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  • 30 May 2024 1:53 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Join the ACA Board of Directors on Tuesday, June 19, 2024 1:00 pm EDT / 10:00 am PDT for the Annual General Meeting - ACA. The meeting agenda will include board reports, an update on ACA activities, including committees, SISs and Student Chapters. Members will also have an opportunity to review ACA audit documents and the ACA 2025 budget.

    This meeting will take place online, via Zoom.  The agenda and supporting documents are available in the Bulletin.

    Register for the meeting here.

  • 8 May 2024 10:37 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The CCA Board of Directors agreed, at the February 1, 2024 meeting to reconstitute the Standards Committee based on community discussion and interest with regard to work previously undertaken to discuss revisions to Rules for Archival Description (RAD).

    For additional context, the preface to the 2008 revision to RAD provides a brief history of the Rules, from inception in 1990, through the establishment of the Canada-US Task Force on Archival Description (CUSTARD), to the emergence of RAD2 in 2003.

    It continues:

    Over the course of 2004 there was comprehensive consultation on the draft RAD2 document. Not unlike the CUSTARD project, this consultative process revealed widely divergent opinions from within the Canadian archival community. Following a careful review of feedback received, CCAD put forward to the CCA a number of options for proceeding with the development of RAD. The approved option saw the Committee move forward to draft a series of revisions to RAD based on those aspects of draft RAD2 that received the most consensus from the Canadian archival community.

    Since 2008 there have been no revisions to the standard.

    On February 4th, 2016, invited participants met at Library and Archives Canada on the Future of RAD. From this meeting, a number of takeaways emerged, including the view that Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS) should be considered as an example of a national implementation of General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G).

    Eight years later, the Standards Committee is considering RAD within the context of the Reconciliation Framework, ACA’s Indigenous Matters Working Group Report, and other community-driven descriptive tools. The Standards Committee's work will consult and consider how and if a distinctive Canadian standard should be updated, leaving control within the Canadian archival system or if we should build on the work that has already been undertaken around the world.

    DACS, last updated in 2022, and work that has been produced by the International Council on Archives will be considered by the committee as a whole, and smaller working groups will review past work, new documentation, and by the Fall 2024, consult with the community with a series of recommendations for the November 2024 CCA Annual General Meeting. As noted in 2016, it is important to ensure that the archival community is continually consulted with efforts made to achieve consensus on the issues/options for RAD and other standard options in the coming months.

    If you would like to be part of the work that will take place from June to September, please reach out to the CCA by either contacting Jo McCutcheon, CCA Executive Director <> or Paul Henry, Chair of the Standards Committee <>. The next meeting will take place May 31st and then another meeting will be held on the 21st of June. There may be an additional meeting the 7th of June depending on the work planned.

    Chers membres de la communauté archivistique,

    Le Conseil d'administration du CCA a décidé, lors de sa réunion du 1er février 2024, de reconstituer le Comité des normes en fonction des discussions et de l'intérêt de la communauté concernant les travaux précédemment entrepris pour discuter des révisions des Règles de description archivistique (RDDA).

    Pour plus de contexte, la préface de la révision 2008 des RDDA présente un bref historique des règles, depuis leur création en 1990, en passant par l'établissement du groupe de travail conjoint Canada-États-Unis, le Canada-US Task Force on Archival Description (CUSTARD), jusqu'à l'émergence des RDDA2 en 2003.

    Elle se poursuit :

    Au cours de l’année 2004, une vaste consultation fut menée auprès de la communauté archivistique canadienne à propos du projet RDDA2. À l’instar du projet CUSTARD, la consultation a fait ressortir des divergences importantes au sein de la communauté archivistique. Après avoir examiné attentivement les commentaires reçus, le CCDA a proposé au CCA un certain nombre d’options pour l’évolution des RDDA. L’option retenue consistait à préparer un projet de révision des RDDA basé sur les éléments des RDDA2 ayant fait l’objet d’un consensus, ou ayant reçu un accueil largement favorable de la communauté.

    Depuis 2008, la norme n'a fait l'objet d'aucune révision.

    Le 4 février 2016, des participants invités se sont réunis à Bibliothèque et Archives Canada pour discuter de l'avenir des RDDA. Cette réunion a permis de dégager un certain nombre d'idées, notamment le point de vue selon lequel Describing Archives : A Content Standard (DACS) devrait être considéré comme un exemple de mise en œuvre nationale de la norme générale et internationale de description archivistique, ISAD(G).

