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ARCH-24R - Archivists, BC Public Service: Deadline October 4, 2019 @11:00 pm PST

16 Sep 2019 11:30 AM | Anonymous member

Branch: Government Records Service

Full-time, permanent Archivist

Salary $63,973.31 - $72,937.86 annually

Location:  Victoria, BC


The Archivist develops integrated records classification and scheduling systems for client ministries; appraises the information holdings of these ministries to determine which records will ultimately be destroyed and which will be selectively or fully retained as archives; reviews and selects specific sets of records for transfer to the government archives; and contributes to the ingest, preservation and public accessibility of information in government’s digital archives.


  • Determines the archival value and final disposition of government information holdings based on an analysis of the enduring evidential, historical and legal values to government and the public.
  • Develops Operational Records Classification Systems (ORCS) and other classification, retention and disposition schedules in compliance with legislative and client requirements.
  • Coordinates and documents approval of information classification and retention systems for government information under the Information Management Act.
  • Advises government ministries and agencies on management, classification, and disposition of government information holdings throughout the life cycle.
  • Provides advice to government on all matters relating to information and archival management.
  • Develops and implements information management policies, guidelines and standards, including policies and standards relating to the appraisal, preservation and provision of access to digital archives.
  • Provides cost/benefit analysis for different storage technologies and for strategies to reduce the backlog of unidentified or unprocessed records in storage.

job requirements

Education and Experience:

·         Masters’ degree with Archival Studies specialization from a recognized university archival education program.

·         Two years of related experience which may include archival appraisal, development of records classification and retention schedules, development of records policy, or archival arrangement and description.

Experience in archival appraisal for selection.

Preference may be given for:

·         Experience developing records retention schedules.

·         Experience managing born-digital records in a digital archive.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

  • Knowledge of information technologies, as well as standards and trends in areas such as electronic record-keeping and digital preservation.
  • Knowledge of the Information Management Act, Core Policy and Procedures Manual and other related legislation and policy sufficient to determine compliance and provide advice.
  • Must have excellent written and oral communication skills, including ability to provide clear and concise oral and written information.
  • Strong ability to demonstrate tact, discretion, and sensitivity when dealing with clients, stakeholders, sensitive situations and confidential material.
  • Ability to work independently.
  • Ability to work under significant pressure and while ensuring deadlines are met.
  • Ability to lift boxes weighing up to 25 pounds and carry them for short distances.
  • Desktop self-sufficiency (standard office software, email and calendar systems).

Successful completion of security screening requirements of the BC Public Service, which may include a criminal records check, and/or Criminal Records Review Act (CRRA) check, and/or enhanced security screening checks as required by the ministry (Note: It is important that you read the job posting carefully to understand the specific security screening requirements pertaining to the position).


·         Analytical Thinking is the ability to comprehend a situation by breaking it down into its components and identifying key or underlying complex issues.  It implies the ability to systematically organize and compare the various aspects of a problem or situation, and determine cause-and-effect relationships (“if...then…”) to resolve problems in a sound, decisive manner.  Checks to ensure the validity or accuracy of all information.

·         Expertise includes the motivation to expand and use technical knowledge or to distribute work-related knowledge to others.

·         Impact and Influence is the ability to influence, persuade, or convince others to adopt a specific course of action. It involves the use of persuasive techniques, presentations or negotiation skills to achieve desired results.

Information Seeking is driven by a desire to know more about things, people or issues. It implies going beyond the questions that are routine or required in the job. It may include "digging" or pressing for exact information; resolution of discrepancies by asking a series of questions; or less-focused 

·         environmental "scanning" for potential opportunities or miscellaneous information that may be of future use.

·         Results Orientation is a concern for surpassing a standard of excellence.  The standard may be one’s own past performance (striving for improvement); an objective measure (achievement orientation); challenging goals that one has set; or even improving or surpassing what has already been done (continuous improvement).  Thus, a unique accomplishment also indicates a Results Orientation.

·         Self-Confidence is a belief in one’s own capability to accomplish a task and select an effective approach to a task or problem.  This includes confidence in one’s ability as expressed in increasingly challenging circumstances and confidence in one’s decision or opinions.

·         Service Orientation implies a desire to identify and serve customers/clients, who may include the public, colleagues, partners (e.g. educational institutes, non-government organizations, etc.), co-workers, peers, branches, ministries/agencies and other government organizations. It means focusing one's efforts on discovering and meeting the needs of the customer/client.

·         Teamwork and Cooperation. is the ability to work co-operatively within diverse teams, work groups and across the organization to achieve group and organizational goals.

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Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4

Tel:  613-383-2009


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