Scope and Content Monthly ACA Newsletter
May 2023, Volume 4, Issue 5
Click here if you are having trouble reading the newsletter.
Scope and Content is issued the first Thursday of each month. If you have any comments or feedback, please contact the Communications Committee.
Welcome to May, everyone!
On this month’s commemorative calendar, I’d like to draw your attention to resources celebrating Asian Heritage Month and Canadian Jewish Heritage Month. If you have the time and interest, please do check out some of the links below to learn more about Asian and Canadian Jewish heritage!
Asian Heritage Month Resources Libguide, produced by The Alberta Teachers’ Association
Short YouTube clips on Asian Heritage in Canada
Planning & Priorities Meeting Update: April 21 & 22, 2023
The 2023 Spring Planning & Priorities Meeting took place on April 21 and 22. At this virtual meeting, the Board met with various Committee and Working Group Chairs and co-Chairs. We exchanged activity status updates, upcoming Board priorities, and identified areas for cross-committee collaboration. We also got down to work. The Website Working Group met and identified some more navigational changes for the ACA website; the Conference Planning Committee held its inaugural meeting; and the Strategic Planning Working Group provided a broad overview of their work to date to P&P attendees.
A huge THANK YOU to members of the following groups for their attendance and for their continued time and dedication to their committee/working group mandate: Public Advocacy and Awareness, Financial Review, Governance, Conference Planning, and Membership Committees and the Strategic Planning and Website Working Groups.
Letter of Solidarity with the American Library Association
As you may already be aware, there have recently been several attempts across the United States to ban or censor books written by members of the 2SLGBTQA+ and BIPOC communities and to defund public libraries that do not comply with these heinous efforts. Motivated by both our Equity Commitments and our collective vested interest in standing up for our fundamental freedoms over thought, belief, opinion and expression, the ACA Board issued a letter of solidarity with the American Library Association in support of their tenacious efforts fighting book bans. Our letter can be found here. In our email correspondence, we also offered to take advocacy action in support of their efforts. If this offer is accepted and a feasible course of action identified, I will be sure to let you know.
For more information on the ALA's work, please visit the websites Banned and Challenged Books and Unite Against Book Bans.
As an additional followup, this letter of solidarity was also sent to the Canadian Federation of Library Associations, along with a similar offer to engage in joint advocacy action against the banning of books.
Museum Policy Renewal – Update
Online Survey – The online public survey released by the Department of Canadian Heritage closed on April 28, 2023, but if you missed the survey, there is still another way to participate in the Museum Policy renewal process.
Mail / Email – Contact the Department of Canadian Heritage directly by sending a letter, testimonial, essay, or any other relevant documentation. They are open to receiving input in this way until May 2023; however, it is not clear whether that means the beginning of or end of May, so please send your messages anyway. Their email is
YOUR INPUT MATTERS – So, if you haven’t already, please take some time to review the policy documentation provided on the PCH museum policy renewal website as well as the “Preliminary Results of Museum Policy Stakeholder Survey” (Dec. 2022) provided on our website. Based on this documentation and the fact that a new policy is going to inform archives funding models for decades to come, it is imperative that Canada’s archival communities stand up to ensure our voices and concerns are heard during this policy renewal consultation process.
Congratulations to the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal Winners!!
Please join me and the ACA Board of Directors in offering hearty congratulations to Meredith J. Batt, Dusty Green, and Jeff O'Brien for their recent receipt of the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal!
The Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal (QPJM) recognizes outstanding individuals of all ages and from all walks of life who have built and continue to build a strong, vibrant society and province through their service, contributions, and achievements.
Meredith J. Batt (Archivist with the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick) and Dusty Green (who was an intern with the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick and is the founder and researcher for New Brunswick Queer Heritage Initiative) were both honoured for their book Len & Cub, A Queer History, which recalls the love story of two men in rural New Brunswick in the early 20th century. For more information on their work and this publication, please visit this external link.
