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  • 7 Dec 2023 3:13 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ACA 2024 Virtual Conference

    Future-Proofing: Centring Care Now for Archives Tomorrow

    Future-Proofing: Centring Care Now for Archives Tomorrow discusses designing systems and processes, and relationships that anticipate future needs of users, archivists, and society. What strategies and tools can archivists use to prepare for future challenges, known and unknown? What practices can archivists draw upon to support our resilience and that of our materials while we consider the still-developing challenges of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Climate Crisis, and social and political conflict? Future-Proofing: Centring Care Now for Archives Tomorrow explores how we can proactively prepare our profession to ensure that archival organizations remain relevant to their communities, responsive to the evolving record-keeping landscape, and in accordance with professional ethics.

    Location: Virtual/ Alberta

    Dates: June 11 - 13, 2024
    Format: Virtual


    Friday, January 5, 2024, 11:59 pm, MST

    The 2024 ACA Program Team invites proposals that reflect on the theme of Future-Proofing: Centring Care Now for Archives Tomorrow.

    Types of Proposals (All VIRTUAL):

    • Traditional Session: Presentation of research papers, case studies, and thought pieces. 20 minutes per speaker followed by a question period.
    • Panel Discussion: Presentation of research papers, case studies, and programs or projects. 10 minutes per speaker followed by a discussion period.
    • Roundtable:  Presentations of programs, projects, and tools. 5 minutes per speaker with open discussion.
    • Focused Debate on Specific Topic: Brief presentations with debate to follow.
    • Sprint Session on Specific Challenge: Presentation of a challenge to registered group of participants. Timed exercise to brainstorm a solution to a problem.
    • Performance: Presentation of a short film, video, dance, song, or performance. 5-15 minutes. Discussion period.
    • Storytelling session
    • Workshops: Virtual interactive workshops using Zoom. 1.5 – 3 hrs in length. Participation can be limited to a specific number if necessary.
    • Other format: Please share your ideas!

    Suggested Conference Topic Areas:

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Archives

    • AI tools for archival processes (appraisal, arrangement & description, preservation, and access)
    • AI and Digital Curation for online archives
    • Ethical considerations of AI and Archives
    • Access, Privacy and AI
    • Increasing accessibility with AI
    • Trustworthiness of AI-generated records
    • Building competencies for new technologies, such as AI into archival education programs for students and professionals.
    • Indigenous perspectives and approaches to AI and Archives
    • Bias and representation in AI training data

    Climate Crisis

    • Emergency & Disaster Preparedness
    • Wildfire Response & Case Studies
    • Climate Emergency Toolkit Creation
    • Conservation & Treatments for Archival Materials
    • Considering digital preservation through a Climate Change lens
    • Adapting appraisal and selection strategies to address Climate Change
    • Climate Activism and Archives
    • Building competencies for Climate Change adaptation into archival education programs for students and professionals
    • Indigenous perspectives and approaches to stewardship and Climate Crisis

    Social and Political Conflict

    • Integrating trauma-informed practice into archival appraisal and selection
    • Trauma-informed Practices and Disaster Recovery
    • Trauma-informed Practices and Oral History during Crisis Events
    • Advocacy for adapting trauma-informed practices in Archives
    • Mis/dis information and recordkeeping during conflict
    • Human rights and Archives
    • Indigenous knowledge and archives as sites of conflict
    • Truth and Reconciliation strategies and case studies

    While topics related to AI, Climate Crisis and Social & Political Conflict will be highlighted at the 2024 ACA Conference, the Program Team will consider proposals exploring other areas and encourage practitioners to submit proposals related to current actions to make archives more accessible and/or relevant in the future.

    The Call for Student Papers and a Call for Posters will be announced in early 2024. Scholarships are available to students and are administered by the ACA Foundation.

    Please feel free to direction questions to:

    Jessica Bushey

    Chair, ACA 2024 Conference Program Committee

    Program Team Members

    Jonathan Bowie

    Linnet Chappelka

    Sam Frederick

    Emma Morros

    Karen Ng

    Lelland Reed

    Corinne Rogers

    Olivia White

  • 7 Dec 2023 9:19 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    La version française suit 

    Call for Proposals for Concordia University's Library Research Forum 2024 (Deadline: January 26, 2024) 

    Presentation and poster proposals are now being accepted for Concordia University's 22nd Library Research Forum. This year's Research Forum will be a two-day hybrid event, with presentations taking place virtually on Zoom on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, and presentations and posters taking place in person at Concordia University’s Loyola Campus on Wednesday, April 17, 2024.

