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  • 19 Jun 2023 1:31 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Systems Archivist, Hosting
    Artefactual Systems Inc

    Location: Remote
    Compensation: $70,000 - $85,000

    Artefactual Systems Inc. ( provides archival management and digital preservation products and services to the cultural memory sector using open source software. We help to ensure that our international client base is able to care for the evidence of the past so that it can be trusted in the future. Though founded and still based in British Columbia, Canada, we have staff across Canada, the US, Spain, the UK, and El Salvador. We ground all our work in 4 core values:  openness, collaboration, sustainability, and trustworthiness.  

    Artefactual values the diversity of the people it hires and serves. Our success is reliant on building teams that include people from different backgrounds and experiences who share their ideas and perspectives and participate openly in a collaborative, respectful, and supportive working environment. We are dedicated to hiring humans, not just a resume. We look for a diverse pool of applicants including those from historically marginalized groups. We invite you to apply even if you don't think you meet all the requirements listed below.  

    Description and Duties: Summary

    The Systems Archivist, Hosting, assists with the day-to-day needs of Artefactual's hosting services (primarily AtoM and Archivematica). They respond to inquiries that cannot be answered by support staff, and provide domain expertise in Artefactual's hosting team so that our customers' experience with our services continuously improves.

    Job duties

    Duty 1

    • Responsible for addressing customer problems
    • Responds to domain-specific customer support inquiries as part of the support escalation process
    • Triage support questions to the Maintainers team when required
    • Collaborate with Maintainers team on technical solutions to customer issues
    • Proactively address common customer concerns by producing product-specific documentation and other resources

    Duty 2

    • Responsible for providing domain expertise to teammates and other Artefactual staff
    • Provide domain expertise to help clarify and understand customer contexts, concerns and goals
    • Works in the product team to ensure hosting products meet client needs
    • Represent the customer and the domain while working with teammates and other Artefactual staff
    • Assist the Maintainers by providing domain expertise when addressing support issues

    Duty 3

    • Responsible for continuous improvement in service delivery
    • Monitor outstanding, ongoing, or recurring incidents
    • Analyse incidents for trends or patterns that can be identified as problems
    • Gather feedback from stakeholders to suggest solutions
    • Liaise with other specialists to identify wider patterns
    • Provide feedback to the Maintainers team to improve the software, and to teammates to improve the hosted products

    Qualifications: Must have

    • Archival domain knowledge with special interest in digital preservation and/or online access and description
    • Ability to analyse issues or problems in a technical environment
    • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English
    • An interest in continuous improvement in service delivery
    • At least 4 hours overlap with 8am-4pm Pacific Standard Time
    • Legally able to work in Canada

    Nice to have

    • Experience with problem management and change management processes in an IT domain
    • Experience working as a digital archivist or digital preservationist
    • Experience in problem solving in a software-related domain
    • Experience working with monitoring systems
    • Experience with AtoM and/or Archivematica

    How to Apply: Submit your covering letter and CV to

    Application Webpage (URL:

    Application Deadline: Wednesday June 28, 2023

    logo: artefactual systems inc. orange a - white letter - blue lettering for the rest of the logo.

  • 19 Jun 2023 1:21 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Gestionnaire, Section de la gestion de l'information de l'entreprise et des documents gouvernementaux (Archives)
    Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick (APNB)

    Location: Fredericton
    Compensation: De 2762 $ à 3675 $ à la quinzaine

    Fondées en 1967, les Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick rassemblent et conservent les documents issus des citoyens, des institutions et du gouvernement de la province. Le Programme de gestion des documents assure le transfert régulier aux Archives et la conservation de tous les documents gouvernementaux non actifs ayant une valeur légale et historique permanente.

    Description and Duties    

    Le Bureau du chef de l'information de Finances et Conseil du Trésor offre un poste de gestionnaire pour diriger la Section de la gestion de l'information de l'entreprise (GIE) et des documents gouvernementaux (Archives) au sein des Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick (APNB). Joignez-vous à notre équipe dynamique et progressive de professionnels de l'information pour aider le gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick (GNB) à réaliser ses objectifs opérationnels en matière de transformation dans un milieu favorable à l'apprentissage, à la croissance, à la création et au soutien de stratégies innovantes.

    Relevant de l'archiviste provincial principal et à membre de l'équipe de direction des APNB, la personne retenue contribuera à la gestion et à la conservation des documents du GNB qui concernent les activités opérationnelles et qui témoignent de l'histoire de la province.

