The Universities and Colleges Special Interest Section (U.C.A.S.I.S.) of the Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA) is a community of archivists working in post-secondary institutions across Canada. They focus on issues related to university and college archives, including records management, institutional memory, digital preservation, and access to archival materials. U.C.A.S.I.S facilitates knowledge-sharing, professional development, and advocacy for archivists in academic settings through discussions, resource sharing, and conference sessions. They also engage with broader archival and academic communities to promote best practices and support the role of archives in higher education.
U.C.A.S.I.S. Chair: Trudi Wright: trudi.wright (at) 2023-
Past Chairs:
2024-2025 Meeting Dates:
U.C.A.S.I.S. Public Resources: