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  • 29 Mar 2023 1:36 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Please join myself, and the ACA Board of Directors in offering a hearty congratulations to archivists Donald Johnson, Jeremy Mohr and Shelley Sweeney for their recent receipt of the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal!

    The Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal (QPJM) recognizes outstanding individuals of all ages and from all walks of life, who have built and continue to build a strong, vibrant society and province through their service, contributions, and achievements.

    Both Donald and Jeremy have made tremendous contributions, over many years, not only to the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan but to many other archival communities - Donald at the provincial and national levels (including the SCCA's Response to the Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Taskforce), and Jeremy to the Saskatchewan Council of Archives and Archivists. While, most of us know of Shelley’s incredible work both at the University of Manitoba Archives and in championing the preservation of Manitoba’s history and her indefatigable promotion of her provinces cultural fabric and diversity.

    Donald, Jeremy and Shelley - we always knew you were fabulous, and we're so glad others finally recognized it too!

    For more information on Donald and Jeremy’s award please visit the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan News and Events page linked here. For more information on Shelley’s award presentation please visit the AMA Newsletter, March 2023 edition here.

    Erica Hernández-Read

    ACA President

  • 15 Mar 2023 3:48 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    "This reappointment will ensure continuity for the many important projects that Library and Archives Canada has begun in the last several years under Leslie Weir's stewardship. Library and Archives Canada plays a vital role in ensuring that Canadians can access and contribute to our shared heritage. Thanks to Leslie's leadership team and staff, Canadians benefit from our rich archives and resources, which help us learn about our past."

    Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage 

    GATINEAU, QC, March 15, 2023 /CNW/ - Today, the Minister of Canadian Heritage Pablo Rodriguez announced the reappointment of Leslie Weir as Librarian and Archivist of Canada for a four-year term, effective August 30, 2023.

    Since her first appointment in August 2019, Leslie Weir has led Library and Archives Canada through a series of exceptional challenges and major initiatives. In addition to guiding the institution through the COVID-19 pandemic, she oversaw the development of the library's Vision 2030 strategic plan and the launch of digital and service transformations to better serve Canadians. Weir has also helped guide major building projects, such as the Gatineau 2 Preservation Storage Facility and Ādisōke, the joint facility with the Ottawa Public Library.

    Before joining the library, Ms. Weir was university librarian at the University of Ottawa, where she founded the bilingual School of Information Studies in the Faculty of Arts. She previously worked at the National Library of Canada, Statistics Canada Library and Côte St. Luc Public Library in Montréal.

    In her career, Weir has played a key role in launching many significant library and archives research projects. She was a founding architect of the Scholars Portal, a research infrastructure initiative for Ontario universities, hosted at the University of Toronto. As President of, she oversaw the launch of the Heritage Project, which digitized 60 million heritage archival images in partnership with LAC, which are publicly accessible. She also played a leading role in the development of the Canadian Research Knowledge Network and the Canadian Digital Content for the Social and Human Sciences Project.

    Weir has served as President of both the Canadian Association of Research Libraries and the Ontario Library Association, as well as Chair of the Ontario Council of University Libraries. She is a Professional Division Chair and member of the Professional Council at the International Federation of Library Associations. She has received numerous awards, including the CLA/Ken Haycock Award for Promoting Librarianship (2015), the Ron MacDonald Distinguished Service Award from the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (2016), the Ontario Council of University Libraries Lifetime Achievement Award (2018) and the Canadian Association of Research Libraries Award for Distinguished Service to Research Librarianship (2018).

    Weir holds a Master's degree in Library Science from McGill University and a Bachelor of Arts from Concordia University.

    Head Shot: Leslie Weir, Librarian and Archivist of Canada.

  • 10 Mar 2023 1:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On February 23, the first of several planned roundtables was hosted by the Department of Canadian Heritage in support of the renewal of Canada's Museum Policy. Attendees included archival colleagues representing the territorial and provincial archival associations and councils, as well as representatives from the ACA, AAQ and CCA.