    Les responsabilités précises rattachées au poste sont notamment les suivantes :

    • diriger, encadrer et appuyer une équipe regroupant des professionnels de la Section de la GIE et des documents gouvernementaux de manière à offrir d'excellents services aux ministères clients, aux intervenants et aux citoyens;
    • donner des conseils stratégiques détaillés et offrir son expertise en la matière à l'archiviste provincial principal;
    • assurer la gestion uniforme des programmes dans la Section, maintenir des normes appropriées qui reflètent les pratiques et les exigences organisationnelles et juridiques actuelles, dont les exigences de la Loi sur les archives, et en assurer le maintien;
    • assurer la gestion efficace des ressources au sein de la Section, soit établir et évaluer les cibles de rendement du personnel, encourager la diversité et l'édification d'un milieu de travail sain, faire preuve de compétences en leadership organisationnel, respecter les pratiques des ressources humaines organisationnelles, promouvoir le travail d'équipe et le perfectionnement individuel, veiller aux communications internes;
    • moderniser les services dans la Section grâce à la technologie et à la numérisation;
    • sensibiliser à l'importance des archives et du patrimoine documentaire;
    • améliorer la gestion de l'information dans l'ensemble du GNB grâce à l'élaboration et à la prestation de formations, de directives, de politiques, de normes et de lignes directrices;
    • favoriser une culture de collaboration pour assurer la gestion de l'information dans l'ensemble du GNB;
    • diriger l'établissement et la révision des calendriers de conservation des dossiers opérationnels et communs pour les organismes publics;
    • rechercher et instaurer de nouvelles méthodes pour assurer la gestion de l'information, particulièrement pour l'environnement de M365;
    • fixer des priorités pour la sélection, la disposition et la description des dossiers archivistiques du GNB;
    • faire partie de l'Association des administrateurs et des gestionnaires de documents (ARMA), du Conseil des archivistes provinciaux et territoriaux, de l'Association canadienne des archivistes, du Conseil canadien des archives et d'autres organismes professionnels.


    • Baccalauréat en histoire ou dans un domaine connexe, maîtrise en gestion des archives et de l'information ou dans un domaine connexe et au moins cinq (5) années d'expérience comportant des responsabilités croissantes dans des institutions d'archives.
    • Un minimum de deux (2) années d'expérience en gestion ou supervision est requis.
    • Permis de conduire
    • L'équivalent en éducation, en formation et en expérience pourrait être considéré.
    • La connaissance de l'anglais parlé et écrit est requise.

    Les personnes doivent faire clairement état des qualifications essentielles afin que leur candidature ne soit pas rejetée. Veuillez indiquer dans votre CV votre langue de préférence pour l'évaluation.


    La préférence pourrait être accordée aux personnes démontrant au moins l'une des qualifications suivantes constituant un atout :

    • une expérience en recherche et en rédaction;
    • une expérience en gestion du changement;
    • le titre de CRM (agrément en gestion de documents).

    Application :

    Application Deadline: 7 juillet 2023

    logo Provincial Government of New Brunswick

  • 19 Jun 2023 1:14 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Manager, Corporate Information Management Unit and Government Records (Archives) Unit
    Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

    Location: Fredericton, NB
    Compensation: $2762 to $3675 bi-weekly

    Established in 1967, the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick collects and preserves the documents of the people, institutions and government of the province.

    The Records Management Program ensures the regular transfer and archival retention of all non-current government records that have permanent legal and historical value

    The Finance and Treasury Board's Office of the Chief Information Officer has a career opportunity for a Manager to lead the Corporate Information Management (CIM) and Government Records (Archives) Unit of the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick (PANB).  Join our dynamic, progressive team of information professionals in an environment in which you can learn, grow, create, and support innovative strategies to help the Government of New Brunswick (GNB) deliver on its transformational business objectives.

    Reporting to the Senior Provincial Archivist and as a member of the PANB Leadership Team, the Manager supports the management and preservation of GNB records that support operational activities and document the history of the province.

    Specific key responsibilities will include:

    • Leading, mentoring, and supporting a blended team of professionals in the CIM and Government Records Units to deliver excellent service to client departments, stakeholders, and citizens.
    • Providing comprehensive and strategic policy advice and subject matter expertise to the Senior Provincial Archivist
    • Ensuring consistent program management in the Unit, maintaining appropriate standards that reflect the current organizational and legal practices and requirements, including the requirements of the Archives Act.
    • Ensuring the effective management of resources in the Unit by setting and evaluating staff performance targets, promoting diversity and a healthy workplace, demonstrating organizational leadership competencies, respecting corporate human resources practices, promoting teamwork and individual development, and maintaining internal communication.
    • Modernizing services in the Unit through technology and digitization.
    • Expanding the awareness of archives and the uses of documentary heritage.
    • Improving Information management throughout GNB through the development and delivery of training, directives, policies, standards and guidelines.
    • Fostering a culture of collaboration for information management across GNB.
    • Leading the creation and revision of operational and common records retention schedules for public bodies.
    • Researching and actioning new methodologies for the management of information with a focus on recordkeeping in the M365 environment
    • Setting priorities for the selection, arrangement, and description of GNB archival records.
    • Participating in ARMA, the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Records Council, the Association of Canadian Archivists, the Canadian Council of Archives, and other professional bodies    


