of the AMS Manager's responsibilities can be done remotely; however, candidates need to be able to occasionally work onsite for planning and management purposes and in case of emergencies. As such, we are limiting our search to candidates in the NCR. The RCMP Archives are located at the Leikin campus, located at 73 Leikin Drive in Barrhaven, Ontario (Ottawa suburb, located south-west of downtown.) The Leikin campus offers free parking, nearby bus service, and easy access for runners, walkers, and cyclists. Employees have access to a cafeteria (currently closed while most staff are working remotely,) a fitness centre, and shower and locker facilities.

    Description and Duties:

    Archives Management and Direction

    • Develops, recommends, manages, and monitors effectiveness of archives management policies, direction, and services.
    • Provides advice and interpretation of relevant RCMP and Government of Canada policies and direction, and relevant legislation, to RCMP management and AMS staff.
    • Develops and implements plans for the evolution of the RCMP's archives program for long-term preservation of physical and digital holdings.
    • Manages, plans and directs the archives section in the identification, collection, arrangement, analysis, description, and disposition of all RCMP archival records.
    • Directs the control, custodial care, and conservational policies for archival RCMP records.

    Management Functions (Planning, Reporting, Human and Financial Resource Management)

    • Manages the human, financial, and property resources of the section to meet business goals.
    • Monitors the activities of the Section, prepares reports, work plans, and quality reviews to assess overall efficiency and performance.
    • Assesses Section staffing needs, makes recommendations on staffing approaches and organizational structure, participates in recruitment processes, and make effective hiring decisions.
    • Manages Section staff including staff support and development, performance management/review, coaching/mentoring, health and safety, and other matters.


    • Successful completion of two years of a post-secondary program with acceptable specialization in social science, statistics, library/archival work or a law-related field.

    NOTE: Acceptable combination of education, training and/or experience is defined as completion of high school diploma plus a minimum of four years in Archives, Information Management, or Library operations.

    Degree equivalency information available at the application URL below.


    • Experience in Archives, Library, or Information Management operations.
    • Experience in the planning and management of human* and financial** resources.
    • Experience in developing and implementing changes in the workplace - for example, options, considerations, or strategic approaches.

    * Managing human resources is defined as ongoing supervision of direct reports including such things as assigning work, managing and evaluating performance, leave approvals, etc.

    ** Financial management is defined as managing or being accountable for a budget, including such activities as monitoring expenditures, forecasting, planning, budget allocation and/or reporting.

    If you possess any of the following, your application must also clearly explain how you meet it (other qualifications)

    Asset Education:

    • Graduate (Master's or PhD) education in archival science, library & information science or information management, or history
    • Degree equivalency information available at the application URL below.

    Asset Certification:

    • Training or certification in a Change Management methodology (for example, Prosci ADKAR)

    Asset Experience:

    • Experience in managing an archival program or archival facility.
    • Experience in developing and implementing digital services in a government department OR in an Archives OR in a Library
    • Experience developing and implementing Archives policies, procedures, guidelines or processes
    • Experience in the acquisition, description, or management of digital information resources

    The following will be applied / assessed at a later date (essential for the job)

    • Bilingual - Imperative (CBC/CBC)
    • Information on language requirements
    • Second Language Writing Skills Self-Assessment

    In order to help you decide if you should apply to a bilingual position, an optional self-assessment of your writing skills in your second official language is available for you to take before completing your application.

    For more information, please consult:

    Unsupervised Internet Test of Second Language Writing Skills (information available at the application URL below. )


    • Knowledge of principles and techniques pertaining to archival science and records management.
    • Knowledge of performance reporting practices or methodologies to evaluate, improve, maintain and communicate on the performance and impact of service delivery to clients


    • Ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing


    • Critical Thinking
    • Create Vision and Strategy
    • Mobilize People
    • Collaborate with Partners and Stakeholders
    • Promote Innovation and Guide Change
    • Achieve Results

    Conditions of employment

    Top Secret security clearance - RCMP Top Secret Security Clearance
    All applicants for positions within the Royal Canadian Mounted Police will be subject to a thorough security clearance process which includes an interview wherein questions may include (but not limited to), reference checks, previous employment, on-line activities, credit checks, alcohol and/or drug use.


    All employees of the core public administration are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and attest to their vaccination status unless accommodated based on a medical contraindication, religion, or another prohibited ground for discrimination as defined under the Canadian Human Rights Act.

    You will be required to answer screening questions to demonstrate how you meet the Essential Qualifications (Education and all Essential Experiences).
    When answering the screening questions, it is not sufficient to say that you have the required qualifications or to list your current or past responsibilities. Rather, you must provide concrete examples of tasks you have accomplished with significant details to explain the WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and HOW you acquired each qualification.

    For each experience criteria, please provide the following information:

    1- Name of the department or organization where the experience was acquired;
    2- Title of the position occupied, group and level and the period(s) in which you performed the functions (M-Y to M-Y);
    3- Specific details of tasks or projects demonstrating how the experience was acquired (Situation/Challenge, Tasks, Action and Result).

    Should your responses to the screening questions contain insufficient details to demonstrate that you meet the screening criteria, your application will not be given further consideration in this process. Candidates will not be solicited for incomplete or possible missing information.