    During this 2-1/2 hour meeting, all participants were invited to speak to the following five themes identified by the Department in their "Discussion Guide" (please see -

    1) The role of museums in society;

    2) Resilience and sustainability in the museum sector;

    3) Advancing reconciliation with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples;

    4) Embracing equity, diversity, and inclusion; and

    5) Preservation and access as core museum functions.

    Unsurprisingly, the first point of discussion raised by archival colleagues was the need to remove the word "museum" from the conversation and instead replace it with the terms "heritage" and "heritage institutions" in the interests of both inclusivity and appropriate representation.

    Overall, this meeting went very well. The tone was respectful, and all were given time to express their concerns and provide their input into the identified themes. And while it appeared that the six Department representatives in attendance "heard" our concerns, we as a community have not done all we can do to ensure our input is actually incorporated into the new "Museum" policy. Far from it, in fact, our work has just begun.


    As mentioned, the Department has outlined five distinct themes in its "Discussion Guide" (see: ). Under each of these themes is a series of questions (see: ) and according to their website, the Department is "interested in your views and welcome(s) detailed responses regarding the questions set out in this discussion guide."

    Therefore, it is IMPERATIVE that each of us takes time to read this "Discussion Guide" and formulate and send our responses, ideas, and suggestions to the Department as soon as possible. Their email is .

    As archivists, archival practitioners, and record keepers, we need to state and restate en masse our shared concerns to this Department, to actively demonstrate our community's requirement for change to a policy and federal funding framework that has never fully supported our professional obligations. So, no matter what stage you are at in your career, please share your input now so together we can lobby for the policy changes we so desperately need!


    Erica Hernández-Read, President

    Association of Canadian Archivists


    Julien Bréard, President

    Association des archivistes du Québec

    Yves A. Lapointe, Chair

    Canadian Council of Archives

  • 6 Feb 2023 3:09 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The ACA Nominations and Awards Committee (NAAC) is currently inviting nominations from the Canadian archival community for the following honors: 

    • ACA Fellows
    • Membership Recognition 
    • Larry Dohey Award
    • New Professional Award 
    • Honorary Archivist Award 

    Information on each award as well as the nomination process can be found on the Honours and Awards page:

    Closing date for nominations is April 14th, 2023.

    For more information, contact: Alice Albarda ( or Shannon Hodge (, co-chairs, NAAC.  

    Date and Place of Presentation

    Awards shall be bestowed at the Awards Celebration during the ACA Annual Conference in Charlottetown, PEI June 28 to July 1, 2023.

  • 30 Jan 2023 11:05 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Nominations Open for the ACA Board of Director Elections

    Online Form

    Nominations Open January 30 - April 5, 2023, 11:59 pm (PT)

    The Nominations and Awards Committee is seeking nominations for the following ACA Director (Board) positions that are up for election: 

    ·         Vice President (2 year term) 

    ·         Secretary (2 year term) 

    ·         Director at Large (2 year term) 

    The term of office for these positions is two years and will begin the first week of July following the AGM, which takes place on June 14th, 2023 on Zoom. You may RSVP here: ACA Annual General Meeting - 2023

    The slate of candidates will be presented to the Board once nominations have close, April 5, 2023. Online voting will open June 1, 2023 following the Members Input Session. You may RSVP here: Members Input Session

    Nominations close, April 5, 2023 (11:59 pm PT).

    All members in good standing will receive an online ballot via email. Institutional members should ensure that their designated delegate is clearly identified and up to date in their membership profile. If you need support entering your delegate name or updating your form, please reach out to the ACA Office.

    See here for a full description of the Board positions and the commitment required for each elected position. 

    You may download the nomination form for signature here and submit your nomination form, online using the link below: 

     20230130_nomination form ACA directors.pdf

    See also the ACA Nominations and Elections Policy here

    Directors must be individual members in good standing. Institutional members may have their designated delegate nominated for the Director-at-Large position. Nominations must be supported by five (5) ACA members. Those nominated must also provide a brief biography that will be made available to ACA members in advance of the online voting period, will be posted on the ACA website and available on the electronic ballot. 