    • A Bachelor's Degree in History or a related field and a Masters in Archives and Information management or related field, with progressive responsibilities in archival institutions over a minimum of five (5) years.
    • A minimum of two (2) years of management/supervisory experience is required.
    • Driver's license
    • An equivalent combination of education, training and experience may be considered.
    • Written and spoken competence in English required.

    Apply through the application web page:

    Application Deadline: July 7, 2023

    Logo - governmnet of New Brunswick

  • 15 Jun 2023 4:05 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Information Management Specialist
    University of Ottawa

    Location: Ottawa
    Compensation: $75 743,00 - $95 678,00

    The University of Ottawa-A crossroads of cultures and ideas

    The University of Ottawa is home to a dynamic community of over 50,000 students, faculty and staff, who live, work and study in both French and English. Our campus is a crossroad of cultures and ideas, where bold minds come together to inspire game-changing ideas. We believe in the power of representation, and that increasing the diversity of our faculty and staff supports this objective. Our goal is to provide students with the best possible learning experience, in an environment that reflects the diversity of its people, their ideas, and their identities.  

    We are one of Canada's top 10 research universities-our professors and researchers explore new approaches to today's challenges. One of a handful of Canadian universities ranked among the top 200 in the world, we attract exceptional thinkers and welcome diverse perspectives from across the globe. Our employees come together around the shared purpose of constant improvement, personal development, service excellence, teamwork and a passion for learning with a desire to make uOttawa and the world a better place. Everyone's contributions are valued, we all play a part in making uOttawa a world-class institution. Most importantly, we make it possible for you to achieve your full potential. Because at uOttawa, you belong!

    Position purpose:

    Reporting to the Senior Director of Information and Archives Management, the Information and Management Specialist is responsible for assisting the University of Ottawa to better manage its information management assets in the support and delivery of a sound records and information management solutions, with particular focus on the delivery of SharePoint Online collaboration sites, information classification and management of digital content.

    As our Information and Management Specialist, you will play a key role in ensuring the information management program meets our legislative and business requirements by providing guidance and support to all Departments.   

    In this role, your responsibilities will include:

    • Responsible for the implementation of University's best practices and ensures that information, in all formats, are managed throughout their entire lifecycle - from creation and preservation through to disposition.
    • Play a key role in ensuring the Information Management Program meets our legislative and business requirements by providing guidance and support to all Departments across the University by ensuring application of policies and procedures, regulations and best practices, Classification and Retention Schedule, Corporate Taxonomy.
    • Work with key stakeholders (Services, Faculties and Research) on defining guidelines and procedures that impact the management, disposition and/or preservation of information, monitor changes to legislation and business requirements and propose changes to the University's Information Management Program accordingly. You will also conduct audits to ensure information management practices are aligned with the Information Management Program.
    • Be responsible to develop strategies and continuously improve information management practices with an innovative approach to digital archival management, with the inquisitiveness, flexibility, and drive to promote and enhance user access to digital content.

    What you will bring:

    • A university degree from a recognized university with specialization in Information Sciences, Archival Studies or Library Science. An acceptable combination of experience, education and/or training directly related to the position could also be considered.
    • Demonstrated (within the last 5 years) and significant experience in the provision of IM related advice, services, support and products in a M365 environment, specifically SharePoint Online
    • Knowledge and experience in monitoring IM applicable federal and provincial legislation.
    • Knowledge of lifecycle management of paper-based and digital information.
    • Knowledge of technological trends and advances in management of government paper-based and digital information.
    • Knowledge of information management industry standards and best practices.
    • Demonstrated experience with the Information Management functions of M365 and SharePoint Online.
    • Demonstrated experience in requirements gathering and business process analysis.
    • Demonstrated experience in coordinating and facilitating consultations/audits or information sessions/trainings with working groups, users or stakeholders as a specialist ensuring high standards of service delivery and engagement.
    • Demonstrated experience in change management and project management.
    • Proven ability to work independently and collaboratively with peers as a team player mindset by motivating and uplifting the team.   
    • Demonstrates ability to be flexible, prioritize tasks and responsibilities and complete duties and projects within allotted time
    • Demonstrated ability to develop and implement new working methods and analytical and problem-solving skills.
    • Demonstrated ability to plan, organize, implement, manage and problem solve in a complex dynamic environment and to work under pressure with minimal supervision.
    • Attention to detail, with a high degree of accuracy.
    • Ability to seek relevant information, identify and evaluate options and choose the best solution.
    • Excellent bilingual skills (French-English), both oral and written, to facilitate, present, advise and deliver training in both languages.
    • Knowledge of copyright and intellectual property issues; Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy (FOIPOP) legislation and requirements; and archival ethics.

