Scope and Content Monthly ACA Newsletter
June 2022, Volume 3, Issue 6
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Scope and Content is issued the first Thursday of each month. If you have any comments or feedback, please contact the Communications Committee.
Welcome to June, everyone! I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe summer is almost here! And as always, with the arrival of the warm(er) weather comes conference season and International Archives Week (IAW). So clear your schedule to make time for the outstanding suite of ACA 2022 Conference sessions and IAW events that are coming your way this month!
As always, if you have any suggestions on directions you would like to see the ACA go or initiatives you would like the ACA to undertake, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Your Board is here for you, our members.
Hope to see you all at the upcoming events, workshops, and conference!!
Warmest regards,
Erica Hernandez-Read
President, Association of Canadian Archivists
The ACA Board is seeking your input on how well the ACA is meeting your needs. All members should have received a brief survey from The Portage Group, which should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Please take the time to complete this survey by June 10 if you have not done so already. If you have not received the survey, please send an email to or A few members have indicated the survey went to their junk mail and we are working to further address this challenge. The Board thanks you for taking the time to give us your feedback.
Indigenous History Month and International Archives Week Events
The ACA and the Australian Society of Archivists (ASA) are organizing a series of events to honour and celebrate both Indigenous History Month and International Archives Week. Stay tuned for registration details.
The First Nations Principles of OCAP – a presentation by Kristine Neglia, First Nations Information Governance Centre
June 7, 2022, 4:00–5:30 pm (ET) via Zoom
Cost: $25.00
Join Kristine Neglia, Manager of Education & Training at the First Nations Information Governance Centre, as she presents the First Nations principles of OCAP®. Standing for ownership, control, access, and possession, OCAP® is a tool to support strong information governance on the path to First Nations data sovereignty. If you work with First Nations or First Nations-related records, OCAP will make you re-consider how you interact with First Nations data.
Kairos Canada, Virtual Blanket Exercise
June 8, 2022, 4:00–7:00 pm (ET) via Zoom
Cost: $50; seats are limited to 25 Deadline to register: end of day June 2, 2022
Join Kairos Canada workshop facilitator Jessica Prichard as she leads participants in a virtual Blanket Exercise. This interactive, Indigenous-led workshop uses Indigenous methodologies in a virtual context to build understanding about our shared history as Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. Participants will be encouraged to get actively involved in this creative, digital environment in order to fully engage with this shared history on an emotional and intellectual level.
“Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach to Archives” Workshop
June 9, 2022, 6:00 pm (ET) via Zoom
Cost: $125 (AUS) / $113 (CDN); seats limited to 20
Hosted by the Australian Society of Archivists, this 3-hour workshop will consider how archives can use the principles of trauma-informed practice to provide a better service for all who use and engage with archives. Trauma-informed archival practice enables better connections with those who use archives, facilitates a reimagining about what archives can be for everyone, and challenges current models of archival work.
SISARO Webinar on the NCTR
(Silent) Online Fundraising Auction in Support of State Archival Service of Ukraine (SASU)
June 6–10, 2022
Join colleagues and allied supporters in a national week-long silent online fundraising auction to raise monies for the State Archival Service of Ukraine. All proceeds will be given to the Friends of Galt Museum & Archives who will distribute funds directly to SASU when the war is over. Monies raised will be used to help archives across Ukraine in their post-war conservation/re-building work.
Types of incredible hand-made items up for auction include artwork, jewelry, knitwear, quilts, table runners, décor, and much more! Also available for purchase are a variety of fabulous 15 oz. mugs featuring Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Canadian archival images from some of our favourite archives across the country!
Wherever your interests lie, this auction has something for you – so come check it out and let’s raise some money for Ukraine’s archives!!
Message from the Conference Program Chair
Message from the Host Team Chair
The Host Team is excited to welcome you to the University of British Columbia and Vancouver for ACA 2022: UnSettled: Redefining Archival Power. Whether you are attending the conference in-person or virtually, we look forward to seeing you at the exciting series of synchronous and asynchronous social events and activities organized by the 2022 Host Team.
Those of you attending the conference virtually will be able to experience a virtual stroll of the historic Gastown neighbourhood with noted civic historian John Atkin, relax with gentle yoga and meditation with Sharlene Prasad, and show off your trivia prowess at the IQ2000 Trivia Night.
For those attending the hybrid conference in person, you can look forward to reconnecting with colleagues at the ACA Welcome Reception at Sage Bistro, join Aaron Chapman for a walking tour of downtown Vancouver where you will discover the history of the city’s “grittier side”, and explore more than 130 murals during the Mural Fest Walk in Mount Pleasant. Finally, we end the Conference with the opportunity to sign up for small group dinners with friends and colleagues. Head to the Whova App to sign up or, even better, organize a small group dinner.
We cannot wait to see you in a few weeks. To keep up to date with conference social activities, please download the Whova App and keep an eye on the In the Field blog for Host Team recommendations and tips!
Maxwell Otte, Chair ACA 2022 Host Team
The lead-up to the conference always includes a wide variety of events. Here are some highlights:
TAATU is back for its 15th iteration! June 14, 2022, 9:00 am–12:00 pm (PT)
TAATU is a yearly, casual, and informative event about archives and technology. As ACA has gone hybrid this year, the Technology and Archives Special Interest Section will be offering an online version of TAATU (The Archives and Technology Unconference) to ensure everyone who wishes to participate will be able to do so. Come present new ideas and work, and geek out about archives, tech, and digital culture! All are welcome – there is no need to be an ACA member or registered for the rest of the conference to attend! If you'd like to check it out and join us, please see this document for details.
Pre-Conference Workshop: Every Last Byte: Making the Most of Access Copies in Archives
June 14, 2022, 10:00 am–12:00 pm (PT)
Online (Zoom)
Capacity: 100 participants
In this workshop, with Anthony Martinez Cuervo, participants at any level of experience with video can learn more about creating access copies for videos, the tools available for video compression, the factors that affect a video file's size, and how to specifically measure performance of a certain codec or configuration.
Pre-Conference Workshop: “Artificial Intelligence and Archives: the I Trust AI Research Project.”
June 14, 2022, 1:00–4:00 pm (PT) In-person at University of British Columbia, the Nest
Capacity: 40 participants
This workshop will explain the fundamental ideas on which AI is based, discuss types of AI tools available, and identify both the advantages and issues presented by their use on records and archives. It will then outline the way the new InterPARES project, I Trust AI, aims to determine how the records and archives community can develop its own AI tools based on archival principles and leverage them to support society's demand for trustworthy public records. Finally, it will present some of the studies that are being carried out by the I Trust AI researchers, and their outcomes to date, and will involve the workshop participants in the analysis and discussion of such outcomes. Workshop instructors: Muhammad Abdul Mageed, Peter Sullivan, Luciana Duranti, and Corinne Rogers.
The Accessibility Forum
June 15, 2022, 10:00 am (PT) (online)
The Accessibility Forum is a safe space where conference attendees who have a disability, chronic illness, or are neurodivergent can share their experiences in the archival field. Potential topics for discussion include education, workplace accessibility, equitable hiring practises, and ACA’s role in accessibility advocacy and awareness. The session will be hosted by Michael Marlatt, who is a film archivist with epilepsy, archival accessibility advocate, and current member of ACA’s Professional Development Committee. Medical diagnosis is not necessary. The session will not be recorded.
Annual IBPOC Forum
Wednesday June 15, 2022, 1:00 – 2:30 pm (PT) – Online
This year’s conference will include the third annual Forum for
Indigenous, Black, and People of Colour Archivists (IBPOC Forum). This space
facilitates connections between IBPOC archivists, students, and other memory
workers, to discuss issues of race, diversity, and strategies to navigate the
field. We invite IBPOC folks to register for the forum. Registration for the ACA 2022 conference UnSettled: Redefining Archival Power is not required to participate in the forum.
Conference Orientation
Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 5:00–6:00 pm (PT)
Attending the ACA Conference in person? The Host Team has organized a Conference Orientation at UBC’s Sage Restaurant. This is an opportunity to meet fellow attendees prior to the Welcome Reception later that evening as well as heading into Conference sessions. Especially welcome are folks coming to ACA for the first-time. There will be plenty of friendly faces, so drop in and say hello! This social event is also posted on the Conference Schedule.
And a special thanks to our 2022 Conference sponsors, vendors, and exhibitors
ACA Annual General Meeting
Save the date for the ACA Annual General Meeting on Tuesday,
June 28, 2022 at 1:00 pm (ET) / 10:00 am (PT). The meeting will
take place on Zoom, and the agenda and supporting documents will be sent out in
advance of the meeting.
The AGM will include board reports and an update on
ACA activities, including committees, SISs, and Student Chapters. The results
of the 2022 election will also be announced. Members will have an opportunity
to review ACA audit documents and the ACA 2023 budget, meet the new ACA
2022-2024 board members, and share their input and ideas during this meeting.