    On October 6, 2021, the Government of Canada announced details of its plans to require vaccination across the federal public service.

    As per the new Policy on COVID-19 Vaccination for the Core Public Administration Including the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, federal public servants in the Core Public Administration and members of the RCMP must attest to their vaccination status. The requirement for employees to be fully vaccinated applies whether they are teleworking, working remotely or working on-site. This is a condition of employment and it applies to indeterminate (permanent), determinate (term), casual, and student hiring. Should you reach the point in the selection process where it is necessary to verify terms and conditions of employment then the hiring manager or a human resources representative will contact you in order to complete an attestation.

    Application Webpage (URL):

    Closing date: 13 June 2022 - 23:59, Pacific Time

    Royal Canadian Mounted Police logo.

  • 25 May 2022 11:17 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Centre d'études acadiennes Anselme-Chiasson - L'Université de Moncton

    Compensation: de 57 120 $ à 66 909 $/an

    Le Centre d'études acadiennes Anselme-Chiasson (CEAAC) créé en 1968 possède la plus grande collection mondiale d'archives et de documentation concernant les réalités acadiennes. Ses différents secteurs sont dirigés par des spécialistes qui assurent la gestion des collections, l'avancement des recherches dans leurs domaines respectifs en plus de répondre aux demandes des usagers. Le CEAAC utilise et met en pratique les divers moyens technologiques dans la gestion et la préservation de ses collections.

    Relevant de la Bibliothécaire en chef et sous la supervision immédiate de la chef de service, la personne occupant ce poste sera responsable de traiter des fonds d'archives privés et institutionnels, d'assurer le développement des collections archivistiques, en plus d'appuyer les chercheures et chercheurs et les usagers dans leurs requêtes en recherche. La personne devra demeurer à jour dans le domaine des études acadiennes.


    • Procéder à l'archivage, au classement et à l'indexation des fonds privés et institutionnels;
    • Maintenir le registre des entrées dans la base de données Ultima;
    • Assister les chercheures et chercheurs dans leurs recherches;
    • Travailler avec les donateurs dans le but d'évaluer et d'acquérir des archives, afin d'enrichir la collection actuelle du CEAAC;
    • Coordonner et superviser le travail du personnel étudiant et contractuel;
    • Participer à divers comités selon les projets;
    • Participer aux activités promotionnelles du Centre;
    • Toutes autres tâches demandées dans le cadre de ses fonctions.


    • Détenir un diplôme universitaire de premier cycle dans un domaine pertinent au poste;
    • Avoir une connaissance des règles pour la description des documents d'archives (RDDA);
    • Avoir de l'expérience dans le travail des archives;
    • Avoir une bonne connaissance de l'histoire acadienne;
    • Avoir un très bon sens de l'organisation et de la planification;
    • Posséder des habiletés de présentation orale;
    • Capacité de travailler en équipe ainsi que de façon autonome;
    • Avoir un esprit créatif, dynamique et innovateur afin de générer de nouvelles initiatives;
    • Avoir une bonne connaissance de la suite Microsoft Office;
    • Avoir de l'expérience dans la supervision du personnel;
    • Posséder de bonnes aptitudes pour la rédaction;
    • Démontrer une maîtrise de la langue française et de la langue anglaise à l'oral et à l'écrit.

    ATOUT :

    • Avoir une connaissance du logiciel Ultima;
    • Avoir une connaissance des règles pour la description des documents d'archives (RDDA);
    • Avoir une connaissance des droits d'auteur;
    • Avoir une expérience pertinente dans le milieu universitaire.


    • Posséder les attributs physiques reliés aux déplacements de charges légères;
    • Être disponible pour travailler des heures flexibles au besoin.

    Additional Information    Fermeture du concours le 7 juin 2022
    Numéro de référence UM22-OUR143_M02560-00

    Pour soumettre votre candidature:
    Application Deadline:  le 7 juin 2022


  • 13 May 2022 3:50 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) Position in Cultural Heritage Knowledge Integration in Ocean and Maritime Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Memorial University
    Memorial University of Newfoundland & Labrador

    Location: St. John's, NL, Canada

    The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Memorial University is home to over 200 researchers in fifteen academic departments, and contains the Maritime History Archive (MHA) and the Folklore and Language Archive (MUNFLA). Both of these are internationally significant archives; the MHA is one of the world's largest repositories of materials related to global waged workers from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century; MUNFLA is one of the oldest and largest archives of intangible cultural heritage. The Faculty houses a full range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs, diplomas, and certificates, including interdisciplinary, international, and co-operative education models.

    Many of our programs include research and training in cultural heritage and ocean and maritime studies, while directly engaging with archives. The successful candidate may work with Memorial University's CREAIT Network, our branch of Canada's RDC, and other research centres such as the Research Centre for Music, Media and Place.

    The Faculty places strong emphasis on the cultural and social heritage of Newfoundland and Labrador, and is keenly interested in issues of social justice, reconciliation, and respectful collaborative relationships with Indigenous peoples and communities. Among its key areas of inquiry are life in the North Atlantic, diverse ocean and maritime cultures, and what it means to live near, on, or by the sea.

    Memorial University is the largest university in Atlantic Canada. As the province's only university, Memorial plays an integral role in the educational and cultural life of Newfoundland and Labrador. Offering diverse undergraduate and graduate programs to over 18,000 students, Memorial University provides a distinctive and stimulating environment for research and learning in St. John's; a safe, affordable, friendly city with great historic charm, a vibrant cultural life, and easy access to a wide range of outdoor activities.

    Description and Duties    

    The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Memorial University invites applications to the highly prestigious Canada Excellence Research Chairs (CERC) Program with specialization in Cultural Heritage Knowledge Integration in Ocean and Maritime Studies. The CERC 2022 Competition aims to attract world-leading research talent to Canada with the high potential to generate social and economic benefits via their research aligned with priority areas of Canadian science, technology, and innovation (ST&I). The allocation to this non-renewable position is $500k/year for 8 years for a total of $4M, with all funds available to the applicant for research activities. The CERC recipient will be appointed to a full-time tenure-stream faculty position.

    See attached job ad for full details and links to CERC documents.

    The successful candidate will be an established, internationally recognized leader in their field. They will be expected to create an externally funded research program, and provide expertise and leadership in the development of digital infrastructure and methods which foster the long lasting transformation of institutional archives into digital data stores offering new computational modes of access to extensive world-class archival holdings. The candidate should have expertise in one or more areas and fields related to knowledge integration of cultural holdings, such as:

    archival and information sciences;

    digital repositories as well as their design and architectures;

    large scale digitization, data mining, and information retrieval;

    and linked open data and application programming interfaces.

    This should be in combination with expertise in digital humanities and on the diverse multi- cultural socio-economic histories of ocean & maritime Indigenous and colonial societies and cultures of the 19th through 21st centuries. The candidate should have a proven record of building collaborative research networks combining archival, historical, computational, and information science methodologies in innovative ways.

    How to Apply    

    The selection process will be conducted in consultation with Memorial's Office of Indigenous Affairs, as well as with research and teaching elements of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Appointment of a candidate to the advertised position is conditional upon the success of the CERC application. The application process involves 3 stages. For Stage I, candidates will submit an application to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; details on the selection process are available here. The application should include:

    • a cover letter describing their fit with the CERC Program (1-3 pages);
    • a curriculum vitae including the names and contact information of at least three referees;
    • a brief research plan covering the 8-year duration of the CERC position (1-3 pages);
    • a statement on how the applicant's research program fosters and implements best practices

    in equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) (1-3 pages);   

    • a statement on how the candidate's research program could develop new links, synergies, and knowledge exchange between academia, government, industry, and Canada's northern and Indigenous communities in Newfoundland & Labrador (1-3 pages).

    See attached job ad for full details.

    Application Webpage (URL):

    Application Deadline: 11 June 2022


  • 13 May 2022 1:40 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Coordinator Regional Medical Archives
    Cree Board of Health & Social Services of James Bay

    Location: James Bay Region
    Compensation: Class 36: Min. $70,185 - Max. $91,241



    Under the direction of the Regional Proximity Director - Regional Miyupimaatisiun Services, the incumbent has the responsibility for managing all information in the client file including, but not limited to medical, psycho-social, youth protection, etc. for the CBHSSJB, and assumes responsibility for management of all regional resources and activities related to the Regional Medical Archives of the CBHSSJB in all facilities and mission of the CBHSSJB, and all 9 communities of Eeyou Istchee.  
    More specifically, the incumbent is responsible for the adequate and optimal management activities related the medical records management to assume the management of medical and hospital information statistics, analysis, evaluation, accessibility, transmission, confidentiality, conservation and security. The Coordinator of Regional Medical Archives has the mandate to standardize the services offered, work internal processes and working tools appealing the best practices following the legislation, norms and active standard.

    In close collaboration with the Director of Medical Services and Affairs (DMAS), and the all Directors of Professional Services and Quality Assurance (DPSQA), the incumbent will be called upon to provide guidance and advise on the qualitative management of information on users.

    In addition, the incumbent will collaborate in activities related to the definition and implementation of clinical information systems (CIS) and participate in the definition, planning and development of unit programs, policies and protocols, other programs, evaluation and performance of quality assurance functions.


    • The incumbent is responsible for the adequate and optimal management activities related the medical records management to assume the management of medical and hospital information statistics, analysis, evaluation, accessibility, transmission, confidentiality, conservation and security.
    • The Coordinator of Regional Medical Archives has the mandate to standardize the services offered, work internal processes and working tools appealing the best practices following the legislation, norms and active standard.

