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  • 8 Sep 2023 8:57 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    You are cordially invited to a free in-person showcase and curators’ talk at McMaster’s Mills Memorial Library (5 October 2023, 4:30 p.m. EST): “Wherein She Plainly Shews”: Women of the Printing Trades in the Hand-Press Era.

    The centuries following the advent of the printing press in Europe were characterised by an overwhelmingly male print industry. Guild rules, social norms, and financial pressures conspired to keep women out of the printing workforce. In spite of these obstacles, many thousands of women were involved in the printing business, with some rising to own and operate their own presses.

    Please join Ruth-Ellen St. Onge, Distinctive Collections Cataloguing Librarian, and Myron Groover, Archives and Rare Books Librarian, for an exploration of women working in the printing trades and the output of woman-owned presses – including those of Mary Clark, Elinor James, Anne Dodd, Sarah Harding, Sarah Cotter, la veuve Mazières, and the completely woman-operated École Typographique des Femmes established under French Revolutionary auspices in 1791.

    This showcase event is part of McMaster University Library’s theme year, “Transformative Stories: Year of Gender and Justice.” McMaster Library’s biannual “Year of” celebrations highlight the Library’s unique collections, resource, and expertise.

    Register for this event using this link: Please feel free to share this invitation with other interested parties.

  • 31 Aug 2023 2:29 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Nominations and Awards Committee (NAAC) Volunteers Needed!

    The ACA is looking for volunteers for the Nominations and Awards Committee to be a part of the process to recognize and celebrate ACA members.

    The mandate of NAAC is to manage the ACA Honours and Awards program as well as to support the succession of qualified members to serve on the ACA Board of Directors and it's committees by facilitating the transparent search, nomination, and election process.

    If this sounds like something that would be of interest and if you are an ACA member in good standing please contact Angela Fornelli, Vice President of the ACA ( or fill out the ACA Volunteer form here! 

  • 17 Jul 2023 4:03 PM | Anonymous member

     (le message en français suit)

    The Department of Canadian Heritage is pleased to announce the release of the 2021 report on the Government of Canada Survey of Heritage Institutions (GCSHI), which collected financial and operating information for the 2020 data year on not-for-profit heritage institutions, including museums, art galleries, archives, historic sites, zoos and botanical gardens. The 2021 survey recorded the initial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated public health measures which forced the temporary closure of heritage organizations across the country.

    The Department would like to thank all heritage institutions who responded to the 2021 survey. Your input contributed to making the survey a success.

    Please take a moment to discover some of the latest results from the 2021 GCSHI report:

    Highlights from the survey include…

    ○ 87% of all museums and other heritage institutions in Canada were temporarily forced to close their doors due to COVID-19 public health measures in 2020. On average, heritage institutions reported having to remain closed for approximately 5 months.

    ○ Temporary closures and social distancing restrictions during 2020 meant that heritage institutions saw fewer visitors come through their doors. There were only 16.9 million visits in 2020, a substantial decrease of nearly 79% from the 79 million visits in 2017.

    ○ Temporary closures due to public health measures in 2020 meant that heritage institutions were not able to generate as much income from earned revenue sources as in previous years. Earned revenue accounted for approximately $593 million (24%) of total revenue for all heritage institutions in 2020; a decrease of nearly $276 million or 32% from 2017.

    ○ All three levels of government increased spending toward the heritage sector in 2020 to $1.5 billion collectively: an increase of nearly $170 million (13%) from 2017. The federal government provided the bulk of this increase, contributing over $131 million or 77% of this new temporary spending through pandemic support measures (approximately 70% of all heritage institutions indicated that they had received financial support).

    ○ Overall, approximately 28% of organizations indicated that they had laid off paid staff at some point in 2020.

     - Employment in the heritage sector was negatively affected throughout the height of the pandemic, employing just 32,150 people during 2020, a decrease of nearly 14% (down approximately 5,070 jobs) from 2017 when employment figures reached over 37,200.

    ○ The heritage sector is heavily dependant on volunteers. In fact, approximately 20% of organizations are solely run by volunteers. 2020 saw a substantial decrease in volunteers (down 51% to 56,000 volunteers), and volunteer hours (down 61% to 3.6 million hours) from 2017. This the equivalent loss of 1,823 full-time positions.