    *This position may be eligible for a telework arrangement. Learn more about our telework guidelines click here


    Key Competencies at uOttawa:

    Here are the required competencies for all or our employees at uOttawa:
    Planning: Organize in time a series of actions or events in order to realize an objective or a project. Plan and organize own work and priorities in regular daily activities.

    Initiative: Demonstrate creativity and initiative to suggest improvements and encourage positive results. Is proactive and self-starting. Show availability and willingness to go above and beyond whenever it is possible.

    Client Service Orientation: Help or serve others to meet their needs. This implies anticipating and identifying the needs of internal and external clients and finding solutions on how to meet them.

    Teamwork and Cooperation: Cooperate and work well with other members of the team to reach common goal(s). Accept and give constructive feedback. Able to adjust own behaviour to reach the goals of the team.
    The University of Ottawa embraces diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We are passionate about our people and committed to employment equity. We foster a culture of respect, teamwork and inclusion, where collaboration, innovation, and creativity fuel our quest for research and teaching excellence. While all qualified persons are invited to apply, we welcome applications from qualified Indigenous persons, racialized persons, persons with disabilities, women and LGBTQIA2S+ persons. The University is committed to creating and maintaining an accessible, barrier-free work environment. The University is also committed to working with applicants with disabilities requesting accommodation during the recruitment, assessment and selection processes. Applicants with disabilities may contact to communicate the accommodation need. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

    Note: if this is a union position: The hiring process will be governed by the current collective agreement related to the union affiliation noted above; you can click here to find out more.

    If this is a front-line position with responsibilities to interact with students, selected candidates must be rated at the Low Advanced proficiency level or higher for both oral comprehension and reading comprehension in their second official language. The rating is determined by a proficiency test designed by the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute.

    Prior to May 1, 2022, the University required all students, faculty, staff, and visitors (including contractors) to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 as defined in Policy 129 - Covid-19 Vaccination. This policy was suspended effective May 1, 2022 but may be reinstated at any point in the future depending on public health guidelines and the recommendations of experts.

    Application Webpage (URL):

    Closing Date:  June 26, 2023

    Note: Applications will be accepted until 11:59 PM on the day prior to the Posting End Date above

    uOttawa logo - representation of pillars in front of Tabaret Hall

  • 15 Jun 2023 2:48 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Region of Peel

    Location: 9 Wellington Street, Brampton
    Compensation: $69,273 to $86,593 per annum

    Peel Region consists of the cities of Brampton and Mississauga, and the town of Caledon.  Peel Region delivers essential services to more than 1.5 million residents and approximately 175,000 businesses.

    We're working to create a community that is safe, inclusive, and accessible.  A place where everyone feels they belong and can access the services they need to thrive throughout each stage of life.

    Our workforce is 6,500 strong and since 1974, we've been delivering a wide range of resident focused services. Our services include paramedic services, health programs, long-term care and services for seniors, child care support, garbage collection and recycling, waste water and water treatment, road maintenance, financial assistance, and housing support.

    Recognized by Canada's Healthy Workplace Month® with the Great Employer Award presented by Excellence Canada, Peel Region is a place where everyone feels they belong. We strive to develop a workplace that values and respects diversity, practices inclusion, recognizes the unique contributions and abilities of all people and facilitates innovative thinking. At Peel Region, people come first. Each employee has an important role within our community and when we work together, it's impactful. We encourage you to join us in delivering essential services and programs to our diverse community. You won't find a better opportunity than Peel Region.

    Description and Duties:


    • Corporate Services - Clerks
    • Status: 3 Regular Full Time
    • Work Mode: Onsite
    • Hours of Work: 35 hours per week

    Who we are:

    To work with elected officials, the community and staff to provide service excellence that supports accessible, effective governance and a thriving community.