    Furthermore, the incumbent is an active collaborator with all the clinical electronic archives. More specifically:

    1. Plan, organize and evaluate the activities of the Regional Archives Service for the entire CCSSSBJ.
    2. Ensure adequate and optimal management of activities relating to the management of files, the processing and coding of medico-administrative data, as well as the management of operating systems supporting these activities.
    3. Collaborate with the Hospital Director, Regional Proximity Director - Regional Miyupimaatisiun Services in the assurance of planning, budget planning, coordination, accountability, quality assurance and evaluation.
    4. Ensure operational management (access, direction, accountability, planning, organization, coordination, implementation, control, supervision and reporting) and participate in the management of human, financial, material and information resources for all services provided, in collaboration with functional program staff/managers.
    5. Standardize all practices and protocols for the services under its responsibility.
    6. Collaborate in the implementation of processes allowing the computerization of the file and the implementation of clinical information systems (CIS).
    7. Ensure the optimization of processes in the archives sector and ensure sound change management with all partners involved.
    8. Know and put into practice the confidentiality rules of the institution by taking the necessary measures to protect the integrity, confidentiality and security of users' personal information.
    9. Develop, implement and update service policies and procedures.
    10. Ensure links between the various departments and the organization's partners.
    11. Ensure a healthy work environment in its departments (mobilization, leadership) and the development of human resources skills.
    12. Participate in any Committee related to the management of user information.
    13. Responsible of the development, deployment and operationalization of the Regional scanning and classification process.
    14. Responsible of the patient identification data integrity following the directive, normative code and other relevant government reference.
    15. Know and put into practice the rules of confidentiality policies of the organization by taking the necessary measures to protect the integrity, confidentiality and security of users' personal information.
    16. Establish, in collaboration with the Regional Proximity Director - Regional Miyupimaatisiun Services and the assistant-head of archives, the objectives of the service and determine the actions to achieve these goals.
    17. Plan, organize, standardize, direct and coordinate the activities of the regional medical archives.
    18. Participate in the planning and implementation of various local, regional, supra-regional and provincial CIS project.

    Education and experience:

    • University degree in medical archives and/or in a discipline relevant to the position;
    • A diploma as a medical archivist from a school recognized by the competent department and/or a diploma recognized by the Association des gestionnaires de l'information de la santé du Québec or by the College of Medical Archivists of Canada (Association of Medical Archivists of Canada) can also be accepted;
    • Five (5) years of relevant experience as a medical archivist;
    • Degree in Management is an asset;
    • Member in good standing of the AGISQ is an asset.

    Knowledge and abilities:

    • Strong knowledge of the MSSS social practice, programs, laws, regulations, RUIS Network, orientations and trends, including CHSSC (formerly CLSC), hospital services, rehabilitation, mental health and dependencies, and public health;
    • Good knowledge and experience in the management of archive services, and service corridors for health care services;
    • Experience with processes induced by the interface of inherent IT applications;
    • Work experience related to the development and/or monitoring of performance indicators for the management and interpretation of dashboard data;
    • Excellent knowledge of current legislation, norms and standards;
    • Knowledge of various laws concerning the management of information of the Health of Quebec, such as Access to Information Act, LSSSS and chapter S-5, Archives Act, Act respecting the legal framework of the information technologies etc.
    • Knowledge of the features of an IPM is an asset;
    • Knowledge of the features of an interface is an asset;
    • Knowledge of coding standards for ICD-10-CA, CCI and ICD-O;
    • Knowledge of the features of an EMR and/or DCI is an asset;
    • Good knowledge of the normative framework of I-CLSC;
    • Learning agility of IT software;
    • Good command of Med-Echo system and Microsoft Office suite (Word and Excel) and knowledge of Impromptu (an asset);
    • Knowledge of DSQ, SI-PMI, Crystal-Net applications and a forms management module is an asset;
    • Knowledge of Medipatient ADT and MedIndex, IPMR concept and interface functionality (an asset for future deployment projects);
    • Excellent computer skills MS Office (i.e. Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.);
    • Extensive experience with data analysis, preparation and presentation of data;
    • Strong knowledge of social services related theory, practice, current issues and trends, and program planning, professional standards and acts, clinical supervision, including the development of policies and program manuals;
    • Strong leadership, multidisciplinary team and line management skills;
    • Good record in an appropriate level of professional services or programming line management or leadership, and; human, financial, and information resources management is an asset;
    • Flexibility and ability to adapt to change;
    • Knowledge of, or ability to grasp the issues and context that relate to First Nation professional services programming;
    • Ability to apply Eeyou (Cree) culture, values, traditions and teachings into programs and services;
    • Knowledge of Cree culture, communities and language is an asset;
    • Excellent critical thinking, decision-making, planning and organizational skills as applied to professional practice planning and implementation;
    • Results-oriented, autonomous, flexible, and ability to multi-task;
    • Excellent interpersonal communication, leadership and teamwork skills;
    • Excellent communication skills, both written and presentation;
    • Ability to effectively collaborate with all colleagues, as a team member and team leader;
    • Ability in administrative and statistical computer applications, and management information systems.


    • Fluent in English and French;
    • Ability to read government documents in French;
    • Fluency in Cree is a strong asset.


    •Willing to travel extensively and participate in required training.

    Application information

    To apply, please forward your resume to:
    Cree Board of Health & Social Services of James Bay
    Tel  514-861-5955          Fax 514-989-7495

    With your application, please make sure to specify the Posting # and the Job title on which you wish to apply.

