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  • 22 Mar 2022 11:16 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Colleagues,

    Recently the Steering Committee on Canada’s Archives (SCCA) announced that the Reconciliation Framework: The Response to the Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Taskforce is complete and available. Several years in the making, this framework provides archives and archivists with a blueprint to guide reconciliation with the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis governments, communities and community members represented in their archival collections.

    The ACA Board of Directors held a special meeting on March 10 to discuss the framework. In a unanimous decision, the Board agreed to formally endorse this framework.

    We recognize that this is a challenging document. As archivists we are being asked to review and question fundamental archival concepts and change ways of doing things. That said, we know that systemic change is necessary in order for true reconciliation to happen. Meaningful change will take time and this framework acknowledges that fact.

    On behalf of the ACA Board of Directors, I would like to thank all members of the taskforce for the many years of hard work that went into preparing this framework. I encourage all members to read this profound document, which is available on the SCCA website<>.


    Anna Gibson Hollow, Vice-President ACA Board

  • 14 Jan 2022 11:45 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Big Data at the Margins  A series hosted by the Faculty of Information and Media Studies at Western

    Featuring: Jonathan Dewar, Sofia Locklear, and Jason Lewis
    Hosted by: Joanna Redden

    27 January 2022, 7:00PM

    Free Registration:

    How do Indigenous peoples claim sovereignty over their data and information, and work to transform the very means, methods and values through which “data” is defined and disseminated? How can the exercise of Indigenous data sovereignty and broader computational empowerment enhance and inspire Indigenous identities, representations and futures? How can “data” be Indigenized? Why should settler scholars, organizations, and individuals learn about, support, and respect Indigenous data sovereignty?

    The fifth and final event in our Big Data at the Margins series examines the growing movement of Indigenous scholars and activists working to challenge the ethical, legal, and cultural impacts of the colonial imposed and externally mandated forms of data collection about Indigenous peoples and to center the generation of autonomous Indigenous data values and computational visions. Indigenous peoples know all too well the potential harms to well-being, politics and culture that can come from the imposition of settler-colonial data-informed policies. But even while nation-states around the world, including Canada, “commit” to enact the provisions in The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), implementation of these provisions continues to rely on data collection by statistical agencies of nation states, NGOs and commercial interests. Uninformed by Indigenous priorities and values, these ‘scientific’ data practices inevitably reinforce the treatment of Indigenous groups as “populations” not as sovereign “peoples” with legitimate claims to their lands, cultures, and resources, including information. In addition to demanding custody and control over externally generated Indigenous data, advocates for Indigenous data sovereignty call for the re-design, collection, dissemination and use of “data” itself, and for the empowerment of Indigenous peoples to define and imagine their own narratives and futures. Autonomous data practices and broader computational skills are vital to Indigenous political and cultural autonomy.

    Our internationally recognized group of panelists will guide us through a discussion of the centrality of Indigenous data sovereignty and computational empowerment to Indigenous health, identity, politics and futures. Jonathan Dewar (Métis), the Executive Director of the First Nations Information Governance Centre, is a recognized leader in healing and reconciliation and Indigenous health and well-being education, policy, and research. Sofia Locklear (Lumbee), assistant professor at Western University, has worked with the Urban Indian Health Institute, a Tribal Epidemiology Center serving urban Native communities across the US and specializes in Indigenous evaluation methodologies. Jason Lewis (Hawaiian, Samoan) is the University Research Chair in Computational Media and the Indigenous Future Imaginary at Concordia University and co-directs the Indigenous Futures Research Centre and the Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace Research Network.

  • 20 Oct 2021 8:58 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This funding will help heritage organizations that have felt the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as they reopen and safely welcome back visitors.

    Not-for-profit organizations with a heritage collection, such as museums, archives, galleries and historic sites, may be eligible to receive funding. Indigenous organizations with a heritage collection are also encouraged to apply. Organizations can receive between $1,000 and $100,000 in reopening support.

    For full details on program eligibility and information on how to apply, please visit Reopening Fund for Heritage Organizations:


    Applications are accepted through the new Canadian Heritage Funding Portal: (CHFP). In order to apply through the portal, you will need to complete a three-step online application process.

