Scope and Content Monthly ACA Newsletter
August 2020, Volume 1, Issue 8
President's Message about the 2021 Conference
Dear Archival Colleagues,
I hope that you and your family are staying healthy and well.
I wanted to update you on the ACA 2021 annual conference scheduled for June 30 to July 3, 2021 at the Delta Hotels Prince Edward by Marriott in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Outgoing and incoming ACA Board members and the 2021 Program Chair Grant Hurley met on July 15 to assess the viability of holding an in-person conference next year. We considered the feasibility of out of province travel, the ACA’s financial obligations, and the health of our members in these very uncertain financial and pandemic times. We decided to cancel the in-person conference and to move it online in 2021. While disappointed, we determined the time to make this decision was now, before the call for conference papers. We are grateful to Grant Hurley and the Program Team for their willingness to plan a virtual conference.
While it is regrettable ACA 2021 will be unable to take place in person next year, the remarkable success of ACA 2020 showed us that we can adapt and provide an exceptional conference experience. And, for those in need of red sand beaches, seafood, and green gables, we are exploring going to Charlottetown in 2023.
As always, please feel free to call or e-mail if you have any concerns about the ACA or any suggestions on how to make your association better. We always appreciate your feedback!
Wishing you a happy and safe summer.
Best Regards,
Loryl MacDonald, President
2019 Winners
From Left to Right: Steve Marks (Honorary Archivist), Emily Sommers (New Professional), Anna St. Onge (Outreach and Advocacy), Suher Zaher-Mazawi (Member Recognition), Suzanne Dubeau (Member Recognition), Robin Keirstead (Member Recognition).
ACA 2020 Conference
Access to recordings: For conference attendees, the presentations that were recorded will continue to be available on the Whova app for 3 months from the date of the conference, or until September 12, 2020. They are also permanently available to conference attendees by signing into the ACA website and navigating to the Full Conference Schedule on the 2020 Conference page. Thank you to those who completed the ACA 2020 Post-Conference
Survey. The conference organizers were pleased
to see that 94% of respondents rated the conference "Excellent" or
"Very Good." Many chose to offer suggestions for how the conference
might be improved in years to come and your thoughtful feedback will be
very useful as we plan for ACA 2021.
Upcoming Workshops
The Education Committee is pleased to present a new workshop, Resume and Interview Workshop for Information Professionals in September 2020. More information about registration for this workshop will be sent out shortly. The committee is also working to provide a robust schedule of workshops throughout the year.
If you would like to give a workshop for ACA members and the wider community, please reach out to the ACA Education Committee. If there is a workshop that you would like to see the ACA provide for its members, please consider submitting a suggestion to the committee.
News from Archivaria Fiorella Foscarini, General Editor, is delighted to welcome Kristy Waller (Emily Carr University) and Karen Suurtamm
(University of Toronto) to the Archivaria Editorial Board. She also must say goodbye to a long-standing member of the board, Amy
Furness (Archives of Ontario), who served in many capacities, including
exhibition review editor and special issue editor, and will be greatly missed.
Thank you so much for your tremendous support to the journal over many years,
Virtual exhibit reviews: Have you seen any great online archival content in the past few months? Archivaria is currently soliciting reviews of virtual archival exhibitions, particularly those developed or launched in response to the closure of physical archives due to COVID-19. If you have a suggestion, would like more information, or would like to submit a review, please send an email to
COVID-19 Emergency Support Fund for Heritage Organizations
The Department of Canadian Heritage, through its Museums Assistance Program, is offering financial support to heritage organizations that have been adversely affected by COVID-19 closures. Information about eligibility and the application process is available on the Canadian Heritage website.
Release of “A Reconciliation Framework for Canadian Archives” Submitted by Erica Hernández-Read & Donald Johnson (Co-Chairs, TRC-TF) on
behalf of the Response to the Report of the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission Taskforce of the Steering Committee on Canada’s Archives In
June 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada issued 94
Calls to Action to the Canadian government and its citizenry in hopes
that all those addressed in these calls would take heed, and actively
redress the wrongs they had done to the Indigenous peoples of Canada. Call
to Action #70 called upon the federal government to provide funding to
the Canadian Association of Archivists to undertake, in collaboration
with Indigenous peoples, a national review of archival policies and best
practices. In September 2015, the Steering Community on Canada’s
Archives (SCCA), representing the Canadian Council of Archives, the
Association of Canadian Archivists, Library and Archives Canada, l’Association des archivistes
du Québec, and the Council of Provincial and Territorial Archivists,
established the Response to the Report of the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission Taskforce (TRC-TF) – its mandate to address Call to Action
#70 specifically, and the other 93 Calls in spirit. With
mandate in hand, the Taskforce spent the next four years conducting a
review of archival policies and best practices extant across the
country, and identifying potential barriers to reconciliation efforts
between the Canadian archival community and Indigenous record keepers.
The TRC-TF then worked in collaboration with Indigenous communities,
heritage professionals, and organizations across Canada to create an
actionable response to this research which would become the foundation
for a reconciliation framework for Canadian archives. The document, A Reconciliation Framework for Canadian Archives, is the result of this collaborative work, and is now ready for public review in both English and French.
Its Vision, 6 Principles, 7 Objectives and 33 Strategies are intended
to form a practical framework supporting the Canadian archival community
as it begins to redress its colonial legacy. Please take some time to read and digest the framework.
In the coming weeks, the TRC-TF will be sending out a SurveyMonkey link
to share your comments and constructive feedback. The Taskforce will
review feedback and make changes to this living framework as required.
Call for articles for the ACA blog
Call for blog contributors: We want to hear from you. Did you work on an interesting project or are you working with a particular fonds that you’d like to share with others? Have you visited an archival institution abroad – or across the road – and want to share your journey? Read more about how to submit a post to In The Field: The ACA blog
Job Postings
Submit your job opportunity here and it will be posted to the ACA website. We will also share this opportunity on our social media channels.
Records Officer, Victoria, British Columbia. Deadline to apply, August 20, 2020.
The Records Officer is part of the information
management team supporting the four ministries that make up the Economy
Sector: Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ministry of Jobs,
Economic Development and Competitiveness, Ministry of Labour and
Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture.
See here for more details.
Manager, Records and Information Governance and City Archivist. Deadline to apply August 14, 2020
to the Deputy City Clerk, the Manager, Records and Information
Governance and City Archivist oversees the City's Records &
Information Governance program and initiatives. See here for more details.
Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan requires a full time permanent
Reference Archivist to work in Reference and Outreach Services. See here for more details.
Scope and Content is issued the first Tuesday of each month. If you have any comments or feedback, please contact the Communications Committee.
Contact Us Suite 1912-130 Albert Street Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4 Tel: 613-853-1867 Email: