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  • 27 Nov 2019 1:17 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    To have vision is to have the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom. What does the future have in store for the archival profession?

    Join us next year in Vancouver, where the mountains meet the sea, to
    envision the future of the archival profession.

    The ACA 2020 Program Team invites *POSTER* proposals that offer
    perspectives from the lenses of archival theory and practice, as well as
    related disciplines.

    Please review the Call for Posters *INFOGRAPHIC* for more details. See
    attached or visit

    To apply, visit:

    Deadline: *FEBRUARY 15, 2020*

    Looking forward to seeing everyone next year at the University of British

    Emily Lonie

    Chair, ACA 2020 Conference Program Team

  • 22 Nov 2019 10:03 AM | Anonymous

    On behalf of the ACA Board and Committee Chairs, I am pleased to report that the ACA has struck a Diversity and Inclusion (D+I) Task Force with a mandate to develop and recommend a D+I Action Plan

    What is a D+I Action Plan?

    We know that the future of the archives and recordkeeping profession requires a diversity of experiences, skills, and perspectives. To build this capacity, we need to create an equitable, diverse and inclusive profession now. The ACA is committed to this capacity building and cultural change. We want to integrate equity, diversity and inclusion considerations into all of our programming and to support our members from all backgrounds. We seek to build a professional association that can provide national leadership on equity, diversity and inclusion as it relates to archives and recordkeeping, and we desire a community of members who feel confident in allowing us to take that leadership role. A D+I Action Plan will provide us a strategic roadmap for moving the ACA forward.

    At its November meeting, the ACA Board has struck a D+I Task Force with a mandate to develop and recommend a D+I Action Plan that aligns with the ACA’s strategic priorities and is:

    • Staged over four years with the intention of regular review and revision (rolling 4-year);
    • Established benchmarks that take into account available resources;
    • Implementable across all ACA committees and governance structures; and
    • Provides working definition for D+I concepts and strategies relevant to the archives and recordkeeping profession.
    How Can You Participate?

    The ACA Board has appointed Rebecka Sheffield as the interim chair of the D+I Task Force. Rebecka is looking for volunteers to serve on this Task Force and invites expressions of interest until December 20, 2019. The intention is to build a Task Force that will begin its work in the new year. 

    The ACA Board is fully supportive of D+I initiatives and principles. We also recognize that this is important and critical work that will require thoughtful strategic considerations and tremendous persistence. While we encourage all ACA members to consider joining this Task Force, the Board is particularly interested in members who have experience working in equity, diversity and inclusion programming or initiatives. We are also seeking members with experience working in conflict resolution and non-profit management. We will consider expressions of interest from non-members who have demonstrated a desire to work with the ACA to improve its programming and to better serve archives and recordkeeping professionals at any stage of their careers and from all backgrounds. 

    Please submit expressions of interest here:

    For more information about the ACA and its programs and services, please visit:

    Questions and comments can be sent directly to Rebecka at:

    - Rebecka, VP (2018-2021)

  • 21 Nov 2019 9:31 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Canadian Council of Archives is pleased to announce that the 2020-2021 campaign for the program Young Canada Works (YCW) for heritage organizations has launched. This program is funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage (PCH), supporting the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment and Skills Strategy.

    All archival institutions, as well as libraries operating in English, are now able to apply online through the Canadian Council of Archives for both summer projects and internships via the YCW official web site.  Please note, the YCW website has not yet been updated by Canadian Heritage but it will be soon.

    Please visit CCA’s web site ( for more information as well as the link to the program's application forms found on the YCW website (

    The Canadian Council of Archives is pleased to announce that the 2020-2021 campaign for the program Young Canada Works (YCW) for heritage organizations has launched. This program is funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage (PCH), supporting the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment and Skills Strategy.

    All archival institutions, as well as libraries operating in English, are now able to apply online through the Canadian Council of Archives for both summer projects and internships via the YCW official web site.  Please note, the YCW website has not yet been updated by Canadian Heritage but it will be soon.

    Please visit CCA’s web site ( for more information as well as the link to the program's application forms found on the YCW website (


    ·         The application deadline for the summer projects is January 15th, 2020.

    ·         The application deadline to submit applications for internships to CCA is March 1st, 2020.