    Application Deadline: May 26, 2022


  • 13 May 2022 1:34 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada

    Location: Ottawa, Ontario
    Compensation: $70,000-$75,000

    The Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada is a non-profit organization led by a board of directors comprising the elected leaders of the four land-claims settlement regions: Inuvialuit, Nunatsiavut, Nunavik, and Nunavut. Our organizational history stretches back to the late 1970s.  As with other small NGOs we have collected and preserved our work over the decades in the form of physical documents, photographs, audio and videos, and even film. Most recently our documents have been in electronic and digital forms. Help us preserve and promote our corporate memory, and in doing so bring the Inuit voice to the international community. If you thrive on challenge and want to make a difference for Inuit across the circumpolar world, this is a great opportunity.

    Description and Duties    

    The ideal candidate should be well versed both in the field of archives and possess knowledge of the Inuit community, domestically in Canada, and preferably in the circumpolar Arctic as well. This is a one-year contract with the possibility of extension to develop our archives from the ground up.

    Key Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Develops, arranges and describes archival collections in accordance with accepted standards and practices.
    • Creates internal and online finding aids using contemporary tools in accordance with accepted archival standards, and for the Inuit community.
    • Develops and implements procedures for the acquisition, processing, digitization, and preservation of archival materials.
    • Recommend and coordinate acquisition for equipment, software, and supplies necessary to support on-going digitization efforts.
    • Interacts with donors of archival collections both internal and external to the organization.
    • Appraises potential collection additions and makes recommendations for acquisition of new collections and de-accessioning of existing collections, relevant to the ICC Inuit community.
    • Participates in the development and implementation of policies and standards for the archives.
    • Supervises and trains lower level staff, students, volunteers, as appropriate.
    • Promotes collections through online exhibits, publications, presentations, instructional sessions, and other outreach activities.
    • Participates in the collection of oral histories as appropriate.
    • Maintains professional knowledge base and skills through continued education.
    • Provides guidance in identifying and soliciting funds, including grant proposal writing.
    • Performs miscellaneous job-related duties as assigned.
    Qualifications - Knowledge and skills:
    • Knowledge of the Inuit community within Canada, and in the circumpolar Arctic.
    • Must have excellent oral and written communication skills (primarily in English; Inuktitut and/or French an asset).
    • Skill in the use of computer with Windows-based operating environment.
    • Ability to develop and maintain finding aids using contemporary archival tools.
    • Knowledge of archival and preservation concepts, methodology, and techniques.
    • Skill in organizing resources and establishing priorities.
    • Ability to effectively communicate and foster a cooperative work environment.
    • Substantial knowledge of research methodology and skill in providing research assistance.
    • Knowledge of archival ethics and laws relating to archival management.
    • Knowledge of the historical contexts governing archival operations.
    • Ability to make evaluative judgments.
    • Knowledge of automated storage and retrieval systems, electronic records, and electronic publications.
    • Ability to supervise and train employees or volunteers, to include organizing, prioritizing, and scheduling work assignments.
    • Skill in searching and maintaining online and other electronic retrieval systems.
    • Ability to communicate technical information to non-technical personnel.
    • Knowledge of library theory, concepts, methods, and techniques.
    • Ability to create, compose, and edit written materials.
    • Knowledge of available sources of archival materials.
    • Ability to assess objectives and operational requirements and to develop and implement suitable operational policies and/or procedures.


    • Bachelor's degree; at least five years of experience directly related to the duties and responsibilities specified.
    • Completed degree(s) from an accredited institution that are above the minimum education requirement may be substituted for experience on a year for year basis.
    • Previous experience working with Indigenous research methodologies, systematic literature review, scholarly information and research methods would be an asset.
    • Preferred: Master of Archival Studies (MAS) or a Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS). Other background in a library, archives or cultural heritage may be considered.
    Other Information:
    • Work is normally performed in a typical interior/office work environment including frequent use of computer;
    • Limited exposure to physical risk;
    • Moderate physical activity. Requires handling of average-weight objects up to 50 pounds and some standing or walking;
    • Must have proof of COVID-19 vaccination;

    Application information

    Applicants who are a Beneficiary under a Land Claims Agreement will be given priority hiring. We encourage applicants to self-identify.

    We would like to thank all applicants in advance for their interest in ICC; however, only those selected will be contacted.

    Please send a cover letter and resume to the attention of:

    Jocelyne Durocher, Financial and HR Director, ICC Canada
    email: or apply online

    Application Webpage (URL):
    Application Deadline: May 27, 2022

  • 11 May 2022 10:48 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Digital Archives Intern
    Arnprior & McNab/Braeside Archives

    Location: Arnprior, Ontario
    Compensation: The rate of pay is $15.00/hour

    The Arnprior & McNab/Braeside Archives (AMBA) is a non profit organization which identifies, collects and makes available the records related to the history of the Town of Arnprior and the Township of McNab/Braeside. The AMBA holds material in a variety of formats. A growing number of digitized and born-digital records have prompted the need for new digital preservation measures to be developed and implemented.