    This year’s plenary speaker will be Aaron Johnson, Principal Investigator at Concordia’s Vision Lab and Associate Dean for Research and Infrastructure in Concordia’s Faculty of Arts and Science, as well as Resident Researcher at the Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation du Montréal métropolitain (CRIR), whose research in human vision spans a range of areas from low-level computational models of vision, to applied research in the fields of marketing, aviation, and low-vision rehabilitation.

    Proposal deadline: January 26, 2024. For more details about the event and how to submit a proposal, visit: 

    Questions? Please contact the Forum Committee at

    Library Research Forum Committee 2023-2024: Krista Alexander, Larry Deck (chair), Kate Ripley, Pat Riva, Ellen Wright


    Sujet : Appel à propositions pour le Forum de recherche de la Bibliothèque de l’Université Concordia 2024 (Date limite : le 26 janvier 2024)

    Vous êtes invités à soumettre une proposition pour le 22e Forum annuel de recherche de la Bibliothèque de l'Université Concordia. Le Forum de recherche de cette année aura lieu de façon hybride avec des présentations virtuelles sur Zoom mardi le 16 avril 2024, et des présentations et affiches sur place au Campus Loyola de l’Université Concordia mercredi le 17 avril 2024.

    Cette année, notre conférencier invité est Aaron Johnson, chercheur principal au laboratoire de vision de Concordia et vice-doyen, recherche et infrastructures de la faculté des arts et des sciences de Concordia, ainsi que chercheur résident au Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation du Montréal métropolitain (CRIR), dont les recherches sur la vision humaine incluent des modèles informatiques de bas niveau de la vision ainsi que la recherche appliquée dans les domaines du marketing, de l'aviation et de la réadaptation des personnes malvoyantes.

    Date limite pour les propositions : le 26 janvier 2024. Pour plus de détails sur l'événement et sur la façon de soumettre une proposition, visitez :  

    Questions? Veuillez contacter le comité du forum au

    Le comité organisateur du Forum sur la recherche en bibliothéconomie : Krista Alexander, Larry Deck (président du comité), Kate Ripley, Pat Riva, Ellen Wright


  • 4 Dec 2023 3:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dec. 4, 2023

    Dear ACA Members, 

    RE: ACA Statement on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict  

    Like you, the Board of the Association of Canadian Archivists has watched events unfold in Israel and Gaza over the past couple of months with very heavy hearts. We continue to witness, in disbelief and horror, the continued escalation of violence in the region, and we join our voices with all who condemn attacks on innocent men, women and children in both Israel and Palestine. The scale of destruction, the incalculable suffering, and loss of life has been horrendous. We extend our deepest sympathies to all who have been affected by these ongoing acts of violence and terror. 

    While it pales in comparison with the human costs of this conflict, we are also deeply concerned by the damage to, and destruction of cultural heritage institutions such as historic sites, museums, libraries, and archives. Recent media reports suggest over 100 cultural heritage sites have been damaged or destroyed in air assaults, resulting in the destruction of invaluable tangible and intangible heritage including archival records documenting the histories of Palestine and the Palestinian people. In fact, at the time of writing, it was our understanding that memory-building institutions such as the Central Archives of Gaza City along with culture centres, theatres, and libraries had been heavily damaged if not outright destroyed. Equally distressing is the loss of essential utility infrastructure such as communication and internet, which Gaza residents and humanitarian aid organizations rely on to ensure their safety and the safety of others.  

    Since the catalytic events of October 7, we have also borne witness to the appalling rise in antisemitic- and Islamophobic-fuelled violence against members of Jewish and Muslim populations around the world, Canada included. Make no mistake: the Association of Canadian Archivists unequivocally condemns any hate-motivated actions. Targeting individuals and communities with violence and intimidation due to the actions of government is reprehensible and must stop. 

    The Association recognizes that geography limits our capacity to help those directly affected by this violence at this time. We also understand that our members may, and likely do, hold vastly different perspectives and beliefs on this situation. However, we are united not only by our common humanity but also through our professional commitment to preservation and access and together we stand opposed to violence and ongoing destruction of documentary heritage.   

