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ACA Announcement to Members: Change to the ACA Board of Directors

9 Nov 2022 12:59 PM | Anonymous member

ACA Announcement

Announcement #1:

This past September, the Board received the sad news that our amazing Director-at-Large, James Roussain, was resigning from his ACA Board position effective Oct. 1, 2022 due to a significant increase to his work portfolio.

On behalf of the Board of Directors and membership, I want to say Thank You James – your time, energy and brilliant contributions served to enhance our Association during your term and you will be missed.

Guiding Protocol:

With a vacant position in Office, the Board was guided by Article 5.10 of the ACA’s By-Law No. 1 which states:

5.10 Vacancies.Subject to Section 5.9, a vacancy on the Board may be filled for the remainder of the term by a qualified individual by Ordinary Resolution of the Directors. Notwithstanding the above, if there is not a quorum of Directors or if a vacancy results from either (a) an increase in the number or change to the minimum or maximum number of Directors provided in the Articles or (b) a failure to elect the number or minimum number of Directors provided in the Articles, the Directors then in office shall call a special meeting of Members to fill the vacancy and, if they fail to call a meeting or if there are no Directors then in office, the meeting may be called by any Member.

The Board reached out to the Nominations and Awards Committee (NAAC) for assistance in identifying an ACA member in good standing who would be willing to serve out the remainder of James Roussain’s 7.5 month term on the Board up until the next ACA Annual General Meeting on June 14, 2023. This leads me to my second announcement.

Announcement #2:

In accordance with section 5.10 of By-Law No. 1, the Board has approved the appointment of Amanda Oliver to the position of Director-at-Large 3 effective Oct. 31, 2022. Amanda’s term will extend until June 14, 2023 at which time a member vote will determine an official incumbent to this position.

Please join me in welcoming Amanda to the ACA Board! With her previous experience both on the ACA Board and on various committees, we are confident she will be able to pick up where James’ left off without any trouble.

If members have any questions with this process of appointment, please do not hesitate to email myself, or any member of the Board, as we’d be happy to speak to your concerns.

Warmest regards,

Erica Hernández-Read, M.A.S.

President, Association of Canadian Archivists

Suite 1912-130 Albert Street, Ottawa K1P 6G4



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