Jeff O'Brien, City Archivist for the City of Saskatoon, was honoured for his long-standing work in both promoting and preserving the history of the City of Saskatoon and bringing that history out into the community.
As always, if you have any suggestions on directions you would like to see the ACA go or initiatives you would like the ACA to undertake, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Your Board would love to hear from you!
Warmest regards,
Erica Hernández-Read, President
Nominations - ACA Board of Directors
Vice-President: Angela Fornelli
Secretary: Alexandra Mills
Director-at-Large: Amanda Oliver
Candidate bios are
available here.
Online voting will take place between June 1–13, 2023 following the Members Input Session. You may RSVP here: Members Input Session.
All members in good standing will receive an online ballot via email. Institutional members should ensure that their designated delegate in clearly identified and up to date in their membership profile. If you need support entering your delegate name or updating your form, please reach out to the ACA Office.
The term of office for these positions is two years and will begin the first week of July following the AGM, which takes place on June 14, 2023 1:00 pm ET / 10:00 am PT on Zoom. You may RSVP here: ACA Annual General Meeting - 2023.
2023 Mentorship Program The mentorship program for 2023 is underway, and this year we have 20 mentors and 25 mentees across the country. Last year, we had similar numbers with 22 mentors and 24 mentees. The Membership Committee would like to thank all the mentors for their time, and we hope the mentees enjoyed the experience! There will be a virtual meet-up via Zoom for this year's cohort of mentors and mentees, May 30, 2023, 7:30 pm ET / 4:30 pm PT. If you are part of the cohort, please RSVP below.
Call for Volunteers – ACA Membership Committee
The ACA Membership Committee is seeking new members! Volunteer work with the Membership Committee is a low time commitment with just a one-hour monthly meeting and an additional 1-2 hours of independent work per month. New members might join the committee as a co-coordinator for the Mentorship Program, which would involve calling for new cohort participants, matching mentors & mentees, organizing virtual meetups for participants, gathering participant feedback, and brainstorming ways to improve the program. Other roles on the committee involve connecting with student chapters for student membership and any support; collecting Early Bird Prizes and promoting membership renewal; analyzing member stats; and starting a new project to create graphics about ACA stats and member services.
Volunteering with this committee is a great way to not only get better connected with existing colleagues in the ACA but also to develop new professional connections. Submit your application now!
Call for Volunteers - ACA Foundation
Do you have a passion for fundraising? Do you enjoy providing students and early-career professionals with bursaries? If so, please consider joining the ACA Foundation! The ACAF Board is looking for one new member to assist with the operations of the Foundation. The ACAF Board is responsible for administering the Emerging Voices bursaries, travel bursaries, and offering subsidized memberships and conference registrations.
If this is something that piques your interest, please consider joining! Any questions or requests to join may be directed to Kyle Pugh or Jo McCutcheon at
ACA Foundation – Silent Auction
The ACA Foundation is THRILLED to be hosting its silent auction during this year’s conference! This online silent auction will raise funds for the Foundation so that we can continue offering students and early-career professionals the funds they need to join the ACA and attend our conferences. If you are able to donate goods (homemade or store bought!), please reach out to the ACA Secretariat at All donations are eligible for a tax receipt!
ACA Hashtag Party
You’re invited to the ACA Hashtag Party! On the last Thursday of every month, the ACA organizes a hashtag party, which takes place virtually on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. There is a different theme for each month, which we announce on social media and Arcan-l in advance. On the day of the party, you can share materials in your collections related to that theme, tag us and use the hashtag, and we’ll re-share your post. The goal of the parties is to engage more with institutions across Canada, see what kinds of materials other institutions have, and promote weird, fun, and interesting items from your own collections.
Last month’s party took place last Thursday, April 27, and the theme was #ArchivesArt! Check out our social media accounts to see all the interesting art that archivists from across Canada shared. Comment on the posts to let us know which one was your favourite!