    The ACA welcomes more diverse and inclusive representation in the composition of its Board and Committees and encourages the nomination of all qualified individuals including women, members of racialized communities, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity. 

    Questions should be directed to Alice Albarda ( or Shannon Hodge (, co-chairs, Nominations and Awards Committee. 

    The deadline for nominations April 5, 2023, 11:59 pm (PT). 
  • 19 Jan 2023 11:04 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Colleagues,

    As promised, here is the latest update on the work being done by the Department of Canadian Heritage towards the renewal of the Canadian museum policy:

    The Department of Canadian Heritage is reaching out to provide you with an update on the renewal of the Canadian museum policy. We are pleased to announce that the museum policy website is now live and provides information on the renewal process. The website will be updated regularly as the Department navigates through the different phases of this important renewal. The website will soon contain links to a discussion guide, to an online survey which will be open to all, as well as updates on public consultations and engagement with Indigenous partners.  The website will also allow the heritage sector and the general public to provide input on how they would like to see the museum policy evolve for the future. You will find the link to the museum policy website here: 2022-23 Consultations on renewal of the Museum Policy -

    The Department would also like to take this opportunity to share with you the preliminary results from the Museum Policy Stakeholder Survey which was conducted in November 2022. As you may remember the survey was directed at heritage institutions and stakeholders, asking them to provide their views on current and emerging priorities in the museum and heritage sector. The purpose of the survey was to validate the needs and gaps of Canada’s heritage institutions. You will find national level preliminary results in the PDF document attached to this email. A more in-depth analysis is currently underway and will break down the data by province and territory; that survey report will be made available later this spring.

    Finally, we would like to thank all the associations and stakeholders who have provided their assistance throughout this process. Your support has been key in helping to move forward this important initiative.

    Please be sure to visit the website for the latest developments on the renewal of the Canadian museum policy. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.

    Thank you

    Ken Amaral (il/he)

    Policy and Research Analyst, Heritage Policy and Legislation Directorate

    Canadian Heritage, Government of Canada / Cell: 343-548-9144

    We will keep you posted as we know more, in the meantime please take a moment to review the results of their Nov. 2022 Stakeholder Survey.

    Museum Policy Stakeholder Survey Preliminary Results - January 2023_EN.pdf


    Erica Hernandez-Read



    Association of Canadian Archivists

  • 4 Jan 2023 8:09 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    ACA 2023 – Call for Submissions

    Mount Stewart, Prince Edward Island; Photo by Robyn Biggar

    ACA 2023: Belonging - Considering archival bonds and disconnects

    City: Charlottetown

    Dates: June 28 to July 1, 2023 at the Delta Hotels by Marriott, Prince Edward Island

    A sense of belonging is a fundamental human need – as the story of Anne of Green Gables, PEI’s most famous (fictional) daughter, so vividly demonstrates. As peoples of many regions, ages, faiths, genders, abilities, sexualities, racialized or ethnic backgrounds, we want to see ourselves, our stories, and our experiences reflected in the historical memory of the many environments to which we feel we belong.  Archivists and archival practitioners now realize how many aspects of archival work contribute to peoples’ experiences of inclusion and exclusion in a community. Through our actions towards historical memory, people may or may not see their stories and experiences reflected, leaving them with feelings of belonging or disconnection, or at worst exclusion.

    The 2023 ACA Program Team invites proposals that reflect on the theme of “Belonging” from the perspectives of archival theory and practice, related disciplines and professions, and/or diverse lived experiences of archives, records, and memory work.  What does ‘belonging' or conversely, ‘not belonging’ mean to you within your archival context or experience?