    1 – Create a User Profile

    The individual that sets up the Applicant Profile and registers the organization should be the Authorized Representative, someone with signing authority for your organization. The Authorized Representative will be considered the signatory on the application form.

    2 – Register your Organization

    To register your Organization, you will need the following documents:

    • Proof of your organization’s legal status (letters patent/incorporation documents, partnership agreements, constitution, bylaws or other recognized documentation); if your organization is an unincorporated association without any by-laws or a constitution, you can attach a copy of meeting minutes or a list of your controlling members.
    • Direct Deposit Enrollment Form, stamped by a financial institution or accompanied by one supporting document (a void cheque, banking letter, or management letter). Direct Deposit Enrollment Forms can be downloaded from the portal.

    3 – Submit an Online Application Form

    To complete your MAP Reopening Funding Application, you will need the following documents:

                •Proof of signing authority (bylaws, constitution, Board resolution or other document)

                •Financial Statements from 2019 or last completed pre-pandemic fiscal year (audited if available)

    Apply as soon as possible as funds are limited.

    Our team is available to assist you with the new process from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time).

    Telephone: 1-866-811-0055

    TTY (Teletype for the hearing impaired): 1-888-997-3123



    Mike Steinhauer:

    (il | he/him)

    Manager, Heritage Programs

    Heritage Group

    Department of Canadian Heritage, Government of Canada 

    Cell: 873-354-5715


    MAP - Tips and Tricks - EN FINAL.docx

  • 25 Feb 2021 9:56 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    February 23, 2021

    Dear Minister François-Philippe Champagne, Minister Steven Guilbeault :

    I write to you on behalf of the Association des archivistes du Québec, the Association of Canadian Archivists, and the Canadian Council of Archives, to protest the extremely short deadline for stakeholders to present comments to the “Consultation on how to implement an extended general term of copyright protection in Canada”. These three organizations represent the Canadian archival community through its institutions and the members of its English and French-language professional associations.

    The issues involved in this consultation are complex and are of extremely high importance to the entire Canadian archival community. A deadline of less than four weeks for submission of comments is completely inadequate, given the complexity of the issues involved – including the implementation of term of protection extension, Orphan Works, and Crown Copyright. We must have enough time to seriously consider the options presented in the consultation document, to consider other possibilities, and to consult appropriately with our community.  There is also the added complication that we are presently in the midst of global pandemic when communication is more difficult. We question the urgency, given that final decisions are not required until 2022.

    We urge you to immediately extend the deadline to something more realistic, that will also allow all stakeholders to proceed in a reasonable and transparent way towards the deadline for implementation of the CUSMA term extension.

    Nancy Marrelli

    Special Advisor-Copyright/Conseillère spéciale, Droit d’auteur Board of Directors/Comité de direction Canadian Council of Archives/Conseil canadien des archives

    130 Albert Street, Suite 1912 Ottawa  ON  K1P 5G4

    Tel: (613) 565-5445  Fax: (613) 565-5445  Cell: (514) 804-8118

    Cc Erica Hernández-Read, President, Association of Canadian Archivists

    Frédéric Giuliano, Président, Association des archivistes du Québec

    Joanna Aiton-Kerr, Chairperson/Présidente, Canadian Council of Archives/Conseil canadien.des archives

  • 7 Dec 2020 11:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Submissions are now open for the Student Voices session at ACA 2021!

    Are you an archives or information studies student with an idea that you want to share with the community? Have you written a paper or conducted research you would like to take to the next level? Do you want to build your skills in public speaking and improve your resume? The ACA 2021 Program Team wants to hear from you!

    Three submissions from this call will be selected by the Program Team. Successful applicants will receive a monetary award and complimentary conference registration. Submissions not selected for the awarded session may be considered for the general program.

    The deadline for submissions is February 8, 2021

    Find the submission details and application form at the 2021 conference page, or take a look at this call as an infographic


    Grant Hurley on behalf of the ACA 2021 Program Team

  • 25 Nov 2020 10:20 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In collaboration with its Canadian Advisory Committee for Memory of the World, the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCUNESCO) is pleased to launch the fourth Call for Nominations for inscriptions on the Canada Memory of the World Register. This Register recognizes significant documentary heritage related to Canada and its peoples, and is one of the vehicles of the UNESCO Memory of the World Program which aims at preserving and providing access to documentary heritage as the embodiment of the memory of humanity.