    Huit ans plus tard, le Comité des normes examine les RDDA dans le contexte du Cadre de réconciliation, du rapport de l’Indigenous Matters Working Group de l'ACA et d'autres outils descriptifs pilotés par la communauté. Le travail du Comité des normes consistera à consulter et à examiner comment et si une norme canadienne distincte devrait être mise à jour, en laissant le contrôle au système archivistique canadien ou si nous devrions nous appuyer sur le travail qui a déjà été entrepris dans le monde entier.

    Le DACS, dont la dernière mise à jour date de 2022, et les travaux produits par le Conseil international des archives seront examinés par le comité dans son ensemble, et des groupes de travail plus restreints examineront les travaux antérieurs, la nouvelle documentation et, d'ici l'automne 2024, consulteront la communauté avec une série de recommandations pour l'assemblée générale annuelle du CCA de novembre 2024. Comme indiqué en 2016, il est important de veiller à ce que la communauté archivistique soit continuellement consultée et que des efforts soient faits pour parvenir à un consensus sur les questions/options pour les RDDA et d'autres options de normes dans les mois à venir.

    Si vous souhaitez participer aux travaux qui se dérouleront de juin à septembre, veuillez contacter Jo McCutcheon, directrice exécutive du CCA <> ou Paul Henry, président du Comité des normes <>. La prochaine réunion aura lieu le 31 mai et une autre se tiendra le 21 juin. Il est possible qu'une réunion supplémentaire ait lieu le 7 juin en fonction du travail prévu.

    J.M. (Jo) McCutcheon, PhD

    ( she | her | elle )

    Executive Director / Directrice Executive Canadian Council of Archives / Conseil canadien des archives

    130 Albert, Suite 1912, Ottawa, ON

    K1P 5G4



  • 2 May 2024 12:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Due to a family emergency the speaker for the upcoming Muslims in Canada Archives Webinar has been postponed.  A new day and time will be announced at a later time.

    Thank you for your understanding.

  • 19 Apr 2024 9:03 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The deadline for nominations for the annual awards for the ACA has been extended to April 26, 2024.

    See here for the criteria for the different awards.

    Nomination forms are found here.

  • 18 Apr 2024 9:29 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Artefactual Systems Inc and the Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA) Foundation are pleased to announce a two-year sponsorship agreement. The agreement, valued at $3000 over two years, will provide students and emerging professionals with increased access to the annual ACA conferences, with a special focus on students presenting on the topic of digital preservation and access. This sponsorship will provide dozens of students with access to the virtual ACA conference in June 2024, and will fully subsidize a student presenting at the 2025 conference in Ottawa.

    Artefactual was founded in 2000 and is a Canadian professional services and software development company.  They provide technical support and domain expertise in archival access and digital preservation to their clients and the community. Access to Memory (AtoM) and Archivematica are the two projects for which they are most well-known. The Association of Canadian Archivists Foundation was established and federally incorporated in 2006, with the goal of providing students in archival programs with funds to support their education.

    The ACA Foundation thanks Artefactual Systems for their support of the Foundation, and the wider archival profession.

    If you are a member who is a student, or precariously employed, please contact the ACA Office for a subsidized conference registration code. The Office can be reached at .

  • 15 Apr 2024 12:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    April 14th, 2024 marks the tenth anniversary for our Membership Services Coordinator at ACA.  Congratulations Maureen!

  • 11 Apr 2024 12:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Samedi 27 avril, 13h à 15h, En présentiel et en ligne
    Café Fou AELIES et YouTube Live
    Gratuit, ouvert à tous, étudiant.e.s, membres et non-membres.

    Nous espérons que vous passez une belle fin de session ! Pour bien terminer celle-ci, l’AAQ souhaite vous inviter à notre quatrième édition de table-ronde étudiante MétArchives !

    Nous vous invitons à venir de nouveau interagir avec nous dans une ambiance conviviale de style podcast pour discuter sur un sujet en particulier, soit l’exploration des archives menteuses.

    Cet événement est possible grâce à la présence de nos trois participants :

    • Caroline-Isabelle Caron est professeure dans le département d’histoire de l’Université de Queens. Elle se spécialise dans l’histoire culturelle francophone des XIXe et XXe siècles. Dans ses recherches, elle s’intéresse aux représentations du passé, sous forme de généalogies et de commémorations, et aux représentations du futur, sous forme de science-fiction, pour mieux comprendre la culture populaire des communautés acadiennes et québécoises.
    • Étienne Gagnon est étudiant candidat au doctorat en ethnologie et patrimoine depuis 2021 à l’Université Laval. Participant depuis 2020 à l’Unité mixte de recherche Capitales et patrimoines (UMRcp), il s’intéresse particulièrement aux discours tenus par les acteurs autour du « prisme patrimonial » que représente le site Cartier-Roberval, de même qu’aux manières par lesquelles les processus de patrimonialisation permettent la participation d’un nombre grandissant d’acteurs.
    • Mathieu Paradis est étudiant à la maîtrise en histoire à l’Université de Montréal et membre étudiant du Centre d’histoire des régulations sociales. Ses actuels projets de recherche concernent l’écriture autobiographique chez les militantes communistes montréalaises ainsi que les pratiques discursives du périodique révolutionnaire parti pris. Il s’intéresse aux archives dites « des marges » tout comme aux rapports de pouvoir qui influencent la production et la préservation des archives, mais aussi, l’histoire académique.