    We know that the suffering caused through this conflict transcends borders, and many in our communities have been affected. To this end, the Association encourages our members to consider engaging in any, or all, of the personal and professional actions listed below to help those at home and abroad during these troubling times. 

    Personal Action 

    • Consider contributing financially to one of the following aid organizations:  

    Professional Action 

    • Consider implementing an archival assessment project to reveal the gaps in your holdings which may omit the voices of often marginalized communities, such as Palestinian/Islamic-Canadians and Jewish-Canadians. Consider working with these communities to correct this omission.   

    • If you have archival materials documenting the experiences of Palestinian/Islamic-Canadians and/or Jewish-Canadians, consider making such materials more visible to enable and encourage ongoing education, and cross-cultural dialogue about cultures, beliefs, and histories.  

    • Consider ways through which your institution, or yourself could support the ongoing work of community-centric archives including, but not limited to: 

    We encourage our members to consider doing what they can, both in accordance with their capacity and their means, to support international aid organizations convey necessities for life to those in greatest need, and to protect and support the cultural heritage of those diasporic communities within Canada currently so affected by the ongoing conflict.  

    No matter your religious or atheistic proclivity, please join us in united invocation calling for the swift and permanent cessation of hostilities, and for the health and safety of those currently in danger.  

    With deepest respect,  

    The Board of Directors for the Association of Canadian Archivists

  • 4 Dec 2023 9:27 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Young Canada Works 2024-2025 campaign has launched!

    The Canadian Council of Archives (CCA) is pleased to announce that the 2024-2025 campaign for the Young Canada Works (YCW) program for heritage organizations has launched. This program is funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage (PCH), supporting the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment and Skills Strategy.

    All archival institutions, as well as libraries operating in English, can now apply online for short-term jobs for students (YCW in Heritage Organizations), and internships for graduates (YCW at Building Careers in Heritage) via the official YCW website ( ).


    The application deadline for short-term student jobs (HO) and internships (BCH) is January 19, 2024.

    Government Priorities

    The Government of Canada is committed to strengthening diversity and inclusion in youth employment.

    It is important to note the government priorities for 2024-2025.

    Please note that the application assessment process will take into account the following priorities:

      *   Indigenous employers (eligible projects);

      *   projects aimed at Indigenous participants (Indigenous or non-Indigenous employer - youth who self-identifies as First Nations, Inuit, Métis and/or urban or non-affiliated Indigenous youth.);

      *   projects focusing on Indigenous cultural heritage (Indigenous or a non-Indigenous employer); and

      *   hiring youth that are part of equity-deserving groups ( ).

    If you have already submitted your application and would like to make changes based on these government priorities, please contact us so that we can unlock your application promptly.

    Please visit CCA’s website ( ) for more information.

    If you have any questions concerning your application in the archival field, do not hesitate to contact Louise Charlebois at

    If you have any questions concerning your application as a library operating in English, do not hesitate to contact Kathleen Pond at


    La campagne Jeunesse Canada au travail 2024-2025 est lancée!

    Le Conseil canadien des archives (CCA) est heureux d'annoncer que la campagne 2024-2025 du programme Jeunesse Canada au travail (JCT) pour les organismes du patrimoine est maintenant lancée. Ce programme est financé par le ministère du Patrimoine canadien (PCH) et appuie la Stratégie emploi et compétences jeunesse du Canada.

    Tous les services d'archives, ainsi que les bibliothèques œuvrant en anglais, peuvent compléter leurs demandes en ligne pour des projets d’emplois étudiants à court terme (JCT dans les établissements du patrimoine) ainsi que pour des stages pour les diplômés (JCT pour une carrière vouée au patrimoine) sur le site officiel JCT ( ).

    Date limite

    La date limite pour la soumission de vos demandes pour les emplois étudiants à court terme et pour les stages est le 19 janvier 2024.

    Les priorités du gouvernement

    Le gouvernement du Canada s’engage à renforcer la diversité et l’inclusion au sein de l’emploi jeunesse.

    Il est important de prendre note des priorités du gouvernement pour le cycle 2023-2024.

    Veuillez noter que le processus d'évaluation prendra en compte les priorités suivantes :

      *   les employeurs autochtones (projets admissibles);

      *   les projets qui visent des participants autochtones (employeur autochtone ou non-autochtone - Les jeunes qui s’identifient comme membres des Premières Nations, Inuit, Métis et/ou autochtones vivant en milieu urbain ou non affiliés.);

      *   les projets axés sur le patrimoine culturel autochtone (employeur autochtone ou non-autochtone); et

      *   l’embauche de jeunes appartenant à des groupes méritant l’équité ( ).