Institutional members are reminded to ensure that a
designated delegate has been entered into your membership profile to ensure
they receive the online voting link and AGM information.
The ACA Awards ceremony will take place during ACA
2022 on Thursday, June 17 from the University of British Columbia and will be
broadcasted online.
ACA Board of Directors: Nominations and Online Election
The Nominations and Awards Committee members are pleased to announce the slate of candidates for the ACA Board and online election, June 19–27, 2022.
President – Erica Hernández-Read
Seeking Second Term
Erica Hernández-Read has been an archivist with the Northern BC Archives and Special Collections at the University of Northern British Columbia since 2006. She earned both her BA in Anthropology and her Master's degree in Archival Studies from UBC and has spent the last 20 years working in the fields of archives and artifactual collections management. Erica advocates for a participatory and community-archiving approach to knowledge building. She is the co-Chair of the Response to the Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Task Force of the Steering Committee on Canada's Archives, and a member of the Indigenization Program Steering Committee.
Treasurer – Kyle Pugh
Kyle Pugh is currently an Archivist Assistant at the Wellington County Museum and Archives, located in Fergus, Ontario. He has his Master of Information from the University of Toronto (2021), and a bachelor's degree in History from Trent University (2019). He currently sits on the ACA Foundation Board of Directors, the ACA Membership Committee, and is the Co-Coordinator for the ACA's Mentorship Program. Kyle is passionate about expanding access to archival materials and archival education and ensuring archival description is sensitive to those documented in the records.
Director-at-Large – Andrew Chernevych
Seeking Second Term
Andrew Chernevych is an Archivist at the Galt Museum & Archives in Lethbridge, Alberta. Prior to the Galt, he worked as a contract archivist at the Provincial Archives of Alberta and was employed by the City of Wetaskiwin Archives. He holds an MA in History from the Central European University (CEU) and an MA in Folklore from the University of Alberta. Andrew has served on the Governance Committee since 2019. Over the last fifteen years, Andrew Chernevych has been involved with the Archives Society of Alberta (ASA), serving on various committees, and is currently finishing his term as ASA President. Andrew is the board liaison to the Communications Committee.
Director-at-Large – John Richan
Growing up I spent time in both Regina and Kingston. After moving to Ottawa, I completed my undergraduate Degree (History) at Carleton University before completing my Masters of Information Science (MLIS) degree at McGill, in 2014, with a specialization in Archives. I currently live just west of Montréal, on Île-Perrot, with my young family. Between my time in Ottawa and Montreal I have over 15 years’ experience working at three different university archives in various roles. I currently hold the position of Digital Archivist at the Concordia University Records Management and Archives Department. While in this position I have helped establish our digital preservation program and newly created Digital Preservation Lab. I have a keen interest in collaboration and working open-source applications and systems into digital preservation workflows. I bring a strong set of organizational and leadership skills as demonstrated by recent responsibilities at the 2021 Archivematica Virtual Boot Camp, my role on the Bureau de Coopération Interuniversitaire (BCI) Digital Preservation Working Group, and past involvement with the 2016 ACA Annual Conference host committee. If elected, I would bring my strong passion for bringing new voices into the Canadian archival community and building links between professionals and students.
Virtual Mentorship Meet-Up
Mentors and Mentees are invited to join us for a virtual meet-up on Wednesday, June 29, 2022, from 7:00–8:00 pm (ET). This is your opportunity to meet other mentors and mentees, to talk about your experiences, and to share some insights! It's also a great time to meet your colleagues from across the country. We encourage you to attend. Please contact Nicole or Kyle at if you have any questions.
Environment Special Interest Section (E-SIS) Update
On behalf of the E-SIS membership, we wish to extend a big thank-you to all who joined us for our inaugural event in March! Following that lively discussion, we are looking forward to planning more events in the coming year. If you are interested in joining E-SIS, please reach out to Co-Chairs Adele Torrance or Claire Williams. You will receive invitations to our monthly virtual meetings where we plan events, offer roundtable updates on our work, and discuss relevant topics. Our August meeting may be of particular interest, as we’ll be discussing an article by E-SIS member and doctoral candidate at the University of British Columbia’s School of Information, Lois Evans, entitled “Sometimes, green is the outcome: climate action in records management and archives in Canada” (Records Management Journal, June 2021). Please email Claire or Adele to join our E-SIS membership in order to attend this and other regular meetings, and help us set the agenda for the 2022–2023 year!