    Description and Duties    

    The Intern's main activities will pertain to the digital holdings of the AMBA. There will be three main priorities:

    1. Analyze the AMBA's digital collections to identify and secure existing     digital assets in the correct folders and drives
    2. Reduce the digital backlog by connecting digitized items to records in the     in-house InMagic/DBTextworks database, which are then uploaded to the     AMBA website
    3. Create and add to a Digital Asset Register for the archives according to     a template that will be provided, documenting information about AMBA's     digital    holdings and their disposition

    If time allows, the intern will prepare for future data migration by identifying and isolating media formats in the collection that are at risk of obsolescence.

    The successful candidate will also assist the archivist in some day-to-day duties. This includes digitization and helping the public with research. They will complete weekly updates of work for the archivist. They will also produce at least one blog post at the end of the project, with the opportunity to contribute to further outreach efforts, which will be shared with the public.

    The intern will gain valuable skills in digital records management and best practices in the care and preservation of digital objects. They will also become familiarized with the work environment in a rural community archives.


    • Must be between 15 and 30 years of age, legally entitled to work in Ontario, and a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident
    • Either a recent graduate in Archival Studies, Museum Studies, History or similar program OR a student working towards a degree or certificate in one of the above programs.
    • Strong computer skills, including working knowledge of Microsoft Office and the ability to implement and learn new software and applications
    • Excellent attention to detail
    • Ability to work independently
    • Strong writing and research skills
    • Ability to safely lift up to 20 lbs (training will be provided)
    • Experience working with digital collections; knowledge of data preservation software and digitization workflows  
    • Utilization of social media (Facebook and Twitter) in an organizational setting
    • Experience working in an archives or museum
    • Familiarity with Ottawa Valley history

    How to Apply

    Apply by sending a resume and covering letter to Questions about the role can also be directed to this address.

    Application Webpage (URL):

    Application Due Date: End of day on May 24, 2022. 

  • 11 May 2022 10:18 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Community Services Coordinator 2 - Archivist
    City of Surrey

    Location: Surrey, BC
    Compensation: $37.36 hourly

    As one of the fastest growing cities in Canada, City of Surrey is a globally recognized leader in building vibrant, sustainable communities through technology and innovation.

    City of Surrey employees are talented innovators, inspired by meaningful work and the opportunity to drive our city-and their careers-forward.

    Build a City. Build a Future at the City of Surrey


    The City of Surrey is looking for a collaborative and dynamic Archivist with demonstrated experience in archival collections management, arrangement and description, database systems, digitization processes, facilitating public access to archival collections, staff and volunteer supervision, preventative conservation, and community development. Reporting to the Manager of Heritage Admin. & Facilities, the Archivist engages in advanced levels of archival work, and leads service delivery at the Surrey Archives.

    This is an excellent opportunity for an Archives professional with demonstrated initiative, leadership abilities and public service and communication skills.

    The Archivist:

    • Appraises, processes, arranges, and described archival materials
    • Acquires community collections and liaises with the City's Records Management division for the transfer of City records of enduring value.
    • Arranges and describes archival records according to Canadian archival standards.
    • Provides access to collections through in-person reference services and through an online database and various social media platforms.
    • Leads digital preservation and database management initiatives.
    • Leads all aspects of operations of the Surrey Archives, including day to day operations, public programming, and outreach initiatives.
    • Liaises and negotiates with donors, community groups and associations.
    • Develops annual service delivery plans.
    • Monitors budget, revenues, and approved expenditures
    • Identifies and prepares grant applications.
    • Supervises and assists subordinate staff, volunteers, students and interns.
    • Works collaboratively with other City staff.
    • Prepares written reports and delivers presentations to community groups, advisory boards, and committees of Council.
    • Oversees facility maintenance, safety, security.

    The successful applicant will be familiar with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's 94 Call to Actions, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and best practices for archives. The successful applicant will have strong written and oral communication skills, experience working in archives, and be able to provide excellent customer service. The ability to think critically and quickly while identifying and recommending research solutions and resources is essential for success in this role. Experience in budget preparation, grant writing, administration, staff supervision, facility maintenance, and marketing and outreach is required.

    The successful candidate will have:

    • University or college level graduation in a related discipline.
    • 3-5 years of progressively responsible experience in the delivery of professional cultural programs including experience in facility management.
    • An equivalent combination of education and experience will be considered.
    • Must have technical expertise applicable to the specific role.
    We offer a dynamic work environment and excellent opportunities to advance.
    How to Apply: If you are interested in this opportunity please apply at to Job ID 4562.

    Application Webpage (URL):

    Application Deadline:

    May 12, 2022

  • 29 Apr 2022 11:46 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Assistant Archivist
    City of Victoria Archives

    Location: Victoria, B.C.
    Compensation: $39.14 per hour

    Victoria is a leading-edge capital city that embraces the future and builds on the past, where human well-being and the environment are priorities and where the community feels valued, heard, and understood.

    The City of Victoria Archives provides a full range of archival and records services, facing both inward to the organization and outward to the community.  Our small, customer-focused team values adaptability and continuous development in all areas. We collaborate extensively but also have the flexibility and willingness to take on a variety of independent, focused tasks.

    The Assistant Archivist position provides a rare opportunity for someone who can see the big picture but can also take care of the details, who loves to work collaboratively in a team setting but also values independence, and who could thrive in a supportive environment with the opportunity for professional growth.