    If you have any questions concerning your application in the archival field, do not hesitate to contact Louise Charlebois at

    If you have any questions concerning your application as a library operating in English, do not hesitate to contact Jameyn Arboleda at
  • 14 Nov 2019 10:30 AM | Anonymous

    Beginning this month, ACA will now host regular Indigenizing Archives and Recordkeeping posts (previously posted to Arcan-L). These posts are full of links to news articles, blog posts, videos, and podcasts pertaining to Indigenous people and colonization issues of relevance to archives and cultural heritage. As you can see, there is a lot going on! These links have been collected and are graciously provided by ACA member Richard McKibbon. If you have resources to add, please let us know!

    In the Ojibwe calendar, this is the month of Mnidoons Giizisoonhg – Little Spirit Moon. The twelfth moon of Creation is the Little Spirit Moon, a time of healing. By receiving both vision of the spirits and good health, we may walk the Red Road with purest intentions, and we can share this most positive energy with our families and friends for the good of all.

    If you’d like to learn more about Indigenous languages and the moon cycle, you can check out this resource from the Ontario Native Literacy Coalition:

    The list is provided for reference only and the ACA does not guarantee the accuracy or comprehensiveness of each resource, nor endorse a particular perspective. Our aim is only to provide opportunities for our members to learn more about Indigenous peoples and colonial issues. 

    Archive photo exhibit captures Indigenous strength, connections in difficult times [Click Here]

    Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation seeks to repatriate more than 100 cultural objects from Smithsonian Institute [Click Here]

    Yukon First Nations aim to preserve, revitalize their languages through video [Click Here]

    Nuxalk delegation travels to Royal B.C. Museum to talk about bringing history home [Click Here]

    Land Back: A Yellowhead Institute Red Paper [Click Here]

    First Nations paranormal hunters scour Six Nations for spirits [Click Here]

    MEDIA INDIGENA: Ep. 180: Is the Green Movement Still Too White? [Click Here]

    A Year of Inaction: Ontario Education and the TRC [Click Here]

    First Nation, environmental groups seek leave to appeal pipeline ruling [Click Here]

    Turtle Island News publisher says newsroom intentionally set on fire [Click Here]

    Time for Justin Trudeau to embrace a radical agenda [Click Here]

    Robinson-Huron Treaty annuities case enters phase two [Click Here]

    MEDIA INDIGENA: Ep. 182: An Indigenous Post-Election Post-Mortem (Pt. 1) [Click Here]!31957

    Reconciliation Book Club: Unsettling Canada [Click Here]

    New generation of Indigenous elders 'coming out of the dream of colonization' [Click Here]

    BC's Declaration Act explained [Click Here]

    Indigenous people pin hopes on Jagmeet Singh in minority government [Click Here]

    Why one N.W.T. teen is suing the Canadian government over climate change inaction [Click Here]

    Meet Activist Autumn Peltier: The Young “Water Warrior” Making A Splash [Click Here]

    'How do you not see your people in these Indigenous youth?': Couple working to decolonize classrooms [Click Here]

    Concern and confusion as police approach people who testified at MMIWG inquiry [Click Here]

    The literal – and literary – futures we build [Click Here]

    They Hid Him from Residential School, He Grew to Be Chief [Click Here]

    Western separatism would have to face treaty nations, say First Nations leaders [Click Here]

    Windsor Indigenous artist's hand-made jewelry to be featured in Vanity Fair UK [Click Here]

  • 29 Oct 2019 12:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    The Association of Canadian Archivists is happy to announce that registration is open for members to participate in the ACA Mentorship Program.

    The Mentorship program has become one of the ACA’s most popular programs since its inception in 2003. The goal of the ACA mentoring program is to facilitate the integration of new archivists into the Canadian archival community by matching them with mentors who may advise and guide them on work and career management issues.

    Any ACA member who is a student of archival studies, recent graduate of archival studies, or has recently entered the archival profession, is invited to sign up for a mentor from the Canadian archival community.

    Archivists, who are members of the ACA, and who have been active in the profession for at least five years, are encouraged to apply to mentor a student or new archivist.

    Please consider becoming a mentor or a mentee in 2019-2020. The online forms and more information about the program are available at

    Please note that the deadline for applications is December 6, 2019.