    What you will do in this role:

    • Registers researchers, performs reference interviews and assists researchers in locating information
    • Develops finding aids and researcher guides to assist
    • Tracks use of the collection and researcher statistics
    • Monitors the electronic mail boxes and responds to queries as appropriate
    • Organizes fee-for-service reference requests and transfers request to appropriate staff
    • Coordinates reprographics requests; may perform scanning/copying, secures payment and responds to client
    • Ensures safe conditions for the storage, retrieval, use and display of archival records
    • Supports the private records program by accessioning and processing archival records to accepted Canadian archival standards
    • Prepares and delivers presentations and workshops as required

    What the role requires:

    • Masters Degree in Archival Studies or a related field with at least 3 years experience in a reference/archival environment or an equivalent combination of education and experience
    • Training in Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation
    • Demonstrated working knowledge of archival science and reference services
    • Must have experience with database systems, digital imaging and electronic information management
    • Must understand the provisions of the Copyright Act as it applies to archives/libraries
    • Flexibility around hours, weekend and some statutory holidays may be required
    • Ability to lift items of at least 20 pounds
    • Ability to travel to additional archival facilities is required


    Demonstrated ability to work with a high degree of discretion, diplomacy and professionalism
    Excellent time management and organizational skills
    Knowledge of Microsoft Office Word, Access, Excel and PowerPoint
    Ability to work with minimum direction and on numerous initiatives
    Good public speaking and communication skills
    Demonstrate a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through continuous development, modeling inclusive behaviors, and proactively managing bias

    Perks @ Peel and why you will love working for us:

    • Comprehensive Health, Dental, Vision benefit plan including psycholgocial health, for the (effective start date)
    • Automatic enrolment into OMERS pension plan
    • Accrue Vacation on a monthly basis up to 3 weeks per annum
    • 3 Paid personal days and floating holidays
    • Flexible hours supporting your wellness and wellbeing
    • Annual performance review and merit increases based on performance
    • Supportive leadership and a culture of respect and inclusion
    • Access to tuition reimbursement (where applicable) and learning and development resources

    The Region of Peel offers job based flexible hours of work that allows employees to manage personal and professional responsibilities while at the same time ensures business operational needs and customer service expectations are achieved.    


    Our recruitment process will be completed with video conference technology.  

    You may have seen or heard Peel Region's presence in the media surrounding the announcement and tabled legislation by the Ford government regarding the structure of our municipal government.  At Peel Region, we value being open and transparent with our community, and want to ensure you are informed and up to date.  Regardless of governance models that support the residents of Peel, skilled and qualified talent is, and will be, needed to deliver services to the community that we serve.  Peel Region remains committed to working with all partners, providing information to inform decisions.

    For additional information and latest updates about the governance announcement, please visit our News Release webpage.

    If this opportunity matches your qualifications and experience, please apply on-line.

    As part of the Region's ongoing commitment to health and safety, there are enhanced COVID-19 specific safety protocols and/or personal protective equipment requirements (e.g. masks, eye protection, etc.) in place to help protect health and safety. The additional requirements are determined based on the nature of the work being carried out.
    Please visit our career page and apply directly online:

    Application Deadline: June 29, 2023 11:59 PM EST

    Region of Peel - working with you. Logo, white text and blue background.

  • 13 Jun 2023 12:34 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Institutional Membership Review Intern
    Archives Society of Alberta

    Edmonton, AB
    Compensation: $27/hour

    The Archives Society of Alberta (ASA) is a professional association that builds resilient archival professionals and organizations that meet the needs of their communities. We strive to achieve our mission by providing an advisory services program, an online archival database, an archival supplies loan program, an online directory of archival institutions in Alberta, professional development opportunities, and organized advocacy efforts.

    Description and Duties    

    As part of our services which support member archives, we have an accreditation program for our institutional membership. ASA is hiring an intern to conduct institutional reviews of some of our institutional members. This work involves reviewing applications and conducting site visits throughout the province as well as advising on best practices in the archival profession to these members. Reporting to the Executive Director/Archives Advisor, the Institutional Membership Review Intern will:

    • Review membership applications;
    • Advise on archival best practices and areas for improvements;
    • Travel around the province to conduct site visits to assist in the application process;
    • Report to members on their status and areas for improvements;
    • Communicate and work with a diverse group of archives members as well as ASA staff and volunteers.


    • Degree in an information science with a focus on records management and archives, or an equivalent;
    • Familiarity with information management sector such as libraries, archives or museums is an asset;
    • Familiarity archival standards including RAD and ISAD-G;
    • Familiarity with preservation practices for archival materials;
    • Comfort with word processing, email and social media;
    • Attention to detail;
    • Ability to work both in a team and independently;
    • Strong communication skills;
    • Valid Driver's License;
    • Eligible for Young Canada Works program.