The next party will take place on Thursday, May 25, and the theme will be #ArchivesPostcards. For this theme, we invite you to share the strangest, most beautiful, or most interesting postcards in your holdings. And don’t forget to tag us @archivistsdotca on Twitter, @aca_canada on Instagram, and @AssociationofCanadianArchivists on Facebook so we can see what you’ve got!
Here are the dates and themes for the next few parties:
June 29, 2023: #ArchivesTransportation
July 27, 2023: #ArchivesBeaches
August 31, 2023: #ArchivesLabour
For more information about each of the themes, keep an eye on our social media and Scope & Content in the weeks leading up to the party. For any questions, email us at
Retirement Par-tee! Please join us for a celebration at the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick on May 26, 2023 from 3:00-5:00 pm AT as Fred Farrell, ACA Fellow and Provincial Archivist, retires after 45 years of dedicated service.
2024 ACA Conference Program Team Chair
We are already looking ahead to the 2024 ACA Conference! Our next conference will be entirely virtual to align with our Equity Commitments. With that in mind, the ACA is seeking expressions of interest from folks who are interested in Chairing the Program Team for the 2024 ACA Conference.
The Program Team Chair must be an ACA member in good standing, preferably with previous experience on the ACA Board of Directors, a Program Team, a Host Team, or other ACA-related project planning experience. The Chair must also be able to attend the conference they are planning. The deadline for expressions of interest is has been extended to May 15, 2023. To give you some idea as to what such chairship duties entail, please review the Draft Terms of Reference for the Conference Host Team and the Conference Program Team. Any additional questions can be sent directly to Erica Hernandez-Read, ACA President, or Jo McCutcheon. Volunteer forms can be found here. It’s a great opportunity to meet new people, develop conference planning skills, and contribute to the development of the most exciting ACA event of the year!
Carr McLean Discount Available for 2023
The Carr McLean 10% discount is available for both Individual and Institutional ACA members for the entire membership year. This discount can be applied to any order over $100 and is non-transferrable. Contact the ACA Secretariat at for the new discount code that will remain effective until December 31, 2023.
Special Interest Sections
Special Interest Section for Archives of Religious Organizations: Community archiving
The Society of American Archivists defines a community archives as “documentation of a group of people that share common interests, and social, cultural and historical heritage, usually created by members of the group being documented and maintained outside of traditional archives.”
Join the Association of Canadian Archivists – Special Interest Section for Archives of Religious Organizations for a panel discussion on community archives.
Date: Thursday, May 25, 2023, 3:00 pm ET
The Archives:
- The Toronto Information Network for Independent Music Co-operative (TINI Music Co-op)
- Nature London
- Madonna House
- Anglican Diocese of Huron parishes
- Catholic Women’s League
The Panelists:
Simon Patrick Rogers, John M. Kelly Library at the University of St. Michael’s College
- Winifred and David Wake, Nature London
- Dez Nacario, Huron Diocese of the Anglican Church in Canada
- Kathy McVady, St. Sergius Archives, becoming the Department Head in 2016
- Kathleen Winter, Catholic Women’s League records at the Calgary Catholic Pastoral Centre
Labour Records - Special Interest Section - Inaugural Meeting
On Friday, May 5, we will have our inaugural Zoom meeting for the ACA special interest section for labour records.
The meeting will be at 1:00 pm ET / 10:00 am PT.
At this meeting we will:
Introduce ourselves and what we hope a labour records SIS might accomplish;
Determine how often should the labour records SIS meet;
Establish terms of reference for the SIS;
Brainstorm scope of action, goals, and other activities for the SIS.
May Meeting - Government Records Special Interest Section
The next ACA Government Records Special Interest Section (GRSIS) virtual gathering will take place on Thursday, May 11, 2023, 1:00-3:00 pm ET / 10:00 am-12:00 pm PT.
