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Update: ACA's Strategic Plan and Progress toward A Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan

6 Aug 2019 5:00 AM | Anonymous member

Dear ACA Members,

We would like to provide an update on the status of the ACA’s strategic plan and, in particular, report on progress toward the development of a Diversity & Inclusion Action plan. 

To provide some context, the strategic plan identifies diversity and inclusion as a key strategic priority based on input from more than 200 members. The term diversity and inclusion (D&I) has been used since the mid-2000s to express a desire for more racial and ethnic representation. It has expanded over time to include LGBTQ2+ representation. Diversity can be quantified with demographic identifiers, such as race, ethnicity, citizenship status, gender, sexuality, ability, religious and spiritual values, age, and education. Inclusion cannot be quantified; it is a sense of belonging that is developed over time.

The ACA is actively exploring strategies for growing diversity and creating a more inclusive association. To this end, the ACA is committed to:

  1. Developing a rolling four-year D&I Action Plan that reinforces ACA’s commitment to developing a more diverse and inclusive association; 
  2. Discussing frameworks, strategies, initiatives, programs, and actions that ACA could proactively implement to address issues of inclusion, access, diversity, multiculturalism, and regional, national, global and intercultural engagement; 
  3. Creating avenues for member and non-member input, feedback, and dialogue on the implementation of the action plan; and 
  4. Remaining attuned to national trends, local and community dynamics, uncertain professional futures, broad assessment measures, and reasonable timelines for implementation. 

We have developed a vision statement for the D&I Action Plan:

“The Association of Canadian Archivists is committed to delivering creative, vital, comprehensive and engaging programming for archives and records professionals at all stages of their careers. We promote civility and respect for the dignity and potential of each member. We seek to advance the understanding of diverse perspectives. We value and promote collegial relationships and mutual respect among all members regardless of backgrounds and viewpoints. We acknowledge and seek to address the needs of underrepresented members, particularly Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) and LGBTQ2+, even as we strive to provide access and opportunities for all members in ways that are culturally relevant and responsible.”

In addition, we will be actively seeking members to participate in a standing committee on Diversity and Inclusion this Fall. Please stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks.

Considering this work, we are also developing a new strategic communication plan that will look at how best ACA can communicate with members and non-members. Presently, members receive communication through direct email, including occasional Bulletins. We are also active on Twitter and Facebook. In addition, the ACA frequently communicates with non-members on this Arcan-L and other archives and records listservs. The strategic plan will consider the appropriateness of these channels to ensure that they align with our own Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.

Thank you for your patience with the development of the ACA D&I Action Plan. We remain committed to this important initiative and recognize that real change requires labour, thoughtful discussion, financial investment, and time. 

On behalf of the ACA,

Loryl MacDonald, President

Rebecka Sheffield, Vice President

Jonathan Dorey, Treasurer

Jane Morrison, Secretary

Jennifer Mohan, Director at Large

Luciana Duranti, Director at Large

Contact Us

Suite 1912-130 Albert Street  

Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4

Tel:  613-383-2009


The ACA office is located on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation whose presence here reaches back to time immemorial.

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