    How to Apply    

    Please send your resumé and covering letter to Rene Georgopalis, Executive Director/Archives Advisor,, or Prince of Wales Armouries Heritage Ctr, 216-10440 108 Ave NW, Edmonton AB T5H 3Z9.  

    Please ensure that you also express interest in the position via the Young Canada Works website:

    Application Deadline: June 21, 2023

    logo: Archives Society of Alberta plain black and grey text.
  • 13 Jun 2023 11:24 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Archival Collections Coordinator
    Manitoba Parents for Ukrainian Education (MPUE)

    Location: MPUE  - 929 Main Street, Winnipeg Manitoba - Work site is Oseredok 184 Alexander Ave. E, Winnipeg MB

    Compensation: $17/hr to $18/hr - Pay will be negotiable relative to experience

    The Manitoba Parents for Ukrainian Education (MPUE) is an organization dedicated to the promotion, enhancement and expansion of the English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program (EUBP) in Manitoba. MPUE is the umbrella organization which provides support for the parent organizations associated with each of the schools providing the English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program.  

    Our Affiliated organizations are as follows:  

    The Osvita Foundation Inc. (Osvita) is a charitable endowment that is administered by a volunteer Board of Trustees. Funds raised by Osvita are used to benefit the hundreds of students of the English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program in Manitoba and have benefited thousands of students over the more than 40 years of the program's existence.  

    Dzvin Publishers (Dzvin) was established to develop supplementary in-class and in-home materials, including reading materials, work books, audio-visuals, word and board games, computer software and educational and/or decorative visuals.

    Description and Duties    

    Manitoba Parents for Ukrainian Education (MPUE) is partnership with Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural and Education Centre (Oseredok) will be undertaking a joint project titled: Preserving the Legacy of the English Ukrainian Bilingual Program

    Archive Collections Management Planning and Implementation - Phase 2

    Position Title: EUBP Archival Collections Coordinator

    Oseredok currently houses MPUE fonds from 1976-2016 which has been organized into series. Oseredok also houses the records of affiliated associations, The Osvita Foundation,and Dzvin Publishers.


    Primary Focus: Survey the existing series of records of Affiliated Organization - Osvita (1982-1995).

    Secondary Focus: Survey the related and unprocessed records of Dzvin Publishers.

    • Describe fonds' materials according to the Rules of Archival Description (RAD) and enter all necessary information in a collections management database;
    • Create a Finding Aid for the affiliated organizations collection;
    • Organize and categorize the records by type and function.
    • Based on completed surveys, evaluate existing series and, where necessary, create new series.
    • Classify and sort records by series, creating sub-series, where necessary, down to the file level.
    • Evaluate each series to create schedules for retention and/ or disposal.
    • Title record series with inclusive dates.
    • Establish access and confidentiality protocols.
    • Where necessary, research and verify any additional descriptive or provenance information;
    • Identify materials of business and transitory value for removal from the donated materials;
    • Develop a work plan and report to supervisors about the progress of the project

    Desired Qualifications:

    Degree in Art History, Museum Studies, Archival Studies, Librarianship, Information Studies or History or experience working in archival, museum or library setting.


    Applicants should have completed some courses in the Archival Studies Program with technical knowledge of the archival process and collections management.


    Applicants with equivalent Library or Archival experience and qualifications may be considered.

    Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

    • Experience or knowledge of archival cataloguing rules - Rules of Archival Description (RAD);
    • Experience cataloguing in the museum, archival, or library setting;
    • Strong verbal and written communication skills;
    • Ability to work independently and in a team environment with staff, board members and volunteers
    • Working knowledge of cataloging systems/databases;
    • Possess the ability to follow direction and to adjust to changing procedures;
    • Possess strong organizational skills and attention to detail;
    • Possess the ability to multi-task and prioritize projects.
    • Proficient user of excel and word
    • Ability to maintain organized and presentable work spaces.

    Applicant Requirements

    The position is partially funded by Urban Green Team, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

    • be less than 29 years of age at the start of employment;
    • be a Canadian Citizen, permanent resident, or person on whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act*; and
    • be legally entitled to work according to the relevant provincial / territorial legislation and regulations.

    Summer Position Duration

    35 hours per week for approximately 10 weeks beginning as soon as possible .
    The project must be completed no later than August 31st, 2023.

