Scope and Content Monthly ACA Newsletter
June 2024, Volume 5, Issue 6
Click here if you are having trouble reading the newsletter.
Scope and Content will be published July 4, 2024. If you have any comments or feedback, please contact the Communications Committee.
June is just beginning, and what an incredible month of celebrations, commemorations, and events we have ahead of us! National Indigenous History month, Pride Season, Italian Heritage Month, Filipino Heritage Month and Portuguese Heritage Month. Not to mention National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21), Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day (June 24) and Canadian Multiculturalism Day (June 27) and the upcoming ACA 2024 Virtual Conference (June 10-13)! In a world so filled with tumult and fear, a month such as this - that is absolutely overflowing with reasons and opportunities to celebrate humanity no matter what your background or orientation - is indeed welcome!
Vote for your Incoming Board of Directors: June 11-18, 2024
Keep an eye on your incoming email folks! Member voting for the incoming Board of Directors is set to commence on June 11 at 12:00 pm PT and close on June 18 at 11:59 pm PT. To review the amazing slate of candidates for 2024-2026, please check out their bios here.
Reminder: June 19, 2024 - ACA Annual General Meeting Join your ACA Board of Directors on Wednesday June 19 at 1:00 pm ET / 10:00 am PT for the ACA’s Annual General Meeting. The meeting agenda will include board reports, and updates from ACA committees, S.I.S.’s and Student Chapters. Members will also have an opportunity to review ACA audit documents and the ACA budget material. Results of the 2024 election will also be announced, and members can meet the incoming 2024-2026 Board members.
The AGM will take place online, via Zoom. The agenda and all supporting documentation are available online in the May 2024 Bulletin.
Institutional members are reminded to ensure that a designated delegate has been entered into your membership profile to ensure your delegate receives the online voting link and information regarding the AGM. Got questions? Please contact ACA Executive Director, Gillian Leitch:
** Please register to attend the AGM here. **
Update: Indigenous Matters Working Group (IMWG)
For those who missed the update provided at the recent Members Input Session (May 29) the mandate of this working group concludes at the end of June. Over the course of the past 2 years, members of this working group have completed the following tasks:
- Reviewing the ACA’s current Equity Commitments, services, organizational structure, events, programs, and activities against the recommendations outlined in the Reconciliation Framework (2022). Based on this assessment, the IMWG has crafted reconciliation commitments for consideration and approval by the Board. Once approved, these commitments will follow the ACA’s existing Equity Commitments in that they will be fully integrated into all aspects of ACA operations, programs, and services.
- Creation of a resource guide through which to provide professional support to those working in Indigenous archives who may not have formal archival training.
The final assessment, reconciliation commitments, and resource guide will be announced to members and published on our website by the end of June. Please join me in reaching out to the members of the IMWG to thank them for their incredible dedication and for the amazing amount of work they invested into realizing their mandate:
I would also like to acknowledge and convey my tremendous gratitude to the following, for their contributions directly towards the development of the resource guide:
Announcement: New ACA Standing Committee
I am delighted to announce the creation of the Indigenous Matters Committee (IMC), the ACA’s newest standing committee. With the conclusion of the mandate of the Indigenous Matters Working Group (IMWG) at the end of June 2024, this new committee has been developed to take up the work of not only implementing the reconciliation commitments as identified by the IMWG, but to also provide much needed support to ACA members looking to further advance relationship-building and Indigenization work being undertaken by their archival institutions.
IMC Responsibilities:
The overall purpose of the Indigenous Matters Committee is to support ACA members in their efforts towards actualizing the recommendations for action articulated in the Reconciliation Framework and endorsed by the ACA Board of Directors. This support includes, but is not limited to the following responsibilities:
Advising, monitoring, and reviewing the strategic implementation of the ACA’s Reconciliation Commitments;
Identifying resources and promoting existing communities of practice, both within and external to the ACA, which furthers ACA objectives of supporting reconciliation, relationship-building, and Indigenization of the archival profession in Canada.
Creating and supporting new communities of practice aimed at filling gaps in relevant knowledge skills, and archival practice which supports ACA members seeking to actively engage with the Reconciliation Framework within their institutional context.