    Cette table-ronde, initiée en 2023 par Catherine Girard et Jean-Samuel Bisson, s’adresse aux étudiants et diplômés en archivistique, membres et non membres, mais également à tous ceux intéressés par le sujet. Plus on est, mieux c’est !

    Venez poser des questions et échanger avec nous pour en apprendre plus sur le côté interdisciplinaire de l’archivistique !

    Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant pour confirmer votre présence, et rendez-vous en présentiel au Café Fou AELIES, à Québec, dès 13h ou en direct sur la chaîne YouTube de l’AAQ !

    C’est GRATUIT ! Consommation à vos frais !

  • 5 Apr 2024 10:47 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    You are cordially invited to a free online lecture (18 April 2024 at 12 p.m. EST): “Pauline Johnson and Her Archive: A Conversation with Dr. Rick Monture.” 

    Emily Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake) (1861-1913) was born on the Six Nations reserve near Brantford, Ontario. Of Kanyen’kehà:ka (Mohawk) and European descent, she spent her early years in the community, where her father, George Johnson, held a position of prominence as a Mohawk Wolf Clan Chief and a translator for the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council. Pauline Johnson would go on to become a successful poet and performer, touring across North America and the UK and publishing six volumes during her lifetime. She was a strong advocate for the rights of Indigenous peoples and women, writing many newspaper articles on these topics; she has also drawn criticism for her espousal of assimilationist sentiments. She is, as Dr. Rick Monture writes, “an enigmatic figure” whose complex legacy still draws interest more than a century after her death. Join Dr. Rick Monture for an exploration of Pauline Johnson, her legacy, and her archive at McMaster University Library. 

    Dr. Rick Monture is a member of the Mohawk nation, Turtle clan, from Six Nations of the Grand River Territory. He is Associate Professor in the Departments of Indigenous Studies and English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University and the author of Teionkwakhashion Tsi Niionkwariho:ten (“We Share Our Matters”): Two Centuries of Writing and Resistance at Six Nations of the Grand River (UMP 2014). 

    This lecture is hosted by McMaster University Library’s Archives Alive program in partnership with McMaster University Alumni.   

    Register using this link


  • 11 Mar 2024 10:36 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Invitation to Register for Concordia University's Library Research Forum 2024 (Deadline: April 10, 2024)   

    You are cordially invited to register to attend Concordia University's 22nd annual Library Research Forum. Registration is free and all are welcome.

    This year’s Research Forum will be a two-day hybrid event, with presentations taking place virtually on Zoom on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, and in person at Concordia University’s Loyola Campus on Wednesday, April 17, 2024.

    The annual Research Forum provides an opportunity for librarians, archivists, graduate students, teaching faculty, and information professionals to describe and promote their completed or in-progress research, practical case studies or projects. The Forum also provides a venue for researchers to seek suggestions for enhancing their research interests, to identify potential new partners for projects, to test the effectiveness of their undertakings, and to promote research in academic libraries.

    This year’s Keynote speaker will be Aaron Johnson – Associate Dean – Research and Infrastructure, Faculty of Arts and Science, and Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Concordia – who will speak on the topic of Open Scholarship in Research.

    The Forum is free to attend, but registration is required for planning purposes.

    Deadline for registration is April 10, 2024.

    To register and for more details about the event, including a full schedule, please visit  

    Questions? Please contact the Forum Committee at  

  • 21 Feb 2024 10:40 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The International Film Festival of Ottawa (IFFO) will gather Canadian and international film archivists, distributors, and filmmakers for the third annual SAVE AS, a day-long conference is dedicated to examining issues of preservation, restoration, distribution, and exhibition of the always-endangered heritage cinema. SAVE AS consists of expert panel discussions, case studies of restored cinema classics, and special public screenings of those restored classic films.

    Date: Thursday, March 21, 2024
    Location:  Arts Court Theatre, 2 Daly Ave.

    This year's program includes a spotlight on Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna and restoration case studies on Guy Maddin’s Archangel and Timothy Findley’s The Wars directed by Robin Phillips
    View the full SAVE AS program:
    Passes are $20 and include access to all panels and more.

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