    How to Apply: Apply with resume and cover letter to by Monday, June 19, 2023

    Job posting will remain active until position is filled and can be found at
    Application Webpage (URL)

    Application Deadline: Monday, June 19, 2023 - Job posting will remain active until position is filled

    Logo Manitoba Parents for Ukrainian Education Canada Ukrainian Flags with drawn figures of parents with child 

  • 13 Jun 2023 11:15 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Archives Manager
    Royal BC Museum

    Location: Victoria, BC
    Compensation: Annual Salary Range: $ 80,652 - $ 91,992

    The Royal BC Museum (RBCM) was established in 1886, making it one of the oldest continually operating museums in Canada.  Since its inception the museum has changed and evolved alongside the rest of the province. Today's RBCM is committed to creating community connections, gathering spaces and educational programs, and to providing opportunities for critical thinking, self-reflection, and thought-provoking experiences to people across BC and around the world.

    The archives were founded in 1894 and in 2003, both organizations joined together to become BC's combined provincial museum and archives, with its purpose being to broaden the understanding about our province. We are passionate about inspiring curiosity and wonder, while sharing BC's story with millions of visitors who walk through our doors and explore our website each year.

    IMAX® Victoria is also part of the RBCM and provides incredible immersive cinematic experiences and work in tandem to deliver inspiring educational and entertaining experiences.

    The RBCM, is updating not only the facilities and infrastructure, it is creating a new Collections and Research Building in Colwood, BC. It is an exciting time to join the museum team as we rethink and modernize our methods and processes, and welcome the perspectives and stories of all British Columbians.

    Description and Duties    

    The Archives Manager is responsible for providing expert knowledge about archival and other historical records in a variety of formats and strategies to gain access to their content.  This position manages and coordinates the appraisal, acquisition, processing, arrangement and description of records, develops and maintains relevant policies, procedures and standards, as well as the creation of access tools that provide description and control of the historical and evidentiary record of British Columbia.  

    The position plans and implements archives-related programs, projects and services designed to engage existing and new audiences and stakeholders.  This Archives Manager supervises and mentors a team of archivists and access staff and looks after the day-to-day operations of a public reference room which includes onsite and remote inquiries.  The position also creates and nurtures partnerships and community connections through active involvement with committees, conferences, presentations and other stakeholder events.


    This position requires a master's degree in Archival Studies or Library & Information Science with a specialty in archives. The incumbent will also need to have at least three years' experience working in an archival institution and a minimum of two years' experience leading and mentoring results-based work teams.  The successful candidate will also have skills in leading projects along with a budget management background.
    Application information

    Your application must clearly demonstrate how you meet the job requirements listed with the job profile.

    Please submit your resume and cover letter in pdf format by Monday 3rd of July 2023 at 11:59 pm (PST) with the following subject line:  Last Name, First Name, RB2023 - 33 via email to:

    Application Webpage (URL):

    Application Deadline: Monday 3rd of July 2023 at 11:59 pm


    Two drawn figures linking arms over a tree, Royal BC Museum Logo.

  • 8 Jun 2023 1:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Records & Archives Supervisor
    Exhibition Place

    Location: 2 Manitoba Drive, Toronto, ON, M6K 3C3
    Compensation: $86,450 - $109,250 Annually

    About Us:

    Exhibition Place is Canada's largest entertainment venue, attracting over 5.5 million visitors a year.  The 192-acre site is an integral component of Toronto and Ontario's economy, particularly with respect to conventions, sport, festivals, recreation, culture and tourism.  Located at Exhibition Place is the award-winning Enercare Centre, Canada's largest exhibition and convention centre which is now LEED Platinum certified, and Beanfield Centre conference venue which is LEED Silver certified. Since 2004, Exhibition Place has undertaken an environmental stewardship initiative, entitled GREENSmart; which includes the promotion of sustainable development, environmental initiatives and leading edge green technologies and practices across the site. Our environmental initiatives have resulted in award winning recognition across North America, such as the Platinum Waste Minimization Award from the Recycling Council of Canada and have established Exhibition Place as a world leader in energy-efficient technologies.

    Looking for an incredible opportunity? Join us! We offer a competitive salary, performance incentives, and a comprehensive rewards package. Enjoy OMERS participation - a defined benefit pension plan, employer-paid health & dental, extended healthcare, and professional development. Apply now for a rewarding career!

    What can I expect to do in this role?