Types of knowledge and skills to be supported through these communities of practice include, but are not limited to: reparative and parallel description work; trauma-informed archival practice; archival repatriation; IRS (and related), treaty-focused, and survivor-centred reference work; and research and communication strategies aimed to 1) give voice to those silenced through the archival record, and 2) making connections between the silenced communities and the records which contain information by, or about them.
Volunteers needed
If YOU would like to volunteer on the new Indigenous Matter Committee, please fill out the ACA volunteer application form, linked here.
Thank You
Finally, I would like to express my personal gratitude to my amazing Board colleagues (past and present), along with ACA Committee/Working Group Chairs and co-Chairs, Committee/Working Group Members, and our incredible Secretariat all of whom give so freely of their time, their expertise, and their energy towards the deliberations and delivery of services to of our member-focused association.
Thank you, each of you, for everything you do.
It has been my honour, and delight to work with you and for you these past two terms.
As always, if you have any suggestions on directions you would like to see the ACA go, or initiatives you would like the ACA to undertake please don’t hesitate to reach out! Your Board would love to hear from you!
It is hard to believe that my first year as Vice-President is coming to a close. It has taken a while to feel confident in my role as VP and the work that comes with the position. I’m still not sure that I am 100% there yet – maybe 86%. The position is both more and less than I thought it would be. The learning curve can feel steep in those first few months, although everyone on the Board was patient, as were those on my committees. A special thanks to the Co-Chairs and members of both the Governance Committee and the Nominations and Awards Committee, who were very forgiving of me taking a while to figure everything out. I had not previously realized the sense of satisfaction that comes from thinking about doing something, taking it to the Board, creating Terms of Reference, seeing it approved, and then seeing people volunteering for it. There was definitely a sense of accomplishment with the formation of the Records Management Working Group and I was pleasantly surprised there was so much interest. The role has also not been as demanding on my time as I thought it would be. I have been surprised I have been able to accommodate the meetings and Board work so well. However, I say that knowing I am truly lucky to work somewhere that feels this volunteer work is an enhancement to my professional credentials. Having previously worked in places that do not allow time to be devoted to “volunteer” work during office hours, I know the frustration. I know we have some members and volunteers, especially students, who experience that frustration, and I hope you know how appreciative we are of your time and effort.
As we get close to the annual conference, Future Proofing: Centring Care Now for Archives Tomorrow, which has some really amazing presenters; the AGM; and the new terms for the President, Treasurer, and Directors-At-Large 1 and 3 board positions, it feels like a new beginning. I would really like to thank the outgoing President, Erica Hernandez-Reid. I hope she knows how much she inspired me to be on the Board and how much her guidance has been appreciated. While I look forward to working with the new and continuing members of the Board, I will miss Erica’s measured wisdom and advice. Looking forward, I am excited to see where the 2024-2025 year takes the Board and the ACA as a whole.
Angela Fornelli, ACA Vice-President
ACA 2024 Virtual Conference
City of Edmonton Stoplight Control, Edmonton, Alberta, 15 March 1961.
Photograph by Richard G. Proctor. c. Provincial Crown, Item RP596.1,
Richard G. Proctor Photography Fonds, Provincial Archives of Alberta.
If you’re reading this on the day it comes out, our annual conference is happening next week, June 10-13, 2024 – but good news, there is still time to register if you haven’t done so already! Although the home base of the conference is Alberta, this year’s conference is taking place completely virtually. We can’t wait to see you!
Here are some last-minute things you can do to get ready for the ACA annual conference:
Register here by June 8.
Create an account with PheedLoop, the official app of the conference. You can use the app throughout the conference to participate in social events, learn more about speakers, and engage with other attendees.
Check out the official conference schedule to see what’s being offered and decide which sessions you want to attend.
The #ACA2024AB Host Team has some fun virtual activities planned for the conference:
The conference may be virtual, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a dance party! Listen to our RAD playlist assembled by fellow archivists throughout the conference.
Is this your first time “visiting” Alberta? Virtually visit some historic sites through videos we’ve curated here, and you can also see them on this interactive map.
Can you spot the difference between real photos and AI generated ones? Test your skills in our Is it Real or Is it AI challenge. Let's see how well you do!