    In recognition of the United Nations’ International Decade for People of African Descent 2015-2024, CCUNESCO extends a special call for documentary heritage related to Black Canadians with the goal of increasing awareness of this community’s diverse cultures, history, and contributions   to Canadian society.

    CCUNESCO continues to extend a special call for proposals for documentary heritage related to Indigenous languages and cultures. Many are considered to be endangered, and their preservation, strengthening and revitalization are of crucial importance to Indigenous peoples and to Canadian society.

    We invite all individuals, private or public institutions, organizations and communities to consult CCUNESCO’s website for more information on this process. The deadlines for declarations of interest are December 04, 2020 and March 1, 2021.

  • 11 Nov 2020 1:14 PM | Anonymous member

    For those of you thinking about submitting to the ACA's 2021 virtual conference, there is good news: the gift of time! The call for submissions is now extended to November 30, 2020.

    We hope this extension provides some space to bring your ideas (or busy colleagues) together, and we can’t wait to see your submission! Of course, we are happy to continue to receive proposals before the deadline – and many thanks to those of you who have sent one in already!

    You can find all the details and the submission form here:

    And as always, please reach out to if you have any questions.



    Grant Hurley
    Conference Program Team Chair, 2021

  • 30 Oct 2020 10:55 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Earlier this year, the International Council of Archives adopted a position statement calling government, institutions, and industry to properly document their decisions during the Covid-19 pandemic. The statement is built on three principles: decisions must be documented, records and data should be secured and preserved in all sectors, and the security, preservation, and access to digital content should be facilitated during the shutdown.

    The Covid-19 pandemic serves as a reminder that the duty to document is a central tenet of democracy: it was important before the pandemic, remains crucially important during the pandemic, and will continue when the situation resolves. As we enter the second wave of the pandemic here in Canada, decision-makers should be able to refer back to their decisions and policy documents from a few months back to inform decisions for today and tomorrow. Just like the records from the 1918 influenza pandemic are helping us deal with Covid-19 today, the records from the current pandemic will help society deal with future pandemics.

    We, the board members of the Association of Canadian Archivists and the Association des archivistes du Québec, call on government, institutions, and industry in Canada to use their positions of leadership to properly document decisions, to secure and preserve those decisions and the data on which they are based, and to ensure their long-term preservation and access for the future members of our society.

    COVID-19 : Bien documenter : un devoir plus que jamais essentiel en période de crise

    Plus tôt cette année, le Conseil international des archives a adopté une déclaration appelant les États, les institutions et les entreprises à bien documenter leurs décisions pendant la pandémie de Covid-19. La déclaration repose sur trois principes : les décisions doivent être documentées, les dossiers et les données doivent être sécurisés et préservés dans tous les secteurs et la sécurité, la conservation et l’accès au contenu numérique doivent être facilités pendant le confinement.

    La pandémie de Covid-19 permet de rappeler que le devoir de documenter est un pilier de la démocratie : ce pilier était important avant la pandémie, il demeure extrêmement important pendant la pandémie et continuera de l’être lorsque la situation se résorbera. Alors que nous entrons dans la deuxième vague de la pandémie ici au Canada, les personnes en position de décision devraient pouvoir se référer à leurs décisions et aux documents de politiques d’il y a quelques mois pour éclairer leurs décisions d’aujourd’hui et de demain. Tous comme les dossiers de la pandémie d’influenza de 1918 permettent maintenant de gérer la pandémie de Covid-19, les dossiers liés à la situation actuelle aideront la société à gérer les pandémies à venir.

    Nous, les membres des conseils d’administration de l’Association canadienne des archivistes et de l’Association des archivistes du Québec, appelons les gouvernements, les institutions et les entreprises au Canada à exercer leur rôle de leader en documentant leurs décisions, en sécurisant et en préservant ces décisions et les données qui les sous-tendent et en assurant leur préservation et leur accès à long terme pour les membres de la société de demain.