    ○ Online virtual visits to heritage institutions experienced a less severe decrease than overall physical visits during the pandemic. There were over 161 million online visits overall throughout 2020, a decrease of approximately 36% from pre-pandemic levels (254 million online visits).

    ○ During the pandemic heritage institutions concentrated their efforts towards enhancing their digital activities, thus increasing online access to their archival records, artefacts, programing, retail, etc. Approximately two thirds of heritage institutions (68%) had indicated they enhanced their overall digital activities in 2020.

     - 56% of institutions said they increased/introduced social media.

     - 40% said they increased/introduced online public programing.

     - 36% worked towards digitizing their collections (i.e., artefacts or archives).

     - 35% improved/cleaned existing collections records (i.e., data quality/accuracy on collections)

     - 33% of all institutions increased/introduced online public access to digitized holdings or exhibitions.

     - 24% enhanced digital preservation activities (i.e., maintain hard drives, etc.).

    Thank you

    Erica Hernandez-Read


    Association of Canadian Archivists



    Le ministère du Patrimoine canadien est heureux d'annoncer la publication du rapport de 2021 de l’Enquête du gouvernement du Canada sur les établissements du patrimoine (EGCÉP), qui a recueilli des renseignements financièrs et opérationnels pour l'année de données 2020 sur les établissements du patrimoine à but non lucratif, y compris les musées, les musées d'art, les archives, les sites historiques, les zoos et les jardins botaniques. L'enquête de 2021 a enregistré les premiers effets de la pandémie de COVID-19 et les mesures de santé publique associées qui ont contraint à la fermeture temporaire des organisations du patrimoine dans tout le pays.

    Le Ministère aimerait remercier tous les établissements du patrimoine qui ont répondu à l'enquête de 2021. Votre contribution a contribué au succès du sondage.

    Prenez un moment pour découvrir quelques-uns des résultats du rapport 2021 de l'EGCEP : .

    Quelques faits saillants de l'enquête :

    ○ 87 % de tous les musées et autres établissements du patrimoine au Canada ont été temporairement contraints à fermer leurs portes en raison des mesures de santé publiques liées au COVID-19 en 2020. En moyenne, les institutions du patrimoine ont déclaré avoir dû demeurer fermées pendant environ 5 mois.

    ○ Les fermetures temporaires et les restrictions de distanciation sociale au cours de l'année 2020 ont fait que les institutions du patrimoine ont vu moins de visiteurs franchir leurs portes. Il n'y a eu que 16,9 millions de visites en 2020, soit une baisse substantielle de près de 79 % par rapport aux 79 millions de visites en 2017.

    ○ Les fermetures temporaires dues aux mesures de santé publique en 2020 ont fait que les institutions du patrimoine n'ont pas été en mesure de générer autant de recettes à partir des sources de revenus gagnés que les années précédentes. Les revenus gagnés ont représenté environ 593 millions de dollars (24 %) des revenus totaux de toutes les institutions du patrimoine en 2020 ; une diminution de près de 276 millions de dollars ou 32 % par rapport à 2017.

    ○ Les trois ordres de gouvernement ont augmenté leurs dépenses envers le secteur du patrimoine en 2020 pour atteindre 1,5 milliard de dollars collectivement : une augmentation de près de 170 millions de dollars (13 %) par rapport à 2017. Le gouvernement fédéral a fourni la majeure partie de cette augmentation, contribuant plus de 131 millions de dollars, soit 77 % de ces nouvelles dépenses temporaires, par le biais de mesures de soutien en cas de pandémie (environ 70 % de tous les établissements du patrimoine ont indiqué qu'ils avaient reçu un soutien financier).

    ○ Dans l'ensemble, environ 28 % des organisations ont indiqué qu'elles avaient licencié du personnel rémunéré à un moment donné en 2020.

     - L'emploi dans le secteur du patrimoine a été affecté négativement pendant toute la durée de la pandémie, employant seulement 32 150 personnes au cours de l'année 2020, soit une diminution de près de 14 % (environ 5 070 emplois en moins) par rapport à 2017, année où les chiffres de l'emploi atteignaient plus de 37 200.

