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  • 29 Jun 2020 7:07 PM | Anonymous

    It’s time for another email full of links to news articles, blog posts, videos, and podcasts to pertaining to Indigenous people, cultures, and issues. 

    For the year ahead, we’ll be connecting these emails with the Moose Cree lunar-based calendar; the month of June aligns with Saakipakaawi-piisim (Budding Moon), a time of year when the flowers are budding or blooming.

    These links have been collected and are graciously provided by Alison Little, Senior Coordinator of Educational Programming and Exhibitions at the Archives of Ontario. 

    The list is provided for reference only and the ACA does not guarantee the accuracy or comprehensiveness of each resource, nor endorse a particular perspective. Our aim is only to provide opportunities for our members to learn more about Indigenous peoples and colonial issues.  

    Archiving and Language Documentation panel discussion (upcoming on July 11)

    Victoria museum releases more than 16,000 historical images of Indigenous life (June 17)

    Review of monuments sparks discussion of colonial narratives in N.L. history (June 16)

    #BLACKLIVESMATTER and Archives in Australia (June 17)

    Fishing with Elders builds these children’s Oji-Cree language, cultural knowledge and writing (June 15)

    We Can Decide Where to Stand: Advocating for Aboriginal Priorities as Archivists and Information Workers(June 15)

    Former Fort Smith Métis president says day school settlement forms 'misleading' (June 15)

    Provincial police watchdog to start collecting race-based data (June 11)

    Former employees of Canadian Museum for Human Rights say they faced racism, mistreatment (June 10)

    Museum makes historic Indian Reserve Commission document accessible to public (June 10)

    Indigenous Recordkeeping and Archives (June 8)

    Black Lives Matter translation prompts calls for changes to Ojibway language (June 5)

    Red Sky Performance offers wisdom, insight, and humour to inaugural session of the Wisdom Keeper Series (June 4)

    Treaty session explores realities of the histories of Canada and Nation-to-Nation (June 3)

    To Breathe Together: Co-Conspirators For Decolonial Futures (June 2)

    Knowledge positions in Aotearoa and Turtle Island art museums (June 1)

    Covid-19, the Numbered Treaties & the Politics of Life (June)

    Ottawa’s move to block statistical reports on residential schools ‘modern day colonialism,’ says survivor.” (May 27)

    Challenging Colonial Spaces: Reconciliation and Decolonizing Work in Canadian Archives (May 24)

    The Records of Native American Boarding Schools from Archival Outlook (May/June 2020)

  • 18 Jun 2020 8:57 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Colleagues,

    This message is a reminder to archival educators to submit student papers to the Dodds Prize before the end of the month.

    The Dodds Prize recognizes superior research and writing on an archival topic by a student enrolled in a Master's level archival studies program at a Canadian university.

    To be considered, a faculty member or instructor associated with the program must submit the student paper to verify that it was written within the context of an archival studies program between May 1, 2019 and April 30, 2020. Submissions must be received by June 30, 2020.

    The submission form and procedures are available on the Archivaria website.

    Submissions will be judged by the Dodds Prize Adjudication Committee on the quality of their scholarship, creativity and clarity of writing. The Adjudication Committee comprises the General Editor of Archivaria (or delegate), the ACA Board Liaison to Archivaria (or delegate) and two additional ACA members chosen annually by the General Editor. Delegates will be used in cases where a conflict of interest exists.

    Winners will receive a certificate, a cash prize, publication of the winning entry in Archivaria and a listing on the ACA website.

    For more information or if you have any questions, please contact me.

    All the best,

    Shyla Seller

    Managing Editor, Archivaria

  • 17 Jun 2020 2:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This year's Annual General Meeting will take place online at 12:00 EDT, Tuesday, June 23. We will use Zoom as the platform to support this year's presentation of reports, updates and motions.

    The ACA Governance Committee has been focused on review and renewal of the ACA’s bylaw. The new bylaw will accomplish several tasks:

    • Clarify and codify existing practices

    • Remove outdated language and policy provisions

    • Better align with model bylaw recommended by the Canadian Not-For-Profit Act

    • Allow for full participation of members through virtual meetings and online voting

    • Provide greater benefits to institutional members

    All active members will receive Zoom details. For more information on downloading Zoom, see here.

    To register for the AGM, please click here. A reminder that your ACA membership should be active.