Pour yourself some tea or coffee and join if you are interested in exchanging the latest news and giving or receiving sage advice from colleagues across the country. You don't have to be an official GRSIS member to join us, and it's just fine to arrive late and/or leave early. Gatherings generally begin with a roundtable followed by further discussion of a few key themes that arose.
Special Interest Section for Indigenous Archives (SISIA)
Join Lisa Mullins and Lorne Shapiro, SISIA co-chairs, for the next monthly meeting, Friday, May 26, 2023, 1:00-2:00 pm ET / 10:00 am PT.
Inaugural Meeting - Emerging Professionals and Students Special Interest Section
You are invited to attend the inaugural meeting of the new Special Interest Section (SIS) that will provide a place for emerging professionals and students from a diversity of institutions and programs to meet and network on a regular basis.
This meeting will take place June 6, 2023, 1:00 pm ET / 10:00 pm PT via Zoom.
At this meeting, participants will:
Establish terms of reference for the SIS;
Brainstorm scope of action, goals, and other activities for the SIS.
Visit the ACA Calendar for more information about other ACA events.
Early Bird Registration – Closes May 15!
Don’t forget that you have until May 15 to register for ACA 2023 at the discounted early bird rate! Click here to see the rates and register now.
The draft At-A-Glance has also been updated to reflect social events, workshops, and more, so be sure to check that out to see all the exciting opportunities that the conference has in store for you!
Please feel free to direct questions to Lara Wilson, Chair, ACA 2023 Conference Program Committee: Program Team Members: Robyn Biggar, François Dansereau, Sarah Glassford, Sara Janes, Karen Suurtamm, Kelly Turner
Photo Credit: Mount Stewart, Prince Edward Island; Photo by Robyn Biggar
Call for Conference Session Chairs Are you attending ACA 2023? Would you like to assist the Program Team while also adding some volunteer experience to your resume? The Program Team is looking for Session Chairs for this year’s ACA Conference happening June 28 to July 1 in beautiful Charlottetown, PEI. This year we are inviting everybody who will be attending the conference to put their names forward as session chairs. While we have several chairs already in place, we have 20 open spots. Each session has already been assigned a shepherd, who is a member of the Program Team. Here's all you need to qualify: - You are interested in facilitating questions and discussion, keeping speakers on time, and supporting the smooth running of the ACA conference
AND - You are definitely attending the conference!
The deadline to submit your name is May 15, 2023. Please send a message to with your institutional affiliation (work/educational) and a brief bio. If there is a session you would particularly like to chair, please let us know. Although we cannot guarantee a specific session, every effort will be made to accommodate requests. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate everybody who applies.
Pre-Conference Workshop: Introduction to Archival Digital Accessibility, Hybrid Facilitator: Lisa Snider Date: June 28, 2023, 10:00 am AT / 7:00 am MT Capacity: 20 participants
Fees: ACA Members $50, ACA Student Members / Precariously Employed $25, Non-Members $75 There are a limited number of subsidized spaces for members. Please reach out to the ACA Secretariat.
See here for more details: ACA 2023 Hybrid Pre-Conference Workshop:Introduction to Archival Digital Accessibility. This workshop will be recorded for attendees and available for one week. Participants may attend in-person and online via Zoom.
Trade Show and Exhibitors
The 2023 Trade Show will take place on Thursday, June 29 and Friday June 30, 2023 at the Delta, PEI in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
This year, we will be meeting in person. We are expecting more than 225 delegates from across Canada, the USA, and internationally to attend in person.
The Trade Show offers
an excellent opportunity for your firm to demonstrate your products or services
to leading archivists.