Grab your lunch and join us for Film Byte sessions. We’ve received five-minute archival footage clips from archives across the country which will be shown during two lunch breaks. See you there!
ACA Hashtag Party
You’re invited to the ACA Hashtag Party! On the last Thursday of every month, the ACA Social Media Team organizes a hashtag party, which takes place virtually on Facebook, Instagram, X, and Threads. There is a different theme for each month, which we announce on social media and ARCAN-L in advance. On the day of the party, you can share materials in your collections related to that theme, tag us and use the hashtag, and we’ll re-share your post. The goal of the parties is to engage more with institutions across Canada, see what kinds of materials other institutions have, and promote weird, fun, and interesting items from your own collections.
Last month’s party took place on Thursday, May 30, and the theme was #ArchivesFavouriteFormats! Thank you to everyone who joined– we really appreciated seeing the wide variety of materials in all your collections.
The next ACA Hashtag Party will take place on June 27, 2024, and the theme will be #ArchivesPlans. We are looking forward to seeing materials from your collections in unique and interesting formats, such as microfilm, textiles, broadsheets – or just your favourite item in any format! On the day, share your favourite format items, and don’t forget to tag us and use the hashtag so we can re-share your posts.
The upcoming themes for the ACA Hashtag Parties will be:
July 25, 2024: #ArchivesBigAndSmall
August 29, 2024: #ArchivesFrancaise
September 26, 2024: #ArchivesNewAccessions
October 31, 2024: #ArchivesBacklog
November 28, 2024: #ArchivesFounders
Keep an eye on future issues of Scope and Content and on all our social media accounts to learn more about what each of these themes mean!
For any questions or feedback, or if you have initiatives that you would like the ACA Hashtag Party to support, please email us at
International Archives Week #IAW2024ACA International Archives Week (IAW) is taking place THIS WEEK, June 3-9, and we hope you’ve been following along with our three bonus #ACAHashtagParties! The Public Advocacy and Awareness Committee (PAAC) and the ACA Social Media Team have banded together to host these bonus hashtag parties related to the IAW theme, Emerging Technologies. So far, we’ve enjoyed celebrating #OldEmergingtechnologies (Monday, June 3) and #InterestingEquipment (Wednesday, June 5). If you haven’t had a chance to follow along yet, head to social media and search for those hashtags, as well as #IAW2024ACA, to see what everyone has been posting. And if you still want to participate in our IAW hashtag parties, it’s not too late! Our final hashtag party will take place tomorrow, Friday, June 7, and the theme will be #NewEmerging technologies. Tomorrow, feel free to post about how your archives is currently using emerging technology, tag us, and use the hashtags. Then follow along to see what your colleagues across the country are sharing! For any inquiries about IAW, please reach out to
Carr McLean Discount Available for 2024
The Carr McLean
10% discount is available for both Individual and Institutional ACA
members for the entire membership year. This discount can be applied to
any order over $100 and is non-transferable. Contact the ACA Secretariat at for the new discount code that will remain effective until December 31, 2024.
If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up using the Volunteer Form. Please note, all volunteers with the ACA are required to abide by the ACA's Volunteer Code of Conduct.
ACA Financial Review Committee (FRC)
The ACA’s Financial Review Committee (FRC) is looking for volunteers for a two-year term. The FRC is responsible for reviewing financial policy, budgets, and safeguarding the financial assets of the Association. These positions are open to all members. If you're a financial whiz, or hoping to hone your budgeting chops, we're happy to have you join us!
Technology and Archives Special Interest Section (TASIS)
The ACA's Technology and Archives Special Interest Section is excited to invite you to its annual The Archives and Technology Unconference! TAATU is a yearly, casual, and informative event about archives and technology. Come present new ideas and work, and geek out about archives, tech, and digital culture! All are welcome – there is no need to be an ACA member or registered for the rest of the conference to attend! If you'd like to check it out and join us, please see this document for details and be sure to register for the event.
Date and Time: Monday, June 10, 2024, at 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM PT / 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM ET.
Hope to "see" you all there!
In the Field: The ACA Blog
From municipal and federal government, to universities, from religious congregations to community organizations, archivists work in various settings. This year, the ACA blog, In the Field, is setting out to talk to archivists across Canada about the unique joys and challenges of their work environments. We will feature a different type of archives each month, with the objective of showcasing the rich spectrum of archival work.