    These reports and the guidelines will be discussed at the AGM via Zoom at 12:00 pm EDT.

    Online voting will open for motions arising from this meeting and for Board positions following the meeting, June 23, 2020 and remain open until end of day June 30, 2020.  Voting members should check that their email address is up to date and watch for an email from Simply Voting. You may need to adjust your spam filters to permit this message.

    This year, Institutional members will also have a special resolution to consider their membership class and will also receive a notice to vote based on their identified contact in the ACA membership profile.

    Please do not hesitate to contact the ACA office with any questions you may have.  To review the Bulletin which contains the proposed By-Law #1 and all annual reports, see here.  The agenda is also available for review.

    The ACA Board of Directors

    Loryl MacDonald, President

    Rebecka Sheffield, Vice President

    Jonathan Dorey, Treasurer

    Jane Morrison, Secretary

    Luciana Durant, Director-at-Large

    Jeremy Heil, Director-at-Large

    ACA Secretariat

  • 29 May 2020 12:16 PM | Anonymous

    It’s time for another email full of links to news articles, blog posts, videos, and podcasts to pertaining to Indigenous people, cultures, and issues. 

    For the year ahead, we’ll be connecting these emails with the Moose Cree lunar-based calendar; the month of May aligns with Aniiki-piisim (Frog Moon), signalling the time of year when the frogs come out.

    These links have been collected and are graciously provided by Alison Little, Senior Coordinator of Educational Programming and Exhibitions at the Archives of Ontario. 

    The list is provided for reference only and the ACA does not guarantee the accuracy or comprehensiveness of each resource, nor endorse a particular perspective. Our aim is only to provide opportunities for our members to learn more about Indigenous peoples and colonial issues. 

  • 14 May 2020 6:05 PM | Anonymous

    As the COVID-19 crisis evolves, archives across Canada are now considering how to prepare for reopening after an extended period of closure. Archives and records professional are just beginning to understand how this closure has changed the nature of their work, temporarily and permanently, and what effect this pandemic will have on the profession as a whole.

    The Impact of Closures on Archives and Archivists

    We understand that many of our members have been personally affected by the emergency order to close archives. Some institutions have decided to delay contract renewals, resulting in temporary or permanent job losses for the most vulnerable and precariously employed. There have also been salary adjustments, reduced hours, and in some cases, layoffs of staff in a variety of positions. 

    There is now a real desire to reopen and begin serving our communities again. This cannot be done, though, until the safety and health of staff, volunteers, researchers, and visitors are considered. Resuming services, however limited or modified, will be risky and difficult. Any decision should be based on government and public health advice and must take into account the needs of staff first and foremost. 

    Knowing When It Is Safe to Reopen

    Recovery planning will differ across the country, depending on local needs and regional risk factors. Any decision to reopen will also take into account the particular needs of the institution. The ACA urges directors, funders, and policymakers to consider a range of public health, safety, financial, and operational considerations before making a decision to reopen. These considerations might include:

    1. Clear and Unambiguous Public Health and Safety Guidelines

    Governments and public health authorities should provide clear and unambiguous guidelines for managing social interactions for service organizations. This would include, for example, guidance on how staff should interact with each other, including any modifications to facilities that will reduce the likelihood of virus transmission. This might include:

    • adding plexiglass dividers between workstations
    • staggering staffing to limit the number of staff in the office at one time
    • opening later and/or closing early to allow staff time to perform routine sanitization measures
    • providing personal protective equipment (PPE) to staff who interact with the public
    • allowing staff to work from home where possible and appropriate

    Recovery plans should also provide clear measures to implement when serving members of the public to reduce risk of infection. This might include:

    • limiting the number of researchers allowed into reading rooms
    • ensuring 2-metre distance between research stations
    • offering special hours for vulnerable populations, e.g., seniors and other high-risk groups
    • providing limited in-person services
    • providing enhanced chat or email research services
    • reducing opportunities to handle physical materials
    • eliminating the use of cash money to pay for services
    • providing personal hygiene products such as hand sanitizer and/or disposable gloves and masks to visitors
    • allowing adequate time between records retrieval, records use, and re-shelving to reduce likelihood of virus transference (i.e., implement a records quarantine period)
    • permitting self-serve photography or scanning (e.g., the use of cell phones or hand-held scanners) to allow researchers to ‘take home’ images of records for further off-site study and minimize staff time spent in the reading room

    There continues to be conflicting reports of the risk of virus transmission on surfaces or by cross-contamination through handling objects. For up to date information on caring for physical collections during the COVID-19 pandemic, visit the Canadian Conservation Institute at:

    Any archives unable to reopen because of an inability to comply with safety guidelines should be eligible for emergency support during an extended period following the end of the emergency order to close to ensure future operations. 