    Topics could include (but are not limited to):

    • Where does this profession belong? What disconnects exist between archivists, records managers, and/or IT professionals, and how can these be overcome? How are archival associations, councils, members, and associated organizations and communities working together in new ways?
    • To whom do records belong? To the archives? To creators? To documented people/communities? To everyone? Who has stakes in the records and how are those understood/articulated/acted on?
    • Whose experiences belong in archival records and collections?
    • What groups of people or organizations are not well represented in archival collections? What impact do archival collections and/or exhibits connected with marginalized populations have on these groups’ sense of belonging in an institution, community, region, or nation?
    • How are existing and emerging technologies changing arrangement, description, access, and use in ways that encourage or discourage a sense of belonging for patrons or staff? What are some innovative practices or projects that can cultivate a sense of belonging?
    • What steps are being taken to develop a more diverse workforce? What kind of work has been effective in creating spaces of belonging? What barriers still must be overcome?
    • How are archival services being made more inclusive for staff and users? How can archival spaces, services, practices, etc., be transformed so that more people feel like they belong in physical and virtual spaces? How do we relate to individuals or groups who do not want to ‘belong’ to the spaces archivists construct?
    • How are new archivists transitioning into the profession? In what ways are archival workplaces and/or the archival community welcoming or otherwise? How does one figure out where they belong in the profession at any stage of their career?
    • How can the desire to belong lead to practices shared between individuals and communities?

    The 2023 Conference Program Team invites contributions, of either a practical and/or
    theoretical nature, in a variety of formats including:

    1. Traditional session: formal presentation of papers; approximately 20 minutes per speaker, with questions to follow as time allows.
    2. Panel discussion: abbreviated presentation of papers; approximately 10-15 minutes per speaker, with discussion to follow.
    3. Roundtable: brief 5-7-minute presentations with open discussion.
    4. Focused Debate on a specific topic: brief presentations with open discussion & debate to follow.
    5. Archival Book Club: Moderators select readings for discussion at the session; could also include creative elements like debate or voting for preferred works, as in the CBC’s “Canada Reads” broadcast.
    6. Sprint Session: Is there a challenge that could be solved by a group of people in a short-term, time-bound exercise? What could you accomplish with a set amount of time, a hive mind, and no distractions?
    7. Fishbowl session:
    8. Storytelling session
    9. Other: Please share your ideas – be creative!

    Use the “Call for Submissions” button on the ACA website at

    Submitting your session proposal in electronic form using this link is strongly encouraged.

    2023 ACA Belonging Call for Submissions_FINAL.pdf

    The deadline for these proposals is: Friday, January 13, 2023.


    For 2023, ACA will use the “Call for Submissions” button for any workshop proposals that will be associated with the Annual Conference. These submissions will go to the Professional Development Committee, which will make its decisions in Winter 2023.

    Note: Please be advised there will be a Call for Student Papers as well as a Call for Posters later this year, with submission deadlines early in 2023. Scholarships are available to students and are administered by the ACA Foundation

    Please feel free to direct questions to:

    Lara Wilson
    Chair, ACA 2023 Conference Program Committee

    Program Team Members
    Robyn Biggar
    Jonathan Bowie
    François Dansereau
    Sarah Glassford
    Sara Janes
    Karen Suurtamm
    Kelly Turner  

  • 15 Dec 2022 12:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We have been notified by the CRA that the Association of Canadian Archivists Foundation (ACAF) charitable status has been reinstated, and that the ACAF is once again a registered charity. This letter ends a months-long process, and means that the ACAF can once again receive donations and issue tax receipts. The effective date of registration is November 6, 2021. This date means that all previous tax receipts issued  from November and December 2021 are valid.

    For our generous donors who have held back receipts for 2021, you can submit them for your 2022 taxes or have 2021 reconsidered with this receipt.

    The ACAF Business # is: 804138477RR0001

    Thank you to the ACA Secretariat, the boards of the ACA and the ACAF for their support and input. Most importantly, a hearty thank you to our membership for your patience and understanding as this work was underway.

    We are in the process of completing the new Foundation website and creating new content, but we are excited to have it up and running:

    Donations can be made to support the advancement of education and training in the fields of archival sciences, record keeping and information management. You will be redirected to the new website.