The Archives Spotlights series continued last month with museum archives, as May 18 was International Museum Day!Head to the blog to read about Ashlynn Prasad’s experience working at the Vancouver Maritime Museum.
This month, we’re taking a break from Archives Spotlights to focus on our annual conference, but we’ll be back with even more content in July, so stay tuned!
Do you work in a type of archives that you haven’t seen featured yet? Would you like to be interviewed by the In the Field blog to showcase your work environment and your recent projects? Check out past Archives Spotlights posts to get an idea of the format—and reach out to by June 15 to participate in the series!
Archivaria 97 (Spring 2024) is now available online. It will also be available on Project Muse within the coming days. The print issue is in production and will be mailed to members and subscribers in the next few weeks. In accordance with our one-year rolling access window, the entire content of Archivaria 95 (Spring 2023) is now available to all readers.
Many thanks to the authors who have contributed to the new issue, the peer reviewers who have offered their time and expertise, as well as to the Archivaria Editorial Team and the ACA Office staff for all the hard work it takes to put an issue together.
In the newest issue you can look forward to reading:
Teaching Community Archiving Elliott Kuecker, Callie Beattie, Penny Bee, Madeline Conley, Simone Gillespie, Sophie Hollis, Alona Norwood, Cassilyn Ostrander, Hannah Southern, Margaret Steitz, and Lingyu Wang
Studies in Documents
Gordon Dodds Prize
Notes and Communications
A Conversation about the Reconciliation Framework Raymond Frogner, Crystal Gail Fraser, Greg Bak, and Genevieve Weber
Book Review
Exhibition Reviews
Happy reading!
NEDCC Webinars and Workshops
The Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) specializes in conservation treatment, digital imaging, audio preservation services, and preservation training. Below are preservation training opportunities offered by the NEDCC in the upcoming months.
Full descriptions and registration are available online. Webinars are available to registrants for three months after purchase. Free webinars are available on YouTube. June 6– Writing A Disaster Plan Course (2 sessions) Digital Preservation Outreach & Education Network (DPOE-N), as well as other organizations and state agencies, may provide scholarship funding for NEDCC's training programs. Contact them directly for details.
Society of American Archivists – Archivists of Religious Collections Section
Here are the upcoming events from the Society of American Archivists – Archivists of Religious Collections Section:
Lunch and Learn webinars
Archival Accessioning for Beginners with Nicole Menchise, June 13, 2024, 3:00 pm ET
Archival Arrangement for Beginners with Nicole Menchise, July 11, 2024, 3:00 pm ET
Preserving audiotapes and videotapes with Andrew Thomas, August 8, 2024, 3:00 pm ET
Archival Appraisal for Beginners with Nicole Menchise, August 22, 2024, 3:00 pm ET
Archival Chats
Register here for all sessions.
ASA Conference
The Australian Society of Archivists (ASA, Archives & Records Association of NZ Te Huinga Mahara (ARANZ) and the Pacific Regional Branch of the International Council of Archives (PARBICA) extend a warm invitation for you to join them in Ōtautahi | Christchurch or online from October 22-25, 2024, for their annual conference, Opening the Archives: access, engagement, innovation.
As part of our reciprocal membership, ACA members can attend the conference at ASA member rates.
Dr Stanley Griffin, Hinerangi Himiona (Ngāpuhi nuitonu), Michele Leggott and Catherine Field-Dodgson (Rongowhakaata, NgāiTāmanuhiri, Te Aitanga a Mahaki) with AnaheraMorehu (Ngāti Whātua, Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa, TeAupōuri, Ngāti Kahu) and Timoci Balenaivaluwill form part of the keynote panel to discuss opening national archives. The panel will be facilitated by Simon Froude.
Click here to find more information about keynote speakers and their presentations.
See also the registration fees on the conference website to help you begin planning your attendance, whether in person or online. For those interested in attending in person, there is also accommodation information (including delegate discounts) and things to do in and around Ōtautahi | Christchurch.
Opportunities to sponsor the ASA conference are available.
Don’t miss the chance to be part of this incredible conference and to elevate your brand in the archives and records community.