    ○ Le secteur du patrimoine dépend fortement des bénévoles. En fait, environ 20 % des organisations sont uniquement gérées par des bénévoles. L'année 2020 a connu une baisse substantielle du nombre de bénévoles (de 51 % à 56 000 bénévoles) et des heures de bénévolat (de 61 % à 3,6 millions d'heures) par rapport à 2017. Cela équivaut à la perte de 1 823 postes à temps plein.

    ○ Les visites virtuelles en ligne des institutions du patrimoine ont connu une baisse moins significative que l'ensemble des visites physiques pendant la pandémie. Il y a eu plus de 161 millions de visites en ligne dans l'ensemble tout au long de 2020, soit une baisse d'environ 36 % par rapport aux niveaux d'avant la pandémie (254 millions de visites en ligne).

    ○ Pendant la pandémie, les institutions du patrimoine ont concentré leurs efforts sur l'amélioration de leurs activités numériques, augmentant ainsi l'accès en ligne à leurs documents d'archives, artefacts, programmation, vente au détail, etc. Environ deux tiers des institutions patrimoniales (68 %) avaient indiqué avoir renforcé l'ensemble de leurs activités numériques en 2020.

      - 56% des institutions ont déclaré avoir augmenté/introduit les médias sociaux.

     - 40 % ont déclaré avoir augmenté/introduit la programmation publique en ligne.

     - 36 % ont travaillé à la numérisation de leurs collections (c'est-à-dire des artefacts ou des archives).

     - 35 % ont amélioré/nettoyé les dossiers des collections existantes (qualité/exactitude des données sur les collections).

     - 33% de toutes les institutions ont augmenté/introduit l'accès public en ligne aux fonds numérisés ou aux expositions.

     - 24 % ont amélioré les activités de conservation numérique (entretien des disques durs, etc.).


    Erica Hernandez-Read, Présidente

    Association of Canadian Archivists

  • 13 Jul 2023 12:01 PM | Anonymous member

    Notification of the Ancestry Grant Program 2023

    During 2023, Ancestry is offering a series of grants to support the family history & archival community within Canada.  

    • 2 x Gold Grants up to the value of $100,000 CAD for digitization services to be awarded within Canada to assist with digitization within the archival & family history community. Also included is five years of free Ancestry access. The individual grants have a maximum value of $100,000 CAD but can also cover works of any lesser amount up to that total figure. The grant will be for imaging of records only, meaning that the services provided are for scanning of paper or microform collections.
    • 2 x Silver Grants up to the value of $25,000 CAD for digitization services to be awarded within Canada to assist with digitization within the archival & family history community. Also included is five years of free Ancestry access. The individual grants have a maximum value of $25,000 CAD but can also cover works of any lesser amount up to that total figure. The grant will be for imaging of records only, meaning that the services provided are for scanning of paper or microform collections.
    • 1 x Bronze Grant up to the value of $15,000 CAD for digitization services to be awarded within Canada to assist with digitization within the archival & family history community. Also included is five years of free Ancestry access. The individual grant has a maximum value of $15,000 CAD but can also cover works of any lesser amount up to that total figure. The grant will be for imaging of records only, meaning that the services provided are for scanning of paper or microform collections. The Bronze Grant can also be used for philanthropic causes that may not align to typical family history digitization.

    The grant submission period will begin on 3 July 2023, and your submissions are encouraged. The submission period will remain open until the end of August 2023.

    Application Ancestry Digitization Grant Program 2023 (Canada) 12062023.docx

    Contract Ancestry Digitization Grant Program 2023 (Canada) AC 12062023.docx

    Please find some initial Q&A below:

    Q: How do I apply?
    A: For now, simply review the documentation and ensure you agree to the terms contained within. If so, please send an email to Jared Akenhead - - containing information on the collection / content you wish to see digitised – the more information the better but as a minimum:

    • Collection Name(s)
    • Date Range
    • Record Count / Image Count
    • Existing Format (i.e., paper, volumes, microfiche)

    Q: If my submission is successful, does Ancestry take ownership of the records I’ve put forward?
    A: No. Ownership of the original records and the intellectual property rights in them will remain with the organisation or entity providing the records. However, it’s important that you do have the necessary rights to share the records being submitted.

    Q: Will I get a copy of the digital images created by Ancestry?
    A: You will be provided with a digital preservation copy of all images taken from the original records.   

    Q: Who will own the digital images?
    A: Within this program, we seek to create an easy, rewarding opportunity for the archival community to achieve their digistation goals and therefore recognise that obtaining ownership of the digital assets forms an important part of those goals. The provider will receive ownership of the digital images.  

    Q: What’s in it for Ancestry?
    A: You will retain the ownership of the originals and the digital images. Ancestry simply asks that you agree to allow us to publish the images in perpetuity & that you will not share those digital images outside the organisation for a period of 5 years.

    Q: What records will help me be successful in securing a grant?
    A: Ancestry’s focus is Family History. Therefore, records that are relevant to that endeavour are the most appropriate for this program. Ideally rich on details at an individual level – the records would cover a collection of individuals in some aspect and will therefore include information such as, but not limited to;

    • Name
    • Date of Birth
    • Date of Death
    • Location
    • Occupation
    • Relations
    • And so on...

    Q: How do you select the successful applications?
    A: Grant winners will be selected completely at the discretion of Ancestry – however, making sure the records fit the guide above will ensure you have the best possible chance for success.

    Q: I’m from a small historical society – can I still apply?
    A: Yes, you can apply for any of the grants.

  • 28 Jun 2023 3:28 PM | Anonymous member

    The ACA Foundation is so excited to announce that we have begun selling merchandise!

    If you would like to purchase any of these items, you can order online and pick-up at the conference registration desk!

    The link to items is here: ACA Foundation - Fundraiser

    All proceeds go to support the ACA Foundation. Thank you!
  • 14 Jun 2023 5:14 PM | Anonymous member


    Dear archival colleagues,

    Please join me in congratulating our lovely Jo McCutcheon on her successful appointment to the position of Executive Director for the Canadian Council of Archives!

    Jo, who has been with the ACA since 2017, has been a tour de force. Her wise and measured council, her calmness in the face of "occasional" chaos, and her staunch professional manner will indeed be missed. Though her absence in our association will be felt, her continued involvement with our amazing community through the CCA will serve to solidify and amplify her contributions to our profession.

    Jo's official last day will be July 31, 2023 however, both she and the CCA Executive are committed to supporting the successful transition of a new hire into the position of ACA Executive Director. As such Jo will be on hand as needed to train and guide the incumbent during their first few weeks in office. That being said, we do ask for your patience and understanding during this transition period as activities and communications between our Secretariat and our members may be somewhat slower than you have come to expect in the past. Should you have any questions or concerns about this move, or any temporary disruptions in service that may arise, please don't hesitate to email Erica Hernandez-Read (ACA President) at .

    Erica Hernandez-Read, President

    Association of Canadian Archivists



    Dear colleagues,

    On behalf of the CCA Board of Directors, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Jo McCutcheon as Executive Director for the Canadian Council of Archives.

    For more than five years, in her current role as Executive Director of the Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA) Jo has had the opportunity to work with the CCA and board members.

    Jo will bring to the CCA a combination of enthusiasm, energy, and expertise that will serve to solidify and amplify our profession and our amazing archival community. In her new mandate, Jo will ensure strong communication and maintain relationships among community members, partners, and stakeholders as we work collaboratively and efficiently to advance common goals and interests.

    Jo's official first day at CCA will be August 1, 2023. The CCA and the ACA are both committed to ensuring a smooth and successful transition. To that end, as the new Executive Director of CCA, Jo will support and guide the new ACA incumbent during their first few weeks in office.

    The CCA is excited to welcome Jo at this transformational moment in our history. Please join us in congratulating her on her new role as CCA's Executive Director.

    Should you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to email Yves Lapointe (CCA Chair) at


    Yves Lapointe, Chair

    Canadian Council of Archives



    As has been noted by both Yves and Erica, I will be leaving the ACA this summer, but I will continue to work with community members in the new role as Executive Director of the CCA. The decision to leave the ACA was very difficult as I truly love the work that I have been doing for almost six years and I love working with the most amazing volunteers from across the land. I am very thankful to the past board members that I was able to work with since 2017, the many committee members and committee chairs, and the many volunteers who have made the annual conferences possible, and all of the new ways we reach out to members and the larger community of archivists and record keepers. I am also very thankful to Maureen Tracey, Membership Services Coordinator who shared her knowledge and expertise with me and the ACA Board. 

    I am committed to supporting the ACA Board of Directors as we transition and to supporting the incoming Executive Director as they embark on their work with the Association.