    Si vous avez déjà soumis votre demande et vous souhaitez apporter des modifications en fonction de ces priorités gouvernementales, veuillez nous contacter afin que nous puissions déverrouiller votre demande rapidement.

    Nous vous invitons à visiter notre site ( ) pour plus d'information.

    Si vous avez des questions concernant votre demande dans le domaine archivistique, n'hésitez pas à communiquer avec Louise Charlebois à l’adresse

  • 22 Nov 2023 12:27 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the biggest shopping days of the year. Giving Tuesday was created to get away from the rampant consumerism and provide a moment to give back through acts of generosity. This Giving Tuesday we are asking for your support.

    The Association for Canadian Archivists Foundation is the charitable arm of the Association of Canadian Archivists. It raises and grants funds supporting the educational and research needs of the Canadian archival profession.

    We are looking for donations (small and large) to the Foundation to advance education by providing publicly available scholarships, bursaries, and other forms of financial assistance to post-secondary students, graduates and professionals to be used for education

    All money raised will go towards the ACAF Scholarship Endowment Fund was established in 2010 to produce a long-term income stream for the provision of scholarships to archival studies students, and thus support the Canadian archival profession.

    Donations are tax deductible.


    Thank you for your support!

  • 22 Nov 2023 12:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    While the MASIS group has been quiet we have still been holding meetings and events and we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to let the co-Chairs know what types of or topics for meetings would encourage you to participate in future MASIS virtual meet-ups.

    Topics and ideas for future meeting that were discussed at our Fall get together included:

    • Where does your archive live in your organization (i.e. as a part of corporate services, Information Services, Clerk’s division, etc.) and how that helps and / or provides challenges for you,
    • Origin stories of how your municipal archives program came to exist,
    • What are you equipment needs and how easy / what are the challenges to getting what you need,
    • Archive Access vs Privacy,
    • Digital archiving,
    • Larger municipality issues and concerns vs small municipal archive issues and concerns,
    • Government accessions vs. private,
    • What supports do you get and where are they lacking, and
    • Friends of societies

    If folks have other ideas or some topic ideas listed resonate more than others we encourage you to email either Jamie Sanford ( or Angela Fornelli ( to let us know.

    We are hoping to schedule our next meeting for late January or early February and hold meetings every four months (for a total of 3 a year). Meetings will include a one minute update for all attendees, doodle polls to past participants on meeting dates, and hopefully lots of laughs and support.

    Have a say in the MASIS group by reaching out to one or both of the MASIS co-Chairs.


    Thank you,


    Jamie & Angela

  • 6 Nov 2023 8:46 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The ACA 2024 Virtual Conference will be “hosted” by Alberta, and we need volunteers for the Host Team! What does the Host Team do? Well, we’re the team responsible for planning and coordinating those fun social activities that conference participants love to do. 

    We are looking for ACA members at any stage in their career and from all backgrounds to help us plan some engaging, virtual activities. Please sign up using the ACA Volunteer Form. 

    Interested, but not sure if you want to commit or just looking for more information? Just email Anna Gibson Hollow at

  • 12 Oct 2023 1:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    12 October 2023

    In May 2023 the Province of Ontario announced plans to break up the Region of Peel (Peel Region) into its three constitutive municipalities: Mississauga, Brampton, and Caledon by January 1, 2025. Times of change and transition can endanger archives; however, in the wake of the Province’s decision to dissolve the Peel Region, we have observed rhetoric regarding the Peel Archives that has concerned the Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA) and members of our professional community. Accordingly, we are writing today to update our members about some of the issues we and the Archives Association of Ontario (AAO) are keeping an eye on.

    The ACA extends its support of the letter released by our colleagues at AAO and call for the protection of the Peel Archives throughout the process of dissolving the Peel Region. Following on the announcement to dissolve the Peel Region, a five-member board was appointed by the Province to provide recommendations for a dissolution process that "respects taxpayers and protects existing services.” We support the AAO’s call for this board to consider the crucial role that the Region of Peel Archives plays in not only safeguarding the Peel Region’s municipal records, but also in preserving the historical and cultural memory of the Peel Region. We affirm that plans for the dissolution of the Peel Region be made with concern and care for the archival records of its communities and citizens. Furthermore, we stress that any decision about the Peel Archives be made in close consultation with professional archives staff with knowledge of the unique records of the Peel Archives.