    2. Reassuring the Public

    The ACA anticipates a long period of adjustment during which time archives will need strong public support and a focus on alternative service delivery methods to ensure continued operations. There has never been a more critical need for increased digital access to collections and virtual outreach programs. Staff may decide to refocus efforts on digitization and digital innovation.

    3. People-First Approach

    The ACA encourages a people-first approach to planning for a reopening. Just because the archives can be reconfigured to safely reopen does not mean that its people are prepared. Planning should consider:

    The availability of staff. Some staff may be unavailable due to ill health or isolation. Some may be at home caring for children or other dependents and will not be able to fully return to work until plans can be made to re-open schools and other care facilities. Staff in large institutions may have been redeployed to other areas of the organization. If staff have been lost due to layoff or contracts ending, they will need to be brought back into the institution. Depending on the services provided, archives may need fewer or, in some cases, more staff to meet health and safety guidelines. 

    The availability of volunteers. Some archives rely on volunteers, many of whom are retirees, to contribute to the management of the organization and delivery of services. Planning for reopening should take into account the needs of volunteers who may or may not wish to return to service immediately or in the medium-term. 

    Even if staff and volunteers are available, planning should also consider the broader impact COVID-19 has had and will continue to have on the mental health of staff and volunteers. Many people have been personally impacted by the virus, either falling ill themselves or caring for a loved one. Some will have lost family members, friends, or loved ones to the virus. Planning should account for those who are not able to return to full-time work or are struggling to manage workload. The mental health of staff and volunteers needs to the greatest priority for everyone as archives reopen to a ‘new normal.’ 

    Involving Archives and Records Professionals in Planning

    The ACA urges government, directors, funders, and policymakers to recognize the value of archives in Canada. Archives do not function without records professionals. Therefore, archivists and recordkeepers should be included in any planning activities to reopen the archives. ACA members and the broader profession are strong advocates for documentary heritage, access to information, accountability, and community histories. Archivists want to serve their communities and the public. Let’s make sure that this is done safely and with health of staff, volunteers, researchers, and visitors top of mind.

    Finally, the ACA encourages all archives and archivists to share openly their plans for reopening with the larger community of practice. We are all in this together and can learn from one another during this unprecedented time. 


    The ACA Board of Directors

    * Thanks to the Museum Association for paving the way with its statement on reopening UK Museums. See:

  • 11 May 2020 3:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Archival Colleagues,

    I am pleased to announce that Archivaria 89 (Spring 2020) is now available online at It will also be available on Project Muse within the coming days. The print issue is in production and will be mailed to members and subscribers in the next few weeks. Canada Post is reporting delays to their service and this may affect when members receive their printed copies.

    All Archivaria content is currently available to everyone without any restrictions. After June 30, 2020, we will be implementing a new embargo policy, by which access to articles included in the most recent two issues (instead of the last eight issues) is going to be restricted to members and subscribers.

    With this issue, you'll also notice things have changed a bit on our website. In recent weeks, we upgraded the journal to a more responsive, mobile-friendly version of Open Journal Systems (OJS).

    A huge thank you to the authors who have contributed to the new issue, to the Archivaria Editorial Team, and to the ACA office staff for all the hard work it takes to put an issue together.

    Happy reading!

    Fiorella Foscarini, General Editor

  • 27 Apr 2020 10:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Nominations for the ACA Board of Director Elections 

    Deadline Extended to 8 May 2020

    Online Form

    The Nominations Committee, a sub-committee of the Governance Committee is seeking nominations for (4) ACA Director (Board) positions that are up for election at the ACA Annual General Meeting that will take place online Tuesday 23 June 2020, 12:00 EDT via Zoom.

    Nominations are requested for the following positions:

    ·         President (2 year term)
    ·        Treasurer (2 year term)
    ·        Director at Large 1 (2 year term)
    ·     Director at Large 3 ( 2 year term)

    The term of office for these positions is two years and may begin following the AGM and election in July 2020.