    • Supervise all activities of records & archives services, including corporate records and compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
    • Supervise and coordinate work assignments for the administration of records and archives and postal services across the grounds.
    • Direct the records management program for both physical and electronic records.
    • In consultation with the City of Toronto, review and implement revisions to the Board's retention schedule, as required.
    • Research and implement policies, procedures and standards in the area of archival management.
    • Appraise, arrange, describe, and preserve the archival records, and make recommendations regarding acquisitions.
    • Provide research, reference and advisory services on records and archives, both internally and externally.
    • Ensure compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; and respond to access requests made under the Act.
    • Oversee aspects of cybersecurity compliance and protection of privacy policies across information systems, in consultation with IT/Telecom.
    • Direct the conservation program for artwork and plaques on site.
    • Promote public and internal awareness of the archival program and its holdings.
    • Perform other duties as required.

    How do I qualify?

    • Post-secondary education in education in archival or information studies or an equivalent combination of education and experience in archives and records management industry.
    • Progressive experience in modern archival theory, standards and procedures, including the Rules for Archival Description.
    • Experience supervising staff in a records and archives environment.
    • Experience utilizing software packages (word processing, presentations, spreadsheets, databases and electronic mail).
    • Good interpersonal skills with the ability to communicate both verbally and written at all organizational levels.
    • Proven customer skills.

    Don't Meet Every Requirement?  

    If you're excited about working with Exhibition Place, but your past experience doesn't quite align with every qualification of this posting, we encourage you to apply. You just might be the right candidate for this or other roles. We are always looking for great talent to join our team. We invite all interested individuals to apply and encourage applications from members of equity-deserving communities, including those who identify as Indigenous, Black, racialized, women, people with disabilities, and people with diverse gender identities, expressions, and sexual orientations.

    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: 

    Exhibition Place is committed to fostering an inclusive, accessible environment where all employees and members of the public feel valued, respected, and supported. We are dedicated to building a workforce that reflects the diversity of the public and the communities in which we live and serve.  


    We value the unique skills and experiences each person brings to Exhibition Place and are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and accessible environment. We are committed to the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, so if you require accommodation during the hiring process, please let our Recruitment team know by emailing us at  
    Application Process:  

    All applicants must be legally entitled to work in Canada. We carefully review every application - including yours. We're fortunate to have many outstanding people apply to each of our positions. While we appreciate every application that comes our way, due to the high volume we receive, we're not able to follow up with each person individually. If a strong match is found between your qualifications and the needs of the role, we'll contact you.

    Application Webpage (URL):

    Application Deadline: June 25, 2023

    Image of gate to Exhibition Place in Toronto.

  • 8 Jun 2023 1:08 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Archives Assistant - Project Manager
    The Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Huron

    Location: Position will be based out of the Six Nations Public Library, in Ohsweken/Six Nations of the Grand River
    Compensation: $25/hour

    The Verschoyle Phillip Cronyn Memorial Archives were established to create a safe and secured central repository of records created by the churches, clergy, parishioners, and general Synod activities of the Huron Diocese. The Archives maintain a collection of records pertaining to the Mohawk Institute, or "Mush Hole" that have not been properly processed and accessioned.

    The Archives Assistant-Project Manager will oversee the completion of a reworked fonds, which will involve reviewing materials for their inclusion in the fonds, imposing order through rearrangement of the records, writing archival descriptions, and creating finding aids.

    Description and Duties   

    • Processing the Mush Hole collection as if it were a new accession
    • Development of an inclusion/exclusion policy for the fonds
    • Review of materials using the inclusion/exclusion criteria
    • Rearrangement of the records
    • Creating archival descriptions
    • Entering information into the database according to the Rules for Archival Description (familiarity with RAD would be an asset)
    • Other duties as assigned


    • An interest in preserving Haudenosaunee history and/or pursuing a future in archiving/library and information science
    • Experience with computer data entry
    • Strong organizational skills
    • Excellent written communication skills
    • Ability to work collaboratively with a team of archivists and volunteers
    • Lifting boxes and large bound volumes which are often heavy and awkward to handle
    • Knowledge of the Rules for Archival Description (RAD) would be an asset

    Eligibility Criteria:

    To be eligible, candidates must be a Library and Information Science professional, Library and Information Science student, OR an individual interested in pursuing the Library and Information Science field. Due to the nature of the materials in the collection and their direct ties to Six Nations as well as other Nations, the preference is for a First Nations incumbent with priority given to Six Nations members or other First Nations. This role will require a depth of understanding of Haudenosaunee culture and traditional knowledge; possession of 'ganikwiyo' will be necessary in this role.

    To apply, please send resume and cover letter to:

    Dez Nacario
    Archivist, V.P. Cronyn Archives
    Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Huron
    1349 Western Road
    London ON N6G 1H3

    Deadline to Apply: June 19, 2023


    Coat of Arms - two swords, crown, and beaver The Diocese of Huron

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Tel:  613-383-2009 x100


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