    Although the plans to dissolve the Peel Region are largely unclear at this time, any plans that impact the Peel Archives must be made in consultation with archivists who can advise on the best course of action for the archival records of the region. Archivists are highly trained professionals, with a unique understanding of the importance of records and the challenges inherent in their preservation. It is essential to the successful dissolution of the Peel Region that its archival staff be consulted on decisions regarding the Peel Archives. Finally, the ACA recognizes the unique importance of the Peel Archives to the archival heritage of the Peel Region and urges the consideration of these recommendations as the plans to dissolve the Region are made in the coming year.

    As the calendar moves towards the Province’s deadline, the ACA will collaborate on matters with the AAO where we believe we can provide assistance and support. The ACA recognizes and values the AAO’s expertise and for matters related to Ontario archives, and will lend support where requested, particularly where an impact can be made nationally.


    Yours in archival solidarity,

    Erica Hernández-Read, President

    On behalf of the Association of Canadian Archivists Board of Directors

  • 4 Oct 2023 9:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I am pleased to announce that Al Cunningham Rogers has been awarded the 2023 Dodds Prize for their paper "Theoretical Approaches to the Appraisal of Graffiti Ephemera: A Toronto Case Study.”

    Al will graduate from the University of Toronto this spring, and their paper was submitted by Fiorella Foscarini. During their time at UofT, Al has been working with Dr. Shana Almeida at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) as a research assistant on a SSHRC funded project considering race, racism, and governance strategies in Toronto. They have recently accepted a position at Scholar’s Portal to assist with digital preservation.

    Instituted in 2011, the Dodds Prize recognizes superior research and writing on an archival topic by a student enrolled in a Master's level archival studies program at a Canadian university. The award honours Gordon Dodds (1941–2010), first President of the ACA, and Archivaria's longest-serving general editor. Submissions received for the 2022-23 academic year were reviewed by adjudication committee members Amy Marshall Furness, Brett Lougheed, Alexandra Mills, and Heather Home. I thank the committee for their service.

    Al’s paper will be published in the Spring 2024 issue of Archivaria. The citation reads:

    Written in a concise, energetic, and persuasive tone, Al Cunningham Rogers’ paper Theoretical Approaches to the Appraisal of Graffiti Ephemera: A Toronto Case Study does an excellent job of establishing a conceptual model for understanding the function(s) of graffiti—an inherently ephemeral, evolving, and transitory record. Borrowing from scholarship on the affective impacts of archives in the creation of an archives of feelings, particularly feminist theory and Althusser’s subject interpolation theory of call and response, Rogers skilfully makes use of close reading for a number of examples of anonymous, marginal graffiti to provide a framework for the appraisal and selection of exemplars of graffiti for an archive of everyday life.

    Congratulations, Al, on your excellent work.

    Rebecka Taves Sheffield

    Managing Editor


  • 8 Sep 2023 8:57 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    You are cordially invited to a free in-person showcase and curators’ talk at McMaster’s Mills Memorial Library (5 October 2023, 4:30 p.m. EST): “Wherein She Plainly Shews”: Women of the Printing Trades in the Hand-Press Era.

    The centuries following the advent of the printing press in Europe were characterised by an overwhelmingly male print industry. Guild rules, social norms, and financial pressures conspired to keep women out of the printing workforce. In spite of these obstacles, many thousands of women were involved in the printing business, with some rising to own and operate their own presses.

    Please join Ruth-Ellen St. Onge, Distinctive Collections Cataloguing Librarian, and Myron Groover, Archives and Rare Books Librarian, for an exploration of women working in the printing trades and the output of woman-owned presses – including those of Mary Clark, Elinor James, Anne Dodd, Sarah Harding, Sarah Cotter, la veuve Mazières, and the completely woman-operated École Typographique des Femmes established under French Revolutionary auspices in 1791.

    This showcase event is part of McMaster University Library’s theme year, “Transformative Stories: Year of Gender and Justice.” McMaster Library’s biannual “Year of” celebrations highlight the Library’s unique collections, resource, and expertise.

    Register for this event using this link: Please feel free to share this invitation with other interested parties.

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Tel:  613-383-2009 x100


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