Merchandise: The Foundation is excited to say that we have added our purchasable merchandise to the ACA store! If you’d like some archives swag, the materials can be found here.
Canadian Council of Archives update – Standards Committee The CCA Board of Directors agreed, at the February 1, 2024, meeting to reconstitute the Standards Committee based on community discussion and interest regarding work previously undertaken to discuss revisions to Rules for Archival Description (RAD).
For additional context, the preface to the 2008 revision to RAD provides a brief history of the Rules, from inception in 1990, through the establishment of the Canada-US Task Force on Archival Description (CUSTARD), to the emergence of RAD2 in 2003. It continues: Over the course of 2004 there was comprehensive consultation on the draft RAD2 document. Not unlike the CUSTARD project, this consultative process revealed widely divergent opinions from within the Canadian archival community. Following a careful review of feedback received, CCAD put forward to the CCA several options for proceeding with the development of RAD. The approved option saw the Committee move forward to draft a series of revisions to RAD based on those aspects of draft RAD2 that received the most consensus from the Canadian archival community.
Since 2008, there have been no revisions to the standard. On February 4th, 2016, invited participants met at Library and Archives Canada on the Future of RAD. From this meeting, several takeaways emerged, including the view that Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS) should be considered as an example of a national implementation of General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G).
Eight years later, the Standards Committee is considering RAD within the context of the Reconciliation Framework, ACA’s Indigenous Matters Working Group Report, and other community-driven descriptive tools. The Standards Committee's work will consult and consider how and if a distinctive Canadian standard should be updated, leaving control within the Canadian archival system or if we should build on the work that has already been undertaken around the world.
DACS, last updated in 2022, and work that has been produced by the International Council on Archives will be considered by the committee, and smaller working groups will review past work, new documentation, and by the Fall 2024, consult with the community with a series of recommendations for the November 2024 CCA Annual General Meeting. As noted in 2016, it is important to ensure that the archival community is continually consulted with efforts made to achieve consensus on the issues/options for RAD and other standard options in the coming months. If you would like to be a part of the work that will take place from June to September, please reach out to the CCA by either contacting Jo McCutcheon, CCA Executive Director, or Paul Henry, Chair of the Standards Committee. The last meeting took place on May 31, 2024, and another meeting is planned for June 7, 2024, depending on the work planned.
Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies
The Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies (JCAS) is looking for a new Associate Editor. Associate Editors work with the JCAS Editorial Board to solicit, select, and develop content for the journal. Primary duties include:
Selection of peer reviewers for assigned submissions
Supervising the peer review process in consultation with the Managing Editor
Evaluating peer review reports
Making recommendations to the Managing Editor on the suitability of submissions for publication
Participation in programming at events
Soliciting submissions
Assisting in the development of content
Actively participating in the management of the journal
The term of service runs July 2024 – June 2027 with the opportunity to renew for another three-year term.
Applicants must submit a résumé or CV and a brief statement of interest to by Friday, June 28.
"A hefty donation by a renowned local activist to the University of Winnipeg has created what is believed to be the most comprehensive two-spirit archives in all of Canada." Read more about the donation made by Albert McLeod, and the work of the University of Winnipeg Archives, here in this CTV News article.
Two-Spirit Archives/Facebook
Submit your job opportunity here and it will be posted to the ACA website. We will also share this opportunity on our social media channels.
Centre du Patrimoine, Société historique de Saint-Boniface (SHSB), Winnipeg, Manitoba
Deadline: June 15, 2024
Project Archivist, Archive of the Jesuits in Canada, Montreal, Quebec Deadline: June 17, 2024
Archival Intern, St Paul’s High School, Winnipeg, Manitoba Deadline: June 28, 2024
Club Archivist, Toronto Cricket Skating and Curling Club, Toronto, Ontario. Deadline: June 30, 2024
Archivist, Villa Maria Pastoral Centre, St. Paul, Alberta Deadline: Until position is filled
Do you have news you’d like the ACA to share via its social media channels? The Communications Committee has created a form you can use to give us the details!
The next issue of Scope & Content will come out on
Thursday, July 4, 2024. See you then!
Contact Us
Suite 1912-130 Albert Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4
Tel: 613-383-2009
The ACA office is located on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation whose presence here reaches back to time immemorial.