All exhibitors will have an onsite and a virtual Exhibitor Booth provided at the Delta PEI and within the Whova app. - Link to Exhibitor Booth page disseminated via ACA Conference social media accounts (Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn)
- Opportunity to submit a brief (max. 3 minutes) pre-recorded video re: services and/or products for inclusion on the conference Whova platform
- Conference registration for 2 Exhibitor representatives, access to sessions, and all conference refreshment breaks and lunches on June 29 and June 30
- In-Person Booth: $1200.00
- Virtual Booth: $500.00
Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities This version of the annual ACA conference will attract more
than 225 archivists and recordkeepers working in the archives across Canada, the USA, and internationally. Conference sponsorship allows you to reach this influential group of professionals, leaders, and decision-makers. Exciting marketing opportunities are provided that will enable your organization to:
- Obtain valuable exposure and prominence with current and potential clients
- Increase corporate and organizational visibility
Show your organization's commitment to supporting the diverse
community of archivists and recordkeepers and the important work
undertaken to preserving the records of today for future generations.
There are five conference sponsorship levels to choose from, with benefits and recognition for your organization:
- Partner from $250
- Bronze from $750
- Silver from $1250
- Gold from $2750
- Platinum from $5000
In the Field: The ACA Blog
In the Field is getting ready for summer! With International Archives Week (June 6-10, 2023) and the ACA Annual Conference (June 28-July 1, 2023) coming up, we have some exciting blog series in the works. Watch this space and our social media channels for more updates!
Have you come across a captivating document or processed an interesting fonds lately? Write to us at or fill out our submission form.
Archivaria 95 (Spring 2023) is in production now and should be in your mailboxes by the end of May.
The Dodds Prize recognizes superior research and writing on an archival topic by a student enrolled in a master's level archival studies program at a Canadian university. To be considered, a faculty member or instructor associated with the program must submit a student paper and verify that it was written within the context of an archival studies program between May 1, 2022 and April 30, 2023. Submissions must be received by June 30, 2023. Papers must be between 5,000 and 8,000 words and written on an archival topic (broadly understood). The submission form and procedures are available here. Submissions will be judged by the Dodds Prize Adjudication Committee on the quality of their scholarship, creativity, and clarity of writing. The Adjudication Committee comprises the General Editor of Archivaria (or delegate), the ACA Board Liaison to Archivaria (or delegate), and two additional ACA members chosen annually by the General Editor. Delegates will be used in cases where a conflict of interest exists. Winners will receive a certificate, a cash prize, publication of the winning entry in Archivaria, and a listing on the ACA website. For more information, see here or contact Shyla Seller at with any questions.
The ArQuives – Call for Board Members
Located in downtown Toronto, The ArQuives is one of the largest independent LGBTQ2+ archives in the world. They are seeking strong candidates to submit self-nominations for their board of directors. They are looking for individuals with the time, energy, and initiative to work on LGBTQ2+ cultural heritage and documentary stewardship for the entire LGBTQ2+ community. They have a working board, and all members are expected to commit to participating in and/or leading committee work.
Board members attend a monthly board meeting, a monthly committee meeting, participate in occasional community and ArQuives events, and work on their focus areas outside of meetings. Board member obligations range from 8-10 hours per month over staggered two-year terms. Please direct all questions to
Laurier Archives and Special Collections – Annual Spring Lecture
You are invited to Laurier Archives and Special Collections’ Annual Spring Lecture: ANTARCTICA: Passion and Obsession happening on Thursday, May 25 at 3:00 pm ET.
Pat and Rosemarie Keough share insights into their celebrated fine-press artists' book ANTARCTICA. Discussion encompasses the Keoughs' Antarctic exploration, imagery, design considerations, state-of-the-art lithography technology, centuries-old hand-binding skills, and archival vegetable leather tannage.
This free lecture is hosted by Laurier Archives and Special Collections. Register in advance of this webinar.
Upcoming Society of American Archivists, Archivists of Religious Collections Section Lunch and Learn webinars
Old Germanic Script, Thursday, May 4, 2023, 3:00-4:00 pm ET, Thomas McCullough, Moravian Archives, Bethlehem, PA
Keeping bits together: An introduction to digital preservation, Thursday, May 18, 2023, 3:00-4:00 pm ET, Grant Hurley, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto
Diocesan records of enslavement,Thursday, June 8, 2023, 3:00-4:00 pm ET, Dr. Emilie Leumas, Louisiana State University
Registration links here for all sessions.