    Our ideal candidate has a passion for delivering public sector excellence, is customer service focused and truly understands and promotes the significance of Archives in the municipal landscape.

    If you are passionate about what you do - we would like to hear from you!


    Participate and assist Archivist in accessioning, arranging and describing archival material. Provide access to archival material and provide clerical support to the archives.


    • Participate in acquiring and processing records of historical value to the City.
    • Assist in organizing and describing records in accordance with professional standards by maintaining catalogues, indexes, guides, and other tools for understanding, accessing and using archives.
    • Conduct research using archival research tools and techniques and document the contents and context of archival records.
    • Participate in the licensing of archival material and coordinate records reproduction and licensing program.
    • Assist in the development of policies and procedures for the acquisition, description, preservation and use of archival material. Assess policies for gaps and make recommendations on policy updates to supervisor.
    • Assist in developing and maintaining informational tools and databases for the control and management of archives.
    • Assist and collaborate with project planning and prioritization.
    • Assist public and staff who request information by identifying, analyzing and assessing information needs.
    • Instruct and orient users in archival research methods and equipment; determine extent of request and provide controlled access to archival materials.
    • Provide scanned images and photographic reproductions requested by staff and the public; photocopy research material as required.
    • Perform conservation work such as protection and repair of archival materials.
    • Design, prepare and set up displays; organize and schedule displays by various heritage groups and assist as required; develop and lead tours of archives as required.
    • Coordinate and assist in the production of various archival publications such as brochures and web pages.
    • Contribute to the archives online presence, update website content and promote the archives program area.
    • Compose a variety of letters, reports, memos, forms and compile statistics; order and maintain office supplies; process payment for images and other sales.
    • Perform related duties where qualified.


    • Work is generated by requests from the public, staff, donations, transfer of records or is assigned by supervisor.
    • Work is reviewed through discussions with supervisor.
    • Issues such as copyright questions, significant deviation from policy, sensitive information requests or difficult customers are referred to supervisor.


    Physical Effort:

    • Sit with arms unsupported while keyboarding. (often)
    • Lift and carry heavy materials. (occasional)
    Mental Effort:
    • Normal.

    Visual/Auditory Effort:

    • Focus on a variety of source data and computer for short periods. (often)

    Work Environment:

    • Office.
    • Exposure to dust and mildew from archival materials. (rare)


    • May be requested to substitute in a more senior position.


    • Formal Education, Training and Occupational Certification:
    • Undergraduate degree in history, library sciences or archival sciences, or related field. (4 years)


    • 3 years of related experience
    • or an equivalent combination of education and experience.


    • Understand and apply the techniques of archival operations and research methods.
    • Knowledge of international records and information standards
    • Knowledge of digital records preservation techniques and standards.
    • Knowledge of basic conservation practices.
    • Working knowledge of current City of Victoria computer software including Microsoft Access and Adobe Photoshop.
    • Establish and maintain effective working relationships.
    • Deal with the public in a courteous and tactful manner.
    • Communicate effectively verbally and in writing.
    • Use standard office equipment.

    Work schedule: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm, 35 hour work week
    Job Code #4093
    This is a CUPE Local 50 Position

    How to Apply:
    To apply for this opportunity you will need to create an online profile or log back in to our career portal at - only online submission will be considered. All applications must be submitted online by 4:30 pm on the closing date noted on the posting.

    Please be prepared to provide proof of qualifications and supporting materials as outlined in your resume.
    COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement

    Applicants who are not current City of Victoria employees will be asked to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 during the recruitment process. External applicants who cannot be fully vaccinated based on a protected legal ground as defined in the BC Human Rights Code may request an accommodation.

    At the City of Victoria, we are committed to recruiting a diverse workforce that represents the community we serve. Indigenous applicants, people of colour, all genders, LGBT2Q+ and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Accommodations will be provided upon request during the selection process.

    If you require assistance, please email us at

    Application Webpage (URL):

    Application Deadline: May 19, 2022 at 4:30 PM PST


  • 27 Apr 2022 11:28 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Reference Archivist
    The ArQuives: Canada's LGBTQ2+ Archives

    Location: Toronto
    Compensation: 27$/h

    Located in Toronto, Ontario, The ArQuives is one of the largest independent LGBTQ2+ archives in the world. Primarily a volunteer-run organization focusing on Canadian content, The ArQuives acquires, preserves, and provides public access to information and collections in various formats. Our organization offers a range of research, exhibition, educational, and community programming.

    Description and Duties   

    • Assist researchers in navigating our archival, library, reference, and artifact collection.
    • Answer Queeries from the public via email and phone.
    • Create and update the documentation to assist researchers.
    • In collaboration with the Senior Archivist, assist with supervision of collections volunteers.


    • Masters of Information or equivalent.
    • A demonstrated record of public service experience in an archive or library.
    • An understanding of the Copyright Act of Canada and proven research skills.
    • Knowledge and understanding of the LGBTQ2+ communities and history in Canada or experience working with marginalized communities.
    • Strong communication skills and the ability to work independently or as a team.
    • Experience in developing and implementing reference and outreach programs is an asset.
    • Experience with conflict resolution and working with the public is an asset.
    • Knowledge and understanding of Google Suite, Inmagic, Basecamp, and AtoM are an asset.
    • The ability to take the initiative and prioritize with strong attention to detail.
    • The ability to frequently move boxes weighing up to 23 kg (50 pounds).