    See here for a full description of the board positions and the time required for each elected position.

    You may download the nomination form for signature here and submit your nomination form, online using the link below:

    See also the ACA Nominations and Elections Policy here.

    Directors must be individual members in good standing. Their nomination must be supported by five (5) ACA members. Those nominated must also provide a brief biography that will be made available to ACA members in advance of the AGM, will be posted on the ACA website and available on the electronic ballot.

    The ACA welcomes more diverse and inclusive representation in the composition of its Board and Committees and encourages the nomination of all qualified individuals including women, members of racialized communities, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity.

    Questions should be directed to Deirdre Bryden and Michael Gourlie from the Governance's nominating committee at

    The deadline for nominations is 8 May 2020.

    J.M. McCutcheon

  • 17 Apr 2020 10:25 AM | Anonymous

    It’s time for another email full of links to news articles, blog posts, videos, and podcasts to pertaining to Indigenous people, cultures, and issues. 

    For the year ahead, we’ll be connecting these emails with the Moose Cree lunar-based calendar; the month of April aligns with Niski-piisim (Canada Goose Moon), signalling the return of migratory birds to Northern Ontario and the start of the annual spring goose hunt.

    These links have been collected and are graciously provided by Alison Little, Senior Coordinator of Educational Programming and Exhibitions at the Archives of Ontario. 

    The list is provided for reference only and the ACA does not guarantee the accuracy or comprehensiveness of each resource, nor endorse a particular perspective. Our aim is only to provide opportunities for our members to learn more about Indigenous peoples and colonial issues. 

  • 8 Apr 2020 9:24 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Nominations Committee, a sub-committee of the Governance Committee is seeking nominations for 4 (four) ACA Director (Board) positions that are up for election at the ACA Annual General Meeting.  This year's AGM will take place online Tuesday 23 June 2020, 12:00 EDT via Zoom.  ACA members in good standing can RSVP here and you will be emailed information and meeting details.

    Nominations are requested for the following positions:

    • President
    • Treasurer
    • Director at Large 1
    • Director at Large 3

    The term of office for these positions is two years and may begin

    following the AGM and online election in July 2020.


    See here for a full description of board positions and the time required for each elected position.  You may download the nomination for for signature here and submit your nomination form online using the link below:


    See also the ACA Nominations and Election Policy here.


    Directors must be individual members in good standing.  Their nomination must be supported by 5 (five) ACA members in good standing.  Those nominated must also provide a brief biography that will be made available to ACA members in advance of the AGM, will be posted on the ACA website and available on the electronic ballot.


    The ACA welcomes more diverse and inclusive representation in the composition of its Board and encourages the nomination of all qualified individuals including women, members of racialized communities, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity. 

    Questions should be directed to Deirdre Bryden and Michael Gourlie from Governance's nominating committee at

    The deadline for nominations is 24 April 2020.

    Nominations and submission link here:

  • 20 Mar 2020 8:07 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In light of the current situation with regards to COVID-19, we wish to provide an update concerning the status of the Association of Canadian Archivists’ annual conference scheduled for June 10-13, 2020 in Vancouver.

    The Board, in consultation with the Program and Host teams, has decided to cancel the in-person conference. We are currently working with all of our speakers to provide instead a virtual conference. This decision to provide an online conference was made to recognize the work already done by the Program Committee and the speakers who committed to delivering quality content. We also acknowledge our members’ desire for excellent professional development opportunities.

    The conference workshops will go ahead at a later date outside of the virtual conference. We believe this will provide more opportunities for everyone to attend more workshops, while minimizing screen time!

    Further conference program and workshop details will be announced in the coming weeks.

    In agreement with the Archivaria Board, we are also pleased to announce that we have opened Archivaria to everyone until June 30, 2020.

    We are all disappointed with not going to Vancouver this year. Rest assured that we are working on plans to return in 2022, after ACA 2021 in Charlottetown.

    We thank you for your understanding and look forward to seeing you virtually. Best wishes to you during these difficult times.


    ACA Board of Directors

    ACA 2020 Program and Host Team Chairs

Our Community

Public Awareness & Advocacy



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Suite 1912-130 Albert Street  

Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4

Tel:  613-383-2009 x100


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The ACA office is located on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation whose presence here reaches back to time immemorial.

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