  • 22 Oct 2020 9:54 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Royal Society of Canada - The Working Group on Archiving Research

    In late September 2020, the Royal Society of Canada formed a working group that is focused on archiving research related to COVID-19.  This group will release a policy brief in late 2020. On October 6, 2020, the Globe and Mail published an initial OpEd that outlines the concerns of historians and archivists with regard to collecting, managing, preserving and accessing records related to COVID-19. Their work will consider federal funding programs and identified limitations to preserving records created and collected to provide insight into this pandemic building on expertise from the 1918-1919 flu pandemic, SARS and H1N1 among many other health crises Canadians have faced.

    To that end, the Steering Committee on Canada's Archives is seeking your input with regard to COVID-19 records and projects.  Information collected will be used to inform the policy brief which will be disseminated widely to decision makers in Canada.

    For more information about the Working Group, see here<>.

    For a link to the first OpEd published by members of the Working Group, see here<>.

    To complete the short survey, see here<>.

    The survey will be open until November 2, 2020.


    Thank you,

    Joanna Aiton Kerr

    Chair, SCCA



    Société royale du Canada - Le groupe de travail sur la recherche en matière d'archivage

    Vers la fin septembre 2020, la Société royale du Canada a formé un groupe de travail qui se concentre sur la recherche en matière d'archivage liée à la COVID-19. Ce groupe publiera une note de breffage à la fin de l'année 2020. Le 6 octobre 2020, le Globe and Mail a publié un premier article d'opinion qui présente les préoccupations des historiens et des archivistes en ce qui concerne la collecte, la gestion, la préservation et l'accès aux documents liés à la COVID-19. Leurs travaux porteront sur les programmes de financement fédéraux et sur les limites de la préservation des documents créés et recueillis afin de donner un aperçu de cette pandémie en s'appuyant sur l'expertise acquise lors de la pandémie de grippe de 1918-1919, du SRAS et du H1N1, parmi les nombreuses autres crises sanitaires auxquelles les Canadiens ont été confrontés.

    À cette fin, le Comité directeur sur les archives canadiennes sollicite votre contribution en ce qui concerne les dossiers et les projets relatifs à la COVID-19.  Les informations recueillies seront utilisées pour alimenter la note de breffage qui sera largement diffusée auprès des décideurs au Canada.

    Pour plus d'informations sur le groupe de travail, voir ici<>.

    Pour un lien vers le premier article d'opinion publié par les membres du groupe de travail, voir ici<> (disponible en anglais seulement).

    Pour remplir le court sondage, voir ici<>.

    Le sondage sera disponible jusqu'au 2 novembre 2020.


    Joanna Aiton Kerr

    Présidente du CDAC

  • 15 Oct 2020 10:45 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The ACA Communications Committee is pleased to announce the latest blog has been published and is available online here:, written by Claire Williams and Jasmine Charette. Their post discusses the contribution of social media in academic and professional conferences, and on the particular activities of the different social media platforms during the ACA 2020 conference.

    François Dansereau

    ACA In the Field Editor

    Archiviste principal / Senior Archivist

    Archives des jésuites au Canada / The Archive of the Jesuits in Canada 25, rue Jarry ouest Montréal (Québec) Canada H2P 1S6<>

    Je reconnais que cet endroit où je vis et je travaille est situé en territoire autochtone, lequel n'a jamais été cédé. Je reconnais la nation Kanien'kehá: ka comme gardienne de ces terres et de ces eaux. Tiohtiá: ke / Montréal est historiquement connu comme un lieu de rassemblement pour de nombreuses Premières Nations, et aujourd'hui, une population autochtone diversifiée, ainsi que d'autres peuples, y résident. Je suis reconnaissant de pouvoir travailler dans cette communauté, sur ce territoire.

    I acknowledge with respect that the place where I live and work is located on unceded Indigenous lands. The Kanien'kehá:ka Nation is recognized as the custodians of these lands and waters. Tiohtiá:ke/Montreal is historically known as a gathering place for many First Nations. Today, it is home to a diverse population of Indigenous and other peoples. I am grateful to work in this community, on this territory.

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Suite 1912-130 Albert Street  

Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4

Tel:  613-383-2009 x100


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The ACA office is located on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation whose presence here reaches back to time immemorial.

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