    Leslie Thomas-Smith

    Mentorship Coordinator,

    ACA Membership Committee

  • 23 Oct 2019 11:16 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The ACA is continues to seek members to volunteer to serve as committee members as part of the leadership team that creates the strategic direction of the Association. There are leadership opportunities on standing committees, including Awards, Advocacy, CommunicationGovernance, and Membership.

    For more information or to submit an expression of interest, visit Volunteer with Us.


    • Do you have good knowledge of archives and records professionals across Canada?
    • Can you recognize good work and talented professionals?
    • We are looking for 4 members to help us identify and recognize ACA fellow members as part of the ACA Awards Program.


    • Do you enjoy meeting new people and working to build a strong community?
    • We are looking to build a Membership team that will help build the ACA's new membership management system and work together to ensure members take advantage of all association benefits.


    • Do you want to contribute to ACA's good governance?
    • Do you have non-profit and/or management experience?
    • Governance is looking for 2 members to join the 2020 team
    • Previous ACA volunteer experience is an asset to this role.


    • Do you enjoy meeting new people and working to build a strong community?
    • We are looking to build a Membership team that will help build the ACA's new membership management system and work together to ensure members take advantage of all association benefits.  

    How to Apply

    The ACA is a member-driven association for archives and records professionals across Canada and abroad. All Individual Members are encouraged to participate in ACA activities. Positions will remain open until filled.

    For more information about the ACA and its leadership opportunities, or to send us an expression of interest, please contact: or call (613) 234-6977.

    The ACA believes that a professional and intellectual community is enriched and enhanced by diversity along a number of dimensions, including, but not limited to, race, ethnicity and national origins, gender and gender identity, sexuality, class and religion. We are especially committed to increasing committee participation by members from groups that have been historically underrepresented in the records and archives profession. We encourage participation from ACA members at any stage of their careers and from all backgrounds.

    Together we can build a strong ACA and enrich the archives and recordkeeping profession for the benefit of all.

    Positions will remain open until filled.

    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software
  • 23 Oct 2019 11:07 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The deadline to submit proposals has been extended to Monday, November 4, 2019.

    The 2020 ACA Program Committee and the ACA Education Committee invite proposals for workshops relating to all areas of archival practice for the professional development workshop stream. Topics may include decolonizing archives, working with digital records, policy development, project management or any other skills you think might support your colleagues in their work. Proposals for half- or full-day workshops are encouraged.

    Please submit your proposal at: by end of day on November 4, 2019.

  • 18 Oct 2019 9:18 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The ACA Communications Committee is preparing to re-launch a newsletter for the Association, as well as a new blog. The ACA Bulletin began as a paper newsletter in the early years of the Association’s existence, and in more recent years, was produced in electronic form as a PDF. In 2014 the Bulletin became a monthly blog on the ACA website. Changes in the ACA website took the blog functionality away for a period of time.

    In order to meet the communication needs of the ACA and its members, the Communications Committee will be creating a monthly e-newsletter that will bring together news and association updates from the month, as well as articles that have been featured on the blog.

    To mark the change in format, we are going to change the name of the newsletter…and this is where you come in! We are holding a contest to choose a new name. The Communications Committee will review the submitted suggestions and will choose their favourite three names; these top suggestions will then be sent to the ACA Board who will choose the winner.

    Please send your suggestions to by Friday, November 1, 2019.

    The winning name will be revealed with the launch of the new e-newsletter at the end of November.

    Get your creative juices flowing!

  • 15 Sep 2019 11:39 AM | Anonymous

    The ACA is seeking members to volunteer to serve as committee members as part of the leadership team that creates the strategic direction of the Association. There are leadership opportunities on standing committees, including Awards, Advocacy, Communication, Education, Governance, and Membership.

    For more information or to submit an expression of interest, visit Volunteer with Us.

    Or download and share our flyer!

    Positions will remain open until filled.

  • 28 Aug 2019 9:13 AM | Anonymous

    It is with profound sadness that the ACA has learned of the passing of Larry Dohey, archivist at The Rooms.

    Larry was a remarkable ambassador for the archival community and for the history of Newfoundland and Labrador. Larry was not only a witty story teller and archivist but also a dear, wonderful friend to archival colleagues across the country. We will miss him very much.

    More on Larry's life can be found at:

    Loryl MacDonald, President

    Association of Canadian Archivists

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Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4

Tel:  613-383-2009 x100


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The ACA office is located on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation whose presence here reaches back to time immemorial.

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