Archivaria 93 (Spring 2022) is now available online at the Archivaria website and on Project Muse. The print issue is in production and will be mailed to members and subscribers in the next few weeks. In accordance with the one-year rolling access window, the entire contents of Archivaria 91 (Spring/Summer 2021) is now available to all readers. Many thanks to the authors who have contributed to the new issue, the peer reviewers who have offered their time and expertise, as well as to the Archivaria Editorial Team and the ACA Office staff for all the hard work it takes to put an issue together.
An Archivaria Information Session will be held at the ACA 2022 Hybrid conference!
The session will be a chance to ask any or all questions you might have about Archivaria – from advice about how to publish your work with Archivaria to what opportunities are available on the Editorial Board, we will run the gambit. There will be short remarks from members of the editorial team as well as board members, but we hope to spend our time together in conversation answering those burning questions you have always wanted to ask. To that end, please feel free to send questions in advance to
This session may be of particular interest to current students who are looking at dipping their toes in the publishing pool, new grads wanting to further develop some of their research ideas, archivists engaged in developing thoughtful practices, or conference presenters who are curious about turning their presentations into articles.
In the Field: The ACA Blog
There has been a lot happening on the ACA blog this past month. Do you have an idea for a blog post? Please complete our submission form!
The Digital Research Alliance of Canada (the Alliance) released their report, Meeting the Digital Research Infrastructure Needs of the Canadian Research Community, which is a set of priorities for an equitable, sustainable, and collaborative digital research infrastructure ecosystem.
The Joint US-Canada AtoM Users Group meets quarterly to discuss topics and issues related to Access to Memory (AtoM). The next meeting is June 29, 2022, at 3:00 pm (ET). The meeting will include a presentation by Anna Dysert from McGill University called "Using metadata from AtoM in Wikidata." This will be followed by a discussion on some ideas for multi-institutional use of AtoM apart from provincial archives associations in Canada and the current status of Canadian provincial/territorial use of ArchivesCanada and whether that tool will be sustained as a central portal for archival descriptions. If you would like to be added to the Joint US-Canada AtoM Users Group and receive Zoom meeting links, please email Mary Grace Kosta and specify your name, institution, location, and whether you are willing to share your contact information with other User Group members.
The Price McIntosh Bursary application period is now open for 2022–2023. LAC is pleased to offer financial support again this year to Indigenous peoples (First Nation, Inuit, and Métis Nation), persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities who wish to pursue studies in fields related to libraries and archives. The Price McIntosh Bursary is intended for students enrolled in an accepted Canadian college or university program. It amounts to $5,000 for selected full-time students and $2,500 for selected part-time students. For the 2022–2023 academic year, eligible students are invited to submit their applications by September 20, 2022, at 11:59 pm (PT).
ICA-SUV conference on commemoration, Montreal, September 2022: Registration is now open for the International Council on Archives Section on University and Research Institution Archives annual conference. Join us to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Section and to discuss the theme of Commemoration and Archives in Universities and Research Institutions. The conference will be held in Montreal from September 7-9, 2022, and will be hybrid (onsite and online). Papers will be in English and French, and simultaneous translation will be available. Web archiving discussion: The BitCurator Consortium and the Digital Preservation Coalition’s Web Archiving & Preservation Working Group are hosting a community discussion on preservation of WARCs (the Web ARChive file format) on June 14, 2022, at 12:00 pm (ET). You must register to join this discussion, but you do not need to be a BCC or DPC member to be part of the call!
Congratulations to ACA Director-at-Large, James Roussain, who received the 2022 AAO Emerging Leader Award for his teaching, speaking, and writing on archives and his dedicated leadership of professional associations.
you know a member who's made big news? Is there something going on that
you think the Canadian archival community should hear about? Don't
hesitate to forward stories to the Communications Committee, and we'll help spread the word.
Submit your job opportunity here and it will be posted to the ACA website. We will also share this opportunity on our social media channels.
Archiviste, Centre d'études acadiennes Anselme-Chiasson, Université de Moncton
Deadline: June 7, 2022
Archivist, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver
Deadline: Until filled
Do you have news you’d like the ACA to share via its social media channels? The Communications Committee has created a form you can use to give us the details!
Contact Us
Suite 1912-130 Albert Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4
Tel: 613-234-6977
The ACA office is located on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation whose presence here reaches back to time immemorial.