Digital File Transfer App and the National Accession Standard
As more of our archives become trusted digital repositories, archival functions must be executed in a digital environment. In this workshop, attendees will be presented with an open-source digital record transfer application the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) has designed to ingest new accessions into the NCTR's digital holdings. It collects descriptive metadata from donors through a web form before allowing them to upload their records. The collected metadata is based on the 56 fields in the Canadian Archival Accession Information Standard (CAAIS), of which the donor is only required to fill a few vital fields; the rest are automatically generated. The records and metadata from the completed transfer are captured according to the BagIt protocol. The metadata is also stored in a database, which can be exported as a CSV or HTML file. The exported CSV can be used to import records into an archival database, and the HTML file presents the completed transfer in an easily readable format for review. A digital transfer application has multiple benefits:
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