    I look forward to continuing to work with many of you in my new role and thank all who have supported the work of the Association. I feel very thankful to be part of such a generous and kind professional association.

    Jo McCutcheon

  • 30 May 2023 8:14 AM | Anonymous member

    If you work in a Canadian memory institution and view your role as being at least partially responsible for the digital preservation of born-digital materials in the holdings of your institution, then you are invited to participate in this research study about stress and its impacts on digital preservationists in Canada. All digital preservationists in Canadian memory institutions are invited to participate.

    If you consent to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete an online survey that is expected to take approximately 30 minutes. The survey closes on June 30, 2023.

    The survey questionnaire includes questions about stressors related to the components of your digital preservation program; stress related to your use of technology; the impacts of your role as a digital preservationist on your stress and anxiety levels; your satisfaction with your job; your susceptibility to burnout; and your perceptions of your levels of generalized stress and anxiety. You will also be asked to identify your mood and any symptoms related to anxiety and/or depression that may have recently resulted from the stress of your work. There will also be questions pertaining to your age, gender, employment, and working conditions. The questionnaire includes both close-ended and open-ended questions. All questions are optional, and you can leave the survey at any time.

    The letter of information about the research study is attached.

    Letter of Information and Consent.pdf

    If you choose to participate in this study, please click on the link below to access the online survey:

    Your participation would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    Brett Lougheed

    University Archivist/Digital Curator

    Director, Oral History Centre

    P 204.786.9914; C 204.396.6257

    Treaty 1 Territory and the Home of the Metis Nation

    515 Portage Avenue 
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
    R3B 2E9


  • 23 May 2023 3:05 PM | Anonymous member

    Are you, or someone you know, a Crafter, a Maker, Artist or an Author? Do you have a favourite local item that you wish to contribute to a self-care basket - maybe a favourite local honey, jam, or other preserve? Do you have a favourite local artist or photographer or print from your collection that you wish to donate?

    If so - the Association of Canadian Archivists Foundation (ACAF) needs your inspired creations and/or your creative connections!

    We are looking for donations of creative works towards our silent online auction which will take place during the ACA's 48th Annual Conference -Belonging- Considering archival bonds and disconnects.

    You don't need to be an ACA member to contribute, or to bid - all are welcome and encouraged to get involved!

    The Directors of the Association of Canadian Archivists Foundation (ACAF)  are looking forward to the first auction since 2019. This year's auction will take place in person and online using FollowMyBid.

    You can complete this form:

    Images and descriptions will become available to community members June 28, 2023.


    Kyle Pugh, ACAF Director and Chair

    Shannon Hodge

    Daniel German

    John Richan

    ACAF Secretariat

  • 28 Apr 2023 12:36 PM | Anonymous member

    Dear Colleagues,

    Please join myself, and the Board of Directors for the Association of Canadian Archivists, in offering a hearty congratulations to Meredith J. Batt & Dusty Green, and Jeff O'Brien for their recent receipt of the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal!

    The Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal (QPJM) recognizes outstanding individuals of all ages and from all walks of life, who have built and continue to build a strong, vibrant society and province through their service, contributions, and achievements.

    Meredith J. Batt (Archivist with the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick) and Dusty Green (who was an intern with the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick and is the founder and researcher for New Brunswick Queer Heritage Initiative) were both honoured for their book "Len & Cub, A Queer History," which recalls the love story of two men in rural New Brunswick in the early 20th century. For more information on their work and this publication please see:

    Jeff O'Brien, City Archivist for the City of Saskatoon, was honoured for his long-standing work in both promoting and preserving the history of the City of Saskatoon and bringing that history out into the community.

    Warmest Regards,

    Erica Hernández-Read


    Association of Canadian Archivists

  • 24 Apr 2023 10:42 AM | Anonymous member

    As you may already know, there have recently been a number of attempts to ban or censor books written by members of the LGBTQ+ and BIPOC communities, and to defund public libraries who do not comply with these heinous efforts. In response, the Board of the ACA has issued a letter of solidarity with the American Library Association, in support of their work fighting book bans.

    The letter can be found here: ACA_LetterofSolidarity_ALA-2023-04-20signed.pdf

    For more information on the ALA's work, please look here:

    Kyle Pugh (he/him),
    ACA Treasurer

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