Open Education Conference 2023 – Call for Proposals
The Open Education Conference 2023 will take place in Edmonton from October 16-18, 2023, and the call for proposals for conference sessions is now open.
NorQuest College is proud to co-host the conference with OE Global. The conference is the main venue for Open Education practitioners, policy builders, advocates, researchers, students, and decision-makers to share practices, network, and initiate collaborations. Participants collectively discuss the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in open education and share their perspectives on its future direction.
The theme of the Open Education Global 2023 Conference is Building a Sustainable World Through Open Education. We welcome proposals for sessions and participants from every educational sector, such as K-12 (primary/secondary), college, university, galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAMs). We welcome proposals that reflect on sustainability and inclusiveness and how Open Education can support the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and UNESCO’s Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) priorities along with other societal challenges. We encourage presentations that provide creative solutions for attaining the SDGs and presentations that focus on the relationship between Open Education, sustainability, and traditional Indigenous knowledge.
Information on the Conference Tracks and Focus Areas can be found here.
Registration to attend the conference will open on June 1, 2023.
Archivists Society of Alberta Biennial Conference
ASA is excited to announce that registration is now open for our upcoming hybrid conference, Care for the People in the Archives, May 25-27, 2023. Considering world events over the last few years, we hope this conference will provide support to care for ourselves as archival workers. The full program is forthcoming, but to assist with planning, here is a schedule summary:
Schedule Summary (MST time zone)
May 25, 2023
Pre-Conference Workshop, Compassion Fatigue
9 am – 12 pm, virtual only, additional registration required
Alberta On Record Workshop, ASA Office (216-10440 108 Ave, Edmonton)
1:00 – 3:00 pm, in-person only, ASA institutional members only
Reception, Provincial Archives of Alberta (8555 Roper Rd, Edmonton)
6:30 – 9:00 pm, in-person only
May 26, 2023 Full-day of hybrid sessions, 10440 108 Ave, Edmonton OR Zoom
9:00 am – 4:30 pm Conference presentations
9:00 - 10:00 am, Keynote Address
4:30 – 6:00pm, ASA Institutional Forum, ASA institutional members only
May 27, 2023 Full-day of hybrid sessions and meetings, 10440 108 Ave, Edmonton OR Zoom
9:00 am to 12:00 pm: Conference presentations
1:00-2:00 pm: Advocacy Meeting, ASA members but others welcome
2:15-3:15 pm: Annual General Meeting, ASA members but others welcome
Conference Website
Conference Registration
Note that the registration deadline is May 8. We hope you can join us!
Bryan Corbett Celebration of Life
Bryan Corbett’s family would like to extend an invitation to friends and family to the Community Hall in Macrorie, Saskatchewan for a Celebration of Bryan's life. The celebration will take place Sunday, May 21, 2023 at 11:00 am CT, which will then be followed by a light lunch where attendees will remember Bryan together. To RSVP or share photos of Bryan, email To view Bryan’s memorial website, visit this link.
you know a member who's made big news? Is there something going on that
you think the Canadian archival community should hear about? Don't
hesitate to forward stories to the Communications Committee, and we'll help spread the word.
Submit your job opportunity here and it will be posted to the ACA website. We will also share this opportunity on our social media channels.
Digital Collections Specialist, Indian Residential History and Dialogue Centre (IRSHDC), University of British Columbia
Deadline: May 16, 2023, 11:59 pm PT
Do you have news you’d like the ACA to share via its social media channels? The Communications Committee has created a form you can use to give us the details!
Contact Us
Suite 1912-130 Albert Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4
Tel: 613-234-6977
The ACA office is located on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation whose presence here reaches back to time immemorial.