    Additional Information    

    Reporting to the Senior Archivist, the Reference Archivist is responsible for leading the organization's public service and providing access to The ArQuives' impressive collection. Responsibilities of the position include working with the public, answering emails and phone calls about the collection, pulling material for researchers and community members, and working with volunteers. 80% on-site work is required, with some evenings and weekends also needed.

    The ArQuives has a COVID Vaccine and Safety Policy for all staff, volunteers, and researchers. Proof of vaccination is required for new employees. Any applicants with exemptions due to medical reasons or religious beliefs must submit accommodation requests. Accommodations will be granted where they do not cause undue hardship or pose a direct threat to the health and safety of staff, volunteers, and community members.

    The ArQuives acknowledges and is committed to addressing historical inequities within our organization. We encourage applications from marginalized communities, including those who identify as Indigenous, women, trans, non-binary, gender non-conforming, Black, people of colour, and persons with disabilities.

    How to Apply
    Interested candidates should send a CV and cover letter as one PDF document to: with "Reference Archivist" in the email subject line.

    Application Webpage (URL):
    Application Deadline: May 20, 2022 @ 5 pm EDT


  • 27 Apr 2022 10:04 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Collection Manager

    Paintings, Drawings, Prints and Photographs, Archives Department, HRO18

    Royal BC Museum

    Location: Victoria BC
    Compensation: $56,032 - $63, 565 based on experience

    The Royal British Columbia Museum is one of Canada's great cultural treasures. Our collections, research and public programs enable us to tell the stories of BC in ways that enlighten, stimulate and inspire.  

    Description and Duties    

    The Collection Manager is part of the Archives, department, which is responsible for the BC Archives, physical and digital access to collections, and preservation and conservation services and initiatives. The mandate of this department as it relates to BC Archives is to ensure that the historical records of the province are preserved, managed and made accessible.  The department is also responsible for managing physical and digital access to collections via a reference room and a collection management system.  
    Qualifications    Education (Screening criteria):

    • Post-secondary education in archival studies, curation, conservation and/or preservation, or an equivalent combination of education and experience with framed works of art, archives or museum collections.


    • Gallery Technician or a Certificate in library, archival, preservation, conservation or related studies and 5 years' working with historical collections or in a gallery setting.

    Experience (Screening criteria):

    • 2+ years working in an archive, museum or gallery or similar institution with works of art on canvas, paper or photographs
    • 1-2 years' preferred experience in the care and handling of paintings including packing and exhibition
    • Experience managing a collection of historical records, artifacts, framed works of art or photograph collections or similar
    • Some project management experience with the ability to determine appropriate costs related to special projects, acquisition, and storage of archival material

    Knowledge (Assessment Criteria):

    • Knowledge of preservation requirements for paintings, prints or photographs
    • Knowledge of handling framed paintings, including best practice for framing, hanging, moving and storage
    • Knowledge of best practices for environmental conditions of works of art on exhibit
    • Knowledge of different art mediums and/or photographic processes

    Specialized conservation and/or preservation knowledge in one or more of the following areas:

    • Works of art on canvas or paper
    • Photographic collections
    • Faming paintings and frame removal

    Skills/Abilities (Assessment Criteria):

    • Strong research skills with the ability to make recommendations for best practices for handling and packing works of art
    • Ability to lift heavy objects with care and attention
    • Ability to streamline workflow process
    • Excellent interpersonal skills
    • Flexible and creative problem-solving skills while remaining accountable to performance measures
    • Ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from groups of managers, clients, customers and the general public

    Behavioural Competencies (Assessment Criteria)

    Cultural Agility - is the ability to work respectfully, knowledgeably and effectively with Aboriginal people.  It is noticing and readily adapting to cultural uniqueness in order to create a sense of safety for all.  It is the capacity to relate to or allow for differing cultural perspectives and being willing to experience a person shift in perspective.
    Teamwork & Cooperation - ability to work co-operatively within diverse teams, work groups and across the organization to achieve group and organizational goals. It includes the desire and ability to understand and respond effectively to other people from diverse backgrounds with diverse views.
    Results Orientation - is a concern for surpassing a standard of excellence. The standard may be one's own past performance (striving for improvement); an objective measure (results orientation); challenging goals one has set; or even improving or surpassing what has already been done (continuous improvement). Thus a unique accomplishment also indicates Results Orientation.
    Service Orientation -  implies a desire to identify and serve customers/clients, who may include the public, colleagues, partners (e.g., educational institutes, non-government organizations, etc.), co-workers, peers, branches, ministries/agencies and other government organizations. It means focusing one's efforts on discovering and meeting the needs of the customer/client needs.

    How to Apply

    Please submit your application in pdf format by May 13, 2022 at 11:59 pm (PST) quoting competition RB2022:12 via email to:

    Application Webpage (URL):

    Application Deadline:
    May 13, 2022 at 11:59 pm (PST)


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