    Kind regards,

    Kyle Pugh (he/him),
    ACA Treasurer / ACA Foundation Chair

  • 7 Dec 2022 11:49 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    ACA 2023: Belonging - Considering archival bonds and disconnects 

    As you may, or may not know, the ACA Secretariat has been facing some unique challenges in mapping out the technological infrastructure plan for next year’s ACA Conference in Charlottetown, PEI. These challenges have included:

    Hurricane Impact: In September 2022 our conference host city, along with the entirety of Atlantic Canada, was hit by Hurricane Fiona. Understandably, resultant power loss, internet outages and destruction to property and lands have contributed to substantial communication and service disruptions across the province. For the ACA, these disruptions have detrimentally affected our communications with Global Encore – the 3rd party tech support company with exclusive rights to support conferences and events at the Delta Hotels by Marriott Prince Edward Island.

    Corporate Merger: Further contributing to this current state of ineffective communication is the recent corporate merger by Global Encore of Freeman’s – the company previously servicing Delta Hotels by Marriott (PEI) and two other AV companies in Canada. Whatever restructuring is going on, the result has been a decrease in current capacity to meet client planning needs.

    Financial Unknown: Due to the impact COVID-19 has had on the global tourism industry we are now seeing an extremely high rise in conference planning costs. Because of lack of communication, we haven’t yet received service quotes from Global Encore even though they are aware that our conference budget planning work is being undertaken now. Our fear is that by committing to a hybrid conference format under these conditions, we commit to paying tech support costs which will: a) require us to significantly increase conference rates for 2023 in order to cover yet unknown tech and labour costs; and b) potentially still leave us in a financial deficit.

    Due to these challenges, we’ve had to make the decision to facilitate our 2023 Conference as an in-person conference only with no hybrid component. While folks may not have expected next year’s conference to be hybrid, due to the positive feedback received from members regarding their hybrid conference experience at last year’s Vancouver conference we had hoped to provide a hybrid experience in 2023.

    As per our Equity Commitments (see Commitment #4, p. 11) the ACA’s 2024 conference will be a fully virtual event.

    Thank you for your understanding. If you have any additional questions please don’t hesitate to email me directly.

    Warmest regards,

    Erica Hernández-Read, M.A.S.




  • 5 Dec 2022 11:41 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thank you to all members who have cast their vote on the ballot measure related to proposed changes to Individual and Institutional membership fees.Voting closed end of day, November 30, 2022.

    For this measure, 222 (29 %) of 765 electors voted in this ballot.

    Member Motion # 1:  Individual Membership Fees:

    85 % in favour and 15 % opposed, the motion carries.

    Member Motion # 2: Institutional Membership Fees:

    93 % in favour and 7 % opposed, the motion carries.

    The new fee structure will be established for the 2024 membership year and the website will be updated accordingly. Please reach out with any questions you have.

    The certified results can be viewed here: 2022-11-30 Membership Ballot Measure Results Certified.pdf

    Members will have an opportunity to provide feedback at the Members Input Session is scheduled for May 31, 2023, online via Zoom. The AGM is scheduled for June 14, 2022 also online. You are of course always encouraged to reach out to Board Members or the Secretariat with any questions you may have.

    This work represents several years of consultations, meetings, report writing and research.  Thank you to the following folks who contributed to these motions and the supporting documentation:

    • Jane Morrison, past Board Secretary; Kaitlin Normandin, current Board Secretary

    • Former Treasurers, Jonathan Dorey & Andrea McCutcheon and current Treasurer Kyle Pugh

    • Institutional Membership Working Group members: Anna Gibson Hollow, Elis Ing, David Mawhinney, Jennifer Mohan, John Roberts, Sean Hayes

    • Former Membership Committee Chair Shamin Malmas and current Membership Committee Chair Kira Baker

    • Membership Committee members: Nicole Aminian, Melanie Davey, Elis Ing, Kyle Pugh, and Jamie Sanford

    • Financial Review Committee members: Daniel German, Tom Belton and Jennifer Mohan

    • ACA Secretariat: Jo McCutcheon and Maureen Tracey

    • Past members of the Board of Directors

    Please reach out with any questions you have.

    Erica Hernández-Read, President

    Anna Gibson-Hollow, Vice President

Our Community

Public Awareness & Advocacy



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Suite 1912-130 Albert Street  

Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4

Tel:  613-383-2009 x100


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The ACA office is located on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation whose presence here